< Ii Paralipomenon 11 >

1 venit autem Roboam in Hierusalem et convocavit universam domum Iuda et Beniamin in centum octoginta milibus electorum atque bellantium ut dimicaret contra Israhel et converteret ad se regnum suum
And when Rehoboam was come to Ierusalem, he gathered of the house of Iudah and Beniamin nine score thousande chosen men of warre to fight against Israel, and to bring the kingdome againe to Rehoboam.
2 factusque est sermo Domini ad Semeiam hominem Dei dicens
But the worde of the Lord came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
3 loquere ad Roboam filium Salomonis regem Iuda et ad universum Israhel qui est in Iuda et Beniamin
Speake vnto Rehoboam, the sonne of Salomon King of Iudah, and to all Israel that are in Iudah, and Beniamin, saying,
4 haec dicit Dominus non ascendetis neque pugnabitis contra fratres vestros revertatur unusquisque in domum suam quia mea hoc gestum est voluntate qui cum audissent sermonem Domini reversi sunt nec perrexerunt contra Hieroboam
Thus sayth the Lord, Ye shall not goe vp, nor fight against your brethren: returne euery man to his house: for this thing is done of me. They obeyed therfore the word of the Lord, and returned from going against Ieroboam.
5 habitavit autem Roboam in Hierusalem et aedificavit civitates muratas in Iuda
And Rehoboam dwelt in Ierusalem, and buylt strong cities in Iudah.
6 extruxitque Bethleem et Aetham et Thecue
Hee buylt also Beth-lehem, and Etam, and Tekoa,
7 Bethsur quoque et Soccho et Odollam
And Beth-zur, and Shoco, and Adullam,
8 necnon Geth et Maresa et Ziph
And Gath, and Maresha, and Ziph,
9 sed et Aduram et Lachis et Azecha
And Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,
10 Saraa quoque et Ahilon et Hebron quae erant in Iuda et Beniamin civitates munitissimas
And Zorah, and Aialon, and Hebron, which were in Iudah and Beniamin, strong cities.
11 cumque clausisset eas muris posuit in eis principes ciborumque horrea hoc est olei et vini
And he repaired the strong holdes and put captaines in them, and store of vitaile, and oyle and wine.
12 sed et in singulis urbibus fecit armamentaria scutorum et hastarum firmavitque eas multa diligentia et imperavit super Iudam et Beniamin
And in all cities he put shieldes and speares, and made them exceeding strong: so Iudah and Beniamin were his.
13 sacerdotes autem et Levitae qui erant in universo Israhel venerunt ad eum de cunctis sedibus suis
And the Priests and the Leuites that were in all Israel, resorted vnto him out of all their coastes.
14 relinquentes suburbana et possessiones suas et transeuntes ad Iudam et Hierusalem eo quod abiecisset eos Hieroboam et posteri eius ne sacerdotio Domini fungerentur
For the Leuites left their suburbes and their possession, and came to Iudah and to Ierusalem: for Ieroboam and his sonnes had cast them out from ministring in the Priestes office vnto the Lord.
15 qui constituit sibi sacerdotes excelsorum et daemonum vitulorumque quos fecerat
And he ordeyned him Priests for the hie places, and for the deuils and for the calues which he had made.
16 sed et de cunctis tribubus Israhel quicumque dederant cor suum ut quaererent Dominum Deum Israhel venerunt Hierusalem ad immolandas victimas Domino Deo patrum suorum
And after the Leuites there came to Ierusalem of all the tribes of Israel, such as set their heartes to seeke the Lord God of Israel, to offer vnto the Lord God of their fathers.
17 et roboraverunt regnum Iuda et confirmaverunt Roboam filium Salomonis per tres annos ambulaverunt enim in viis David et Salomonis annis tantum tribus
So they strengthened the kingdome of Iudah, and made Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon mightie, three yeere long: for three yeere they walked in in the way of Dauid and Salomon.
18 duxit autem Roboam uxorem Maalath filiam Hierimuth filii David Abiail quoque filiam Heliab filii Isai
And Rehoboam tooke him Mahalath ye daughter of Ierimoth the sonne of Dauid to wife, and Abihail the daughter of Eliab the sonne of Ishai,
19 quae peperit ei filios Ieus et Somoriam et Zoom
Which bare him sonnes Ieush, and Shemariah, and Zaham.
20 post hanc quoque accepit Maacha filiam Absalom quae peperit ei Abia et Ethai et Ziza et Salumith
And after her he tooke Maakah ye daughter of Absalom which bare him Abiiah, and Atthai, and Ziza, and Shelomith.
21 amavit autem Roboam Maacha filiam Absalom super omnes uxores suas et concubinas nam uxores decem et octo duxerat concubinasque sexaginta et genuit viginti octo filios et sexaginta filias
And Rehoboam loued Maakah ye daughter of Absalom aboue all his wiues and his concubines: for he tooke eighteene wiues, and three score concubines, and begate eyght and twentie sonnes, and three score daughters.
22 constituit vero in capite Abiam filium Maacha ducem super fratres suos ipsum enim regem facere cogitabat
And Rehoboam made Abiiah the sonne of Maakah the chiefe ruler among his brethren: for he thought to make him King.
23 qui sapientior fuit et potentior super omnes filios eius et in cunctis finibus Iuda et Beniamin et in universis civitatibus muratis praebuitque eis escas plurimas et multas petivit uxores
And he taught him: and dispersed all his sonnes throughout all the countreis of Iudah and Beniamin vnto euery strong citie: and hee gaue them aboundance of vitaile, and desired many wiues.

< Ii Paralipomenon 11 >