< Danihelis Prophetæ 9 >
1 In anno primo Darii filii Assueri de semine Medorum qui imperavit super regnum Chaldaeorum
In the first year of Darius, the son of Ahasuerus, of the race of the Medes, who became king over the realm of the Chaldaeans,
2 Anno uno regni eius ego Daniel intellexi in libris numerum annorum de quo factus est sermo Domini ad Ieremiam prophetam ut complerentur desolationis Ierusalem septuaginta anni
in the first year of his reign, I Daniel attentively considered in the Books the number of the years, concerning which the word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah the prophet, that Jerusalem should remain in ruins till they were accomplished, namely, seventy years.
3 Et posui faciem meam ad Dominum Deum meum rogare et deprecari in ieiuniis sacco et cinere
And I set my face toward God, the Lord, and made prayers and supplications, with fasting and sackcloth and ashes.
4 Et oravi Dominum Deum meum et confessus sum et dixi Obsecro Domine Deus magne et terribilis custodiens pactum et misericordiam diligentibus te et custodientibus mandata tua
And I prayed to Jehovah, my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and terrible God, who keepeth the covenant and mercy to them that love him and keep his commandments!
5 Peccavimus iniquitatem fecimus impie egimus et recessimus et declinavimus a mandatis tuis ac iudiciis
We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and thy statutes.
6 Non obedivimus servis tuis prophetis qui locuti sunt in nomine tuo regibus nostris principibus nostris patribus nostris omnique populo terrae
Neither have we hearkened to thy servants, the prophets, who spake in thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
7 Tibi Domine iustitia nobis autem confusio faciei sicut est hodie viro Iuda et habitatoribus Ierusalem et omni Israel his qui prope sunt et his qui procul in universis terris ad quas eiecisti eos propter iniquitates eorum in quibus peccaverunt in te
To thee, O Lord, belongeth righteousness, but to us confusion of face, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, to those that are near and to those that are far off through all the countries whither thou hast driven them because of their trespass which they have trespassed against thee.
8 Domine nobis confusio faciei regibus nostris principibus nostris et patribus nostris qui peccaverunt
O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.
9 Tibi autem Domino Deo nostro misericordia et propitiatio quia recessimus a te
Yet with the Lord our God is mercy and forgiveness. For we have rebelled against him,
10 et non audivimus vocem Domini Dei nostri ut ambularemus in lege eius quam posuit nobis per servos suos prophetas
and have not obeyed the voice of Jehovah our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants, the prophets.
11 Et omnis Israel praevaricati sunt legem tuam et declinaverunt ne audirent vocem tuam et stillavit super nos maledictio et detestatio quae scripta est in libro Moysi servi Dei quia peccavimus ei
Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, and turned away, so as not to obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured out upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.
12 Et statuit sermones suos quos locutus est super nos et super principes nostros qui iudicaverunt nos ut superinduceret in nos magnum malum quale numquam fuit sub omni caelo secundum quod factum est in Ierusalem
And he hath fulfilled his word which he spake against us, and against our judges who judged us, by bringing great calamity upon us; for under the whole heaven hath it not been done as hath been done to Jerusalem.
13 Sicut scriptum est in lege Moysi omne malum hoc venit super nos et non rogavimus faciem tuam Domine Deus noster ut reverteremur ab iniquitatibus nostris et cogitaremus veritatem tuam
As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil came upon us. For we made not our prayer to Jehovah our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and give heed to thy truth.
14 Et vigilavit Dominus super malitiam et adduxit eam super nos iustus Dominus Deus noster in omnibus operibus suis quae fecit non enim audivimus vocem eius
Therefore hath Jehovah our God kept his mind upon the evil, and brought it upon us; for Jehovah our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth; for we obeyed not his voice.
15 Et nunc Domine Deus noster qui eduxisti populum tuum de Terra Aegypti in manu forti et fecisti tibi nomen secundum diem hanc peccavimus iniquitatem fecimus
And now, O Lord our God, that broughtest thy people forth from the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and madest thee a name such as it is at this day, we have sinned, we have done wickedly.
16 Domine in omnem iustitiam tuam avertatur obsecro ira tua et furor tuus a civitate tua Ierusalem et monte sancto tuo Propter peccata enim nostra et iniquitates patrum nostrorum Ierusalem et populus tuus in opprobrium sunt omnibus per circuitum nostrum
O Lord, according to all thy goodness, let thine anger and thy fury, I beseech thee, be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain! for because of our iniquities, and the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us.
17 Nunc ergo exaudi Deus noster orationem servi tui et preces eius et ostende faciem tuam super sanctuarium tuum quod desertum est propter temetipsum
Now, therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake!
18 Inclina Deus meus aurem tuam et audi aperi oculos tuos et vide desolationem nostram et civitatem super quam invocatum est nomen tuum neque enim in iustificationibus nostris prosternimus preces ante faciem tuam sed in miserationibus tuis multis
O my God, incline thine ear, and hear! open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name! for we do not present our supplications before thee on account of our righteousness, but on account of thy great mercy.
19 Exaudi Domine placare Domine attende et fac ne moreris propter temetipsum Deus meus quia nomen tuum invocatum est super civitatem et super populum tuum
O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hearken and do! Defer not, for thine own sake, O my God! For thy city and thy people are called by thy name.
20 Cumque adhuc loquerer et orarem et confiterer peccata mea et peccata populi mei Israel et prosternerem preces meas in conspectu Dei mei pro monte sancto Dei mei
And while I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before Jehovah my God, for the holy mountain of my God,
21 Adhuc me loquente in oratione ecce vir Gabriel quem videram in visione a principio cito volans tetigit me in tempore sacrificii vespertini
yea, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the former vision, came, weary with running, and reached me about the time of the evening oblation.
22 Et docuit me et locutus est mihi dixitque Daniel nunc egressus sum ut docerem te et intelligeres
And he instructed me, and talked with me, and said: Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee understanding.
23 Ab exordio precum tuarum egressus est sermo ego autem veni ut indicarem tibi quia vir desideriorum es tu ergo animadverte sermonem et intellige visionem
At the beginning of thy supplication a word went forth, and I am come to show it thee; for thou art greatly beloved; therefore give heed to the word, and consider the vision.
24 Septuaginta hebdomades abbreviatae sunt super populum tuum et super urbem sanctam tuam ut consummetur praevaricatio et finem accipiat peccatum et deleatur iniquitas et adducatur iustitia sempiterna et impleatur visio et prophetia et ungatur Sanctus sanctorum
Seventy weeks are appointed for thy people, and for thy holy city, to complete the iniquity, and to fill up the measure of the sins, and to expiate the guilt, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint a holy of holies.
25 Scito ergo et animadverte Ab exitu sermonis ut iterum aedificetur Ierusalem usque ad Christum ducem hebdomades septem et hebdomades sexaginta duae erunt et rursum aedificabitur platea et muri in angustia temporum
Know, therefore, and understand! From the going forth of the word that Jerusalem should be restored and built till an anointed one, a prince, are seven weeks; and during sixty-two weeks it shall be restored and built with streets and moats, yet in troublous times.
26 Et post hebdomades sexaginta duas occidetur Christus et non erit eius populus qui eum negaturus est Et civitatem et sanctuarium dissipabit populus cum duce venturo et finis eius vastitas et post finem belli statuta desolatio
And after the sixty-two weeks shall an anointed one be cut off, and there shall not be to him [[a successor]]; and the city and the sanctuary shall be destroyed by the people of a prince that shall come, whose end will be as in a flood; and to the end shall be war, decreed desolations.
27 Confirmabit autem pactum multis hebdomada una et in dimidio hebdomadis deficiet hostia et sacrificium et erit in templo abominatio desolationis et usque ad consummationem et finem perseverabit desolatio
And he will establish a covenant with many for one week, and during half a week he will cause sacrifice and oblation to cease, and upon the wing of abominations shall come the destroyer, until decreed destruction be poured out on the destroyer.