< Amos Propheta 6 >

1 vae qui opulenti estis in Sion et confiditis in monte Samariae optimates capita populorum ingredientes pompatice domum Israhel
Terrible things will happen to you people in Jerusalem who are not worried about anything, and also to you leaders who live on Samaria Hill who think that you are safe. [You think that] [IRO] you are the most important people [in the world], people to whom Israeli people [MTY] go [to get help].
2 transite in Chalanne et videte et ite inde in Emath magnam et descendite in Geth Palestinorum et ad optima quaeque regna horum si latior terminus eorum termino vestro est
But go to Calneh [city] and see [what happened there]. Then go to [see] the great [city] Hamath [and see what happened there]. Then go down to Gath [city] in Philistia [and see what happened to their city walls]. Your land/country is certainly not [RHQ] larger or more powerful than their countries were, [but they were all destroyed].
3 qui separati estis in diem malum et adpropinquatis solio iniquitatis
You are trying to not think about a day when you will experience disasters, when [your enemies will come and] violently attack you.
4 qui dormitis in lectis eburneis et lascivitis in stratis vestris qui comeditis agnum de grege et vitulos de medio armenti
You lie on beds [decorated with expensive] ivory, and on [soft] couches. You eat [the tender meat of] lambs and fat calves.
5 qui canitis ad vocem psalterii sicut David putaverunt se habere vasa cantici
You create/compose new songs and play them on your harps like [King] David did.
6 bibentes in fialis vinum et optimo unguento delibuti et nihil patiebantur super contritione Ioseph
You drink entire bowlfuls of wine and you put expensive oils/perfumes on your bodies, but you do not grieve about [your country of] Israel [MTY], which is about to be destroyed.
7 quapropter nunc migrabunt in capite transmigrantium et auferetur factio lascivientium
Your feasting and lounging [on soft couches] will soon end, and you will be among the first ones to be forced [by your enemies] to go (into exile/to another country).
8 iuravit Dominus Deus in anima sua dicit Dominus Deus exercituum detestor ego superbiam Iacob et domos eius odi et tradam civitatem cum habitatoribus suis
Yahweh the Lord has solemnly declared this: “I hate the people of Israel because they are very proud; I detest their fortresses. I will enable [their enemies] to capture their [capital] city and everything in it.”
9 quod si reliqui fuerint decem viri in domo una et ipsi morientur
[When that happens, ] if there are ten people in one house, they will all die.
10 et tollet eum propinquus suus et conburet eum ut efferat ossa de domo et dicet ei qui in penetrabilibus domus est numquid adhuc est apud te et respondebit finis est et dicet ei tace et non recorderis nominis Domini
If a relative who (has the task of/is responsible for) burning their corpses comes to the house and inquires of anyone who is still hiding there, “Is there anyone here with you?”, and that person replies “No,” [the one who inquired] will say, “Be quiet! We must not mention the name of Yahweh, [lest he cause us also to be killed]!”
11 quia ecce Dominus mandabit et percutiet domum maiorem ruinis et domum minorem scissionibus
[Terrible things like that will happen] because Yahweh has commanded that large houses [in Israel] must be smashed into pieces, and small houses must be smashed into tiny bits.
12 numquid currere queunt in petris equi aut arari potest in bubalis quoniam convertistis in amaritudinem iudicium et fructum iustitiae in absinthium
Horses certainly do not [RHQ] run on big rocks, and certainly people do not [RHQ] plow the sea with oxen. But you have [done things that no one should do]: You have distorted what is fair/right and caused it to be considered like poison [MET]; you have changed what is right and consider it to be like things that are bitter.
13 qui laetamini in nihili qui dicitis numquid non in fortitudine nostra adsumpsimus nobis cornua
You are proud because you have captured Lo-Debar [town], and you have said, “We captured Karnaim by our own power!”
14 ecce enim suscitabo super vos domus Israhel dicit Dominus Deus exercituum gentem et conterent vos ab introitu Emath usque ad torrentem Deserti
But the Commander of the armies of angels declares, “I will cause another nation to attack you people [MTY] of Israel; they will (oppress you/cause you to suffer) all the way from Hamath Pass [in the northwest] to the Dead Sea [in the southeast].”

< Amos Propheta 6 >