< Ii Samuelis 22 >

1 locutus est autem David Domino verba carminis huius in die qua liberavit eum Dominus de manu omnium inimicorum suorum et de manu Saul
And David speaks the words of this song to YHWH in the day YHWH has delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul,
2 et ait Dominus petra mea et robur meum et salvator meus
and he says: “YHWH [is] my rock, And my bulwark, and a deliverer to me,
3 Deus meus fortis meus sperabo in eum scutum meum et cornu salutis meae elevator meus et refugium meum salvator meus de iniquitate liberabis me
My God [is] my rock—I take refuge in Him; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, My high tower, and my refuge! My Savior, You save me from violence!
4 laudabilem invocabo Dominum et ab inimicis meis salvus ero
I call on YHWH, [who is worthy] to be praised: And I am saved from my enemies.
5 quia circumdederunt me contritiones mortis torrentes Belial terruerunt me
When the breakers of death surrounded me, The streams of the worthless terrify me,
6 funes inferi circumdederunt me praevenerunt me laquei mortis (Sheol h7585)
The cords of Sheol have surrounded me, The snares of death have been before me. (Sheol h7585)
7 in tribulatione mea invocabo Dominum et ad Deum meum clamabo et exaudiet de templo suo vocem meam et clamor meus veniet ad aures eius
In my adversity I call on YHWH, And I call to my God, And He hears my voice from His temple, And my cry [is] in His ears,
8 commota est et contremuit terra fundamenta montium concussa sunt et conquassata quoniam iratus est
And the earth shakes and trembles, Foundations of the heavens are troubled, And are shaken, for He has wrath!
9 ascendit fumus de naribus eius et ignis de ore eius voravit carbones incensi sunt ab eo
Smoke has gone up by His nostrils, And fire devours from His mouth; Brands have been kindled by it.
10 et inclinavit caelos et descendit et caligo sub pedibus eius
And He inclines the heavens and comes down, And thick darkness [is] under His feet.
11 et ascendit super cherubin et volavit et lapsus est super pinnas venti
And He rides on a cherub and flies, And is seen on the wings of the wind.
12 posuit tenebras in circuitu suo latibulum cribrans aquas de nubibus caelorum
And He sets darkness around Him [for His] dwelling places, Darkness of waters [and] thick clouds of the skies.
13 prae fulgore in conspectu eius succensi sunt carbones ignis
From the brightness before Him Brands of fire were kindled!
14 tonabit de caelis Dominus et Excelsus dabit vocem suam
YHWH thunders from the heavens, And the Most High gives forth His voice.
15 misit sagittas et dissipavit eos fulgur et consumpsit eos
And He sends forth arrows, and scatters them; Lightning, and troubles them;
16 et apparuerunt effusiones maris et revelata sunt fundamenta orbis ab increpatione Domini ab inspiratione spiritus furoris eius
And the streams of the sea are seen, [The] foundations of the world are revealed, By the rebuke of YHWH, From the breath of the spirit of His anger.
17 misit de excelso et adsumpsit me extraxit me de aquis multis
He sends from above—He takes me, He draws me out of many waters.
18 liberavit me ab inimico meo potentissimo ab his qui oderant me quoniam robustiores me erant
He delivers me from my strong enemy, From those hating me, For they were stronger than me.
19 praevenit me in die adflictionis meae et factus est Dominus firmamentum meum
They are before me in a day of my calamity, And YHWH is my support,
20 et eduxit me in latitudinem liberavit me quia placuit ei
And He brings me out to a large place, He draws me out for He delighted in me.
21 retribuet mihi Dominus secundum iustitiam meam et secundum munditiam manuum mearum reddet mihi
YHWH repays me, According to my righteousness, According to the cleanness of my hands, He returns to me.
22 quia custodivi vias Domini et non egi impie a Deo meo
For I have kept the ways of YHWH, And have not done wickedly against my God.
23 omnia enim iudicia eius in conspectu meo et praecepta eius non amovi a me
For all His judgments [are] before me, As for His statutes, I do not turn from them.
24 et ero perfectus cum eo et custodiam me ab iniquitate mea
And I am perfect before Him, And I keep myself from my iniquity.
25 et restituet Dominus mihi secundum iustitiam meam et secundum munditiam manuum mearum in conspectu oculorum suorum
And YHWH returns to me, According to my righteousness, According to my cleanness before His eyes.
26 cum sancto sanctus eris et cum robusto perfectus
With the kind You show Yourself kind, With the perfect man You show Yourself perfect,
27 cum electo electus eris et cum perverso perverteris
With the pure You show Yourself pure, And with the perverse You show Yourself a wrestler.
28 et populum pauperem salvum facies oculisque tuis excelsos humiliabis
And You save the poor people, But Your eyes on the high cause [them] to fall.
29 quia tu lucerna mea Domine et Domine inluminabis tenebras meas
For You [are] my lamp, O YHWH, And YHWH lightens my darkness.
30 in te enim curram accinctus in Deo meo transiliam murum
For by You I run [against] a troop, By my God I leap a wall.
31 Deus inmaculata via eius eloquium Domini igne examinatum scutum est omnium sperantium in se
God—His way [is] perfect, The saying of YHWH is tried, He [is] a shield to all those trusting in Him.
32 quis est deus praeter Dominum et quis fortis praeter Deum nostrum
For who is God except YHWH? And who [is the] Rock except our God?
33 Deus qui accingit me fortitudine et conplanavit perfectam viam meam
God—my bulwark, [my] strength, And He makes my way perfect;
34 coaequans pedes meos cervis et super excelsa mea statuens me
Making my feet like does, And causes me to stand on my high places,
35 docens manus meas ad proelium et conponens quasi arcum aereum brachia mea
Teaching my hands for battle, And a bow of bronze was brought down by my arms,
36 dedisti mihi clypeum salutis tuae et mansuetudo mea multiplicavit me
And You give the shield of Your salvation to me, And Your lowliness makes me great.
37 dilatabis gressus meos subtus me et non deficient tali mei
You enlarge my step under me, And my ankles have not slipped.
38 persequar inimicos meos et conteram et non revertar donec consumam eos
I pursue my enemies and destroy them, And I do not turn until they are consumed.
39 consumam eos et confringam ut non consurgant cadent sub pedibus meis
And I consume them, and strike them, And they do not rise, and fall under my feet.
40 accinxisti me fortitudine ad proelium incurvabis resistentes mihi sub me
And You gird me [with] strength for battle, You cause my withstanders to bow under me.
41 inimicos meos dedisti mihi dorsum odientes me et disperdam eos
And my enemies—You give to me the neck, Those hating me—and I cut them off.
42 clamabunt et non erit qui salvet ad Dominum et non exaudiet eos
They look, and there is no savior; To YHWH, and He has not answered them.
43 delebo eos ut pulverem terrae quasi lutum platearum comminuam eos atque conpingam
And I beat them as dust of the earth, As mire of the streets I beat them small—I spread them out!
44 salvabis me a contradictionibus populi mei custodies in caput gentium populus quem ignoro serviet mihi
And You deliver me From the strivings of my people, You place me for a head of nations; A people I have not known serve me.
45 filii alieni resistent mihi auditu auris oboedient mihi
Sons of a stranger feign obedience to me, At the hearing of the ear they listen to me.
46 filii alieni defluxerunt et contrahentur in angustiis suis
Sons of a stranger fade away, And gird themselves by their close places.
47 vivit Dominus et benedictus Deus meus et exaltabitur Deus fortis salutis meae
YHWH lives, and blessed [is] my Rock, And exalted is my God—The Rock of my salvation.
48 Deus qui das vindictas mihi et deicis populos sub me
God—who is giving vengeance to me, And bringing down peoples under me,
49 qui educis me ab inimicis meis et a resistentibus mihi elevas me a viro iniquo liberabis me
And bringing me forth from my enemies, Indeed, You raise me up above my withstanders. You deliver me from a man of violence.
50 propterea confitebor tibi Domine in gentibus et nomini tuo cantabo
Therefore I confess You, O YHWH, among nations, And I sing praise to Your Name.
51 magnificanti salutes regis sui et facienti misericordiam christo suo David et semini eius in sempiternum
Magnifying the salvations of His king, And doing loving-kindness to His anointed, To David, and to his seed—for all time!”

< Ii Samuelis 22 >