< Amos Propheta 5 >

1 audite verbum istud quod ego levo super vos planctum domus Israhel cecidit non adiciet ut resurgat
to hear: hear [obj] [the] word [the] this which I to lift: loud upon you dirge house: household Israel
2 virgo Israhel proiecta est in terram suam non est qui suscitet eam
to fall: fall not to add: again to arise: rise virgin Israel to leave upon land: soil her nothing to arise: raise her
3 quia haec dicit Dominus Deus urbs de qua egrediebantur mille relinquentur in ea centum et de qua egrediebantur centum relinquentur in ea decem in domo Israhel
for thus to say Lord YHWH/God [the] city [the] to come out: come thousand to remain hundred and [the] to come out: come hundred to remain ten to/for house: household Israel
4 quia haec dicit Dominus domui Israhel quaerite me et vivetis
for thus to say LORD to/for house: household Israel to seek me and to live
5 et nolite quaerere Bethel et in Galgala nolite intrare et in Bersabee non transibitis quia Galgala captiva ducetur et Bethel erit inutilis
and not to seek Bethel Bethel and [the] Gilgal not to come (in): come and Beersheba Beersheba not to pass for [the] Gilgal to reveal: remove to reveal: remove and Bethel Bethel to be to/for evil: trouble
6 quaerite Dominum et vivite ne forte conburatur ut ignis domus Ioseph et devorabit et non erit qui extinguat Bethel
to seek [obj] LORD and to live lest to rush like/as fire house: household Joseph and to eat and nothing to quench to/for Bethel Bethel
7 qui convertitis in absinthium iudicium et iustitiam in terra relinquitis
[the] to overturn to/for wormwood justice and righteousness to/for land: country/planet to rest
8 facientem Arcturum et Orionem et convertentem in mane tenebras et diem nocte mutantem qui vocat aquas maris et effundit eas super faciem terrae Dominus nomen eius
to make Pleiades and Orion and to overturn to/for morning shadow and day night to darken [the] to call: call to to/for water [the] sea and to pour: pour them upon face: surface [the] land: country/planet LORD name his
9 qui subridet vastitatem super robustum et depopulationem super potentem adfert
[the] be cheerful violence upon strong and violence upon fortification to come (in): come
10 odio habuerunt in porta corripientem et loquentem perfecte abominati sunt
to hate in/on/with gate to rebuke and to speak: speak unblemished: blameless to abhor
11 idcirco pro eo quod diripiebatis pauperem et praedam electam tollebatis ab eo domos quadro lapide aedificabitis et non habitabitis in eis vineas amantissimas plantabitis et non bibetis vinum earum
to/for so because to trample you upon poor and tribute grain to take: take from him house: home cutting to build and not to dwell in/on/with them vineyard delight to plant and not to drink [obj] wine their
12 quia cognovi multa scelera vestra et fortia peccata vestra hostes iusti accipientes munus et pauperes in porta deprimentes
for to know many transgression your and mighty sin your to vex righteous to take: take ransom and needy in/on/with gate to stretch
13 ideo prudens in tempore illo tacebit quia tempus malum est
to/for so [the] be prudent in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to silence: silent for time distress: evil he/she/it
14 quaerite bonum et non malum ut vivatis et erit Dominus Deus exercituum vobiscum sicut dixistis
to seek good and not bad: evil because to live and to be so LORD God Hosts with you like/as as which to say
15 odite malum et diligite bonum et constituite in porta iudicium si forte misereatur Dominus Deus exercituum reliquiis Ioseph
to hate bad: evil and to love: lover good and to set in/on/with gate justice perhaps be gracious LORD God Hosts remnant Joseph
16 propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus exercituum Dominator in omnibus plateis planctus et in cunctis quae foris sunt dicetur vae vae et vocabunt agricolam ad luctum et ad planctum eos qui sciunt plangere
to/for so thus to say LORD God Hosts Lord in/on/with all street/plaza mourning and in/on/with all outside to say Ah! Ah! and to call: call out farmer to(wards) mourning and mourning to(wards) to know wailing
17 et in omnibus vineis erit planctus quia pertransibo in medio tui dicit Dominus
and in/on/with all vineyard mourning for to pass in/on/with entrails: among your to say LORD
18 vae desiderantibus diem Domini ad quid eam vobis dies Domini ista tenebrae et non lux
woe! [the] to desire [obj] day LORD to/for what? this to/for you day LORD he/she/it darkness and not light
19 quomodo si fugiat vir a facie leonis et occurrat ei ursus et ingrediatur domum et innitatur manu sua super parietem et mordeat eum coluber
like/as as which to flee man: anyone from face: before [the] lion and to fall on him [the] bear and to come (in): come [the] house: home and to support hand his upon [the] wall and to bite him [the] serpent
20 numquid non tenebrae dies Domini et non lux et caligo et non splendor in ea
not darkness day LORD and not light and gloom and not brightness to/for him
21 odi et proieci festivitates vestras et non capiam odorem coetuum vestrorum
to hate to reject feast your and not to smell in/on/with assembly your
22 quod si adtuleritis mihi holocaustomata et munera vestra non suscipiam et vota pinguium vestrorum non respiciam
that if: except if: except to ascend: offer up to/for me burnt offering and offering your not to accept and peace offering fatling your not to look
23 aufer a me tumultum carminum tuorum et cantica lyrae tuae non audiam
to turn aside: remove from upon me crowd song your and melody harp your not to hear: hear
24 et revelabitur quasi aqua iudicium et iustitia quasi torrens fortis
and to roll like/as water justice and righteousness like/as torrent: river strong
25 numquid hostias et sacrificium obtulistis mihi in deserto quadraginta annis domus Israhel
sacrifice and offering to approach: bring to/for me in/on/with wilderness forty year house: household Israel
26 et portastis tabernaculum Moloch vestro et imaginem idolorum vestrorum sidus dei vestri quae fecistis vobis
and to lift: raise [obj] Sikkuth king your and [obj] Kiyyun image your star God your which to make to/for you
27 et migrare vos faciam trans Damascum dixit Dominus Deus exercituum nomen eius
and to reveal: remove [obj] you from further to/for Damascus to say LORD God Hosts name his

< Amos Propheta 5 >