< Ii Paralipomenon 27 >

1 viginti quinque annorum erat Ioatham cum regnare coepisset et sedecim annis regnavit in Hierusalem nomen matris eius Hierusa filia Sadoc
son: aged twenty and five year Jotham in/on/with to reign he and six ten year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his Jerusha daughter Zadok
2 fecitque quod rectum erat coram Domino iuxta omnia quae fecerat Ozias pater suus excepto quod non est ingressus templum Domini et adhuc populus delinquebat
and to make: do [the] upright in/on/with eye: appearance LORD like/as all which to make: do Uzziah father his except not to come (in): come to(wards) temple LORD and still [the] people to ruin
3 ipse aedificavit portam domus Domini Excelsam et in muro Ophel multa construxit
he/she/it to build [obj] gate house: temple LORD [the] high and in/on/with wall [the] Ophel to build to/for abundance
4 urbes quoque aedificavit in montibus Iuda et in saltibus castella et turres
and city to build in/on/with mountain: hill country Judah and in/on/with wood to build fortress and tower
5 ipse pugnavit contra regem filiorum Ammon et vicit eos dederuntque ei filii Ammon in tempore illo centum talenta argenti et decem milia choros tritici ac totidem choros hordei haec ei praebuerunt filii Ammon in anno secundo et tertio
and he/she/it to fight with king son: descendant/people Ammon and to strengthen: prevail over upon them and to give: give to/for him son: descendant/people Ammon in/on/with year [the] he/she/it hundred talent silver: money and ten thousand kor wheat and barley ten thousand this to return: pay to/for him son: descendant/people (Ammon *LBH(a)*) and in/on/with year [the] second and [the] third
6 corroboratusque est Ioatham eo quod direxisset vias suas coram Domino Deo suo
and to strengthen: strengthen Jotham for to establish: commit way: conduct his to/for face: before LORD God his
7 reliqua autem sermonum Ioatham et omnes pugnae eius et opera scripta sunt in libro regum Israhel et Iuda
and remainder word: deed Jotham and all battle his and way: conduct his look! they to write upon scroll: book king Israel and Judah
8 viginti quinque annorum erat cum regnare coepisset et sedecim annis regnavit in Hierusalem
son: aged twenty and five year to be in/on/with to reign he and six ten year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem
9 dormivitque Ioatham cum patribus suis et sepelierunt eum in civitate David et regnavit Achaz filius eius pro eo
and to lie down: be dead Jotham with father his and to bury [obj] him in/on/with city David and to reign Ahaz son: child his underneath: instead him

< Ii Paralipomenon 27 >