< Deuteronomii 29 >

1 haec sunt verba foederis quod praecepit Dominus Mosi ut feriret cum filiis Israhel in terra Moab praeter illud foedus quod cum eis pepigit in Horeb
These are the things that the Israelis were required to do to keep the agreement that Yahweh was making with them. Moses/I commanded them to keep this agreement [when they/we were] in the Moab region [on the east side of the Jordan River]. This was in addition to the agreement that Yahweh had made with them/us at Sinai [Mountain].
2 vocavitque Moses omnem Israhelem et dixit ad eos vos vidistis universa quae fecit Dominus coram vobis in terra Aegypti Pharaoni et omnibus servis eius universaeque terrae illius
Moses/I summoned all the Israeli people and said to them, “You saw [SYN] for yourselves what Yahweh did to the king of Egypt and to his officials and to his entire country.
3 temptationes magnas quas viderunt oculi tui signa illa portentaque ingentia
You [SYN] saw all the plagues [that Yahweh caused them to experience], and all the various miracles [DOU] [that Yahweh performed].
4 et non dedit Dominus vobis cor intellegens et oculos videntes et aures quae possint audire usque in praesentem diem
But until now, Yahweh has not enabled you to understand [the meaning of] all that you have seen and heard.
5 adduxi vos quadraginta annis per desertum non sunt adtrita vestimenta vestra nec calciamenta pedum tuorum vetustate consumpta sunt
For 40 years Yahweh has led you while you traveled/walked through the desert. During that time, your clothes and your sandals have not worn out.
6 panem non comedistis vinum et siceram non bibistis ut sciretis quia ego sum Dominus Deus vester
You did not have bread to eat or wine or other fermented/strong drinks to drink, but Yahweh [took care of you], in order that you would know that he is your God.
7 et venistis ad locum hunc egressusque est Seon rex Esebon et Og rex Basan occurrens nobis ad pugnam et percussimus eos
“And when we came to this place, Sihon, the king who ruled in Heshbon [city], and Og, the king who ruled the Bashan [region], came [with their armies] to attack us, but we defeated them.
8 et tulimus terram eorum ac tradidimus possidendam Ruben et Gad et dimidiae tribui Manasse
We took/conquered their land and divided it among the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh.
9 custodite ergo verba pacti huius et implete ea ut intellegatis universa quae facitis
“So faithfully keep all of this agreement, in order that you will be successful in everything that you do.
10 vos statis hodie cuncti coram Domino Deo vestro principes vestri ac tribus et maiores natu atque doctores omnis populus Israhel
Today all of us are standing in the presence of Yahweh our God. The leaders of all our tribes, our elders, our officials, all you Israeli men,
11 liberi et uxores vestrae et advena qui tecum moratur in castris exceptis lignorum caesoribus et his qui conportant aquas
your wives, your children, and the foreigners who live among you and cut wood for you and carry water for you, are here.
12 ut transeas in foedere Domini Dei tui et in iureiurando quod hodie Dominus Deus tuus percutit tecum
[We are here] today to promise to keep this solemn agreement with Yahweh.
13 ut suscitet te sibi in populum et ipse sit Deus tuus sicut locutus est tibi et sicut iuravit patribus tuis Abraham Isaac et Iacob
[He is making this agreement with you] in order to confirm that you are his people, and that he is your God. This agreement is what he promised you, and which is what he vowed to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
14 nec vobis solis ego hoc foedus ferio et haec iuramenta confirmo
This agreement is not only with you.
15 sed cunctis praesentibus et absentibus
He is making this agreement with us [who are here today] and also with our descendants who are not yet born.
16 vos enim nostis ut habitaverimus in terra Aegypti et quomodo transierimus per medium nationum quas transeuntes
“You remember [the things that our ancestors suffered] in Egypt, and how they traveled through the land that belonged to other nations [after they came out of Egypt].
17 vidistis abominationes et sordes id est idola eorum lignum et lapidem argentum et aurum quae colebant
In those countries they saw those disgusting idols made of wood and stone and [decorated with] silver and gold.
18 ne forte sit inter vos vir aut mulier familia aut tribus cuius cor aversum est hodie a Domino Deo vestro ut vadat et serviat diis illarum gentium et sit inter vos radix germinans fel et amaritudinem
So be sure that no man or woman or family or tribe that is here [today] turns away from Yahweh our God, to worship/serve the gods of those nations. Doing that would be like a root [of a plant that would grow] among you and bear poisonous and bitter fruit [MET].
19 cumque audierit verba iuramenti huius benedicat sibi in corde suo dicens pax erit mihi et ambulabo in pravitate cordis mei et adsumat ebria sitientem
“Be sure that no one here today who hears this agreement thinks, ‘Everything will go well with me, even if I stubbornly do what I want to.’ If you are stubborn like that, the result will be that Yahweh will eventually get rid of all of you, both good people and evil people [MET].
20 et Dominus non ignoscat ei sed tunc quam maxime furor eius fumet et zelus contra hominem illum et sedeant super eo omnia maledicta quae scripta sunt in hoc volumine et deleat nomen eius sub caelo
Yahweh will not forgive anyone who is [stubborn] like that. Instead, he will be extremely angry [DOU] with that person, and that person will experience all the curses that I have told you about, until Yahweh gets rid of that person and his family [IDM].
21 et consumat eum in perditionem ex omnibus tribubus Israhel iuxta maledictiones quae in libro legis huius ac foederis continentur
From all the tribes of Israel, Yahweh will separate that individual. Yahweh will cause him to experience all the disasters that I have listed in the agreement that states the things that Yahweh will do to curse [those who disobey] the laws [that I have written] in this scroll/book.
22 dicetque sequens generatio et filii qui nascentur deinceps et peregrini qui de longe venerint videntes plagas terrae illius et infirmitates quibus eam adflixerit Dominus
“In the future, your descendants and people from other countries will see the disasters and the illnesses that Yahweh has caused to happen to you.
23 sulphure et salis ardore conburens ita ut ultra non seratur nec virens quippiam germinet in exemplum subversionis Sodomae et Gomorrae Adamae et Seboim quas subvertit Dominus in ira et furore suo
They will see that all your land has been ruined by burning sulfur and salt. Nothing will have been planted. Not even weeds will grow there. Your land will resemble Sodom and Gomorrah [cities], and Admah and Zeboiim [cities], which Yahweh destroyed when he was very angry [DOU] [with the people who lived there].
24 et dicent omnes gentes quare sic fecit Dominus terrae huic quae est haec ira furoris eius inmensa
And the people from those other nations will ask, ‘Why did Yahweh do this to this land? Why was he very angry [with the people who lived here]?’
25 et respondebunt quia dereliquerunt pactum Domini quod pepigit cum patribus eorum quando eduxit eos de terra Aegypti
“Then other people will reply, ‘It is because they refused to keep the agreement that Yahweh, the God whom their ancestors [worshiped], had made with them when he brought them out of Egypt.
26 et servierunt diis alienis et adoraverunt eos quos nesciebant et quibus non fuerant adtributi
Instead, they served/worshiped other gods that they had never worshiped before, gods that Yahweh had told them not to worship.
27 idcirco iratus est furor Domini contra terram istam ut induceret super eam omnia maledicta quae in hoc volumine scripta sunt
So, Yahweh became very angry with the Israeli people in this land, and he caused them to experience all the disasters that their leader warned them about.
28 et eiecit eos de terra sua in ira et furore et indignatione maxima proiecitque in terram alienam sicut hodie conprobatur
Yahweh became extremely angry [DOU] with them and took/yanked them [MET] out of their land and banished them into another land, and they are still there.’
29 abscondita Domino Deo nostro quae manifesta sunt nobis et filiis nostris usque in aeternum ut faciamus universa legis huius
“[There are some] things that Yahweh our God has (kept secret/not revealed), but he has revealed his laws to us, and [he expects] us and our descendants to obey them forever.”

< Deuteronomii 29 >