< I Samuelis 28 >

1 factum est autem in diebus illis congregaverunt Philisthim agmina sua ut praepararentur ad bellum contra Israhel dixitque Achis ad David sciens nunc scito quoniam mecum egredieris in castris tu et viri tui
And it was in the days those and they gathered together [the] Philistines armies their for war to fight against Israel and he said Achish to David certainly you will know that with me you will go out in the camp you and men your.
2 dixitque David ad Achis nunc scies quae facturus est servus tuus et ait Achis ad David et ego custodem capitis mei ponam te cunctis diebus
And he said David to Achish therefore you you will know [that] which he will do servant your and he said Achish to David therefore a watchman of head my I will make you all the days.
3 Samuhel autem mortuus est planxitque eum omnis Israhel et sepelierunt eum in Rama urbe sua et Saul abstulit magos et ariolos de terra
And Samuel he had died and they had mourned for him all Israel and they had buried him in Ramah in own city his and Saul he had removed the necromancers and the soothsayers from the land.
4 congregatique sunt Philisthim et venerunt et castrametati sunt in Sunam congregavit autem et Saul universum Israhel et venit in Gelboe
And they gathered together [the] Philistines and they came and they encamped at Shunem and he gathered Saul all Israel and they encamped at Gilboa.
5 et vidit Saul castra Philisthim et timuit et expavit cor eius nimis
And he saw Saul [the] camp of [the] Philistines and he was afraid and it trembled heart his exceedingly.
6 consuluitque Dominum et non respondit ei neque per somnia neque per sacerdotes neque per prophetas
And he enquired Saul by Yahweh and not he answered him Yahweh neither by dreams nor by Urim nor by prophets.
7 dixitque Saul servis suis quaerite mihi mulierem habentem pythonem et vadam ad eam et sciscitabor per illam et dixerunt servi eius ad eum est mulier habens pythonem in Aendor
And he said Saul to servants his seek for me a woman [the] owner of necromancy so let me go to her so I may consult her and they said servants his to him there! a woman of an owner of necromancy [is] in En-dor.
8 mutavit ergo habitum suum vestitusque est aliis vestimentis abiit ipse et duo viri cum eo veneruntque ad mulierem nocte et ait divina mihi in pythone et suscita mihi quem dixero tibi
And he disguised himself Saul and he was clothed garments other and he went he and two men with him and they came to the woman night and he said (divine *Q(k)*) please for me by necromancy and bring up for me [the one] whom I will say to you.
9 et ait mulier ad eum ecce tu nosti quanta fecerit Saul et quomodo eraserit magos et ariolos de terra quare ergo insidiaris animae meae ut occidar
And she said the woman to him here! you you know [that] which he has done Saul that he has cut off the necromancers and the soothsayer from the land and why? [are] you setting traps on life my to cause to die me.
10 et iuravit ei Saul in Domino dicens vivit Dominus quia non veniet tibi quicquam mali propter hanc rem
And he swore to her Saul by Yahweh saying [by] [the] life of Yahweh if it will happen to you punishment in the matter this.
11 dixitque ei mulier quem suscitabo tibi qui ait Samuhelem suscita mihi
And she said the woman whom? will I bring up for you and he said Samuel bring up for me.
12 cum autem vidisset mulier Samuhelem exclamavit voce magna et dixit ad Saul quare inposuisti mihi tu es enim Saul
And she saw the woman Samuel and she cried out with a voice great and she said the woman to Saul saying why? have you deceived me and you [are] Saul.
13 dixitque ei rex noli timere quid vidisti et ait mulier ad Saul deos vidi ascendentes de terra
And he said to her the king may not you fear for what? have you seen and she said the woman to Saul gods I have seen coming up from the earth.
14 dixitque ei qualis est forma eius quae ait vir senex ascendit et ipse amictus est pallio intellexit Saul quod Samuhel esset et inclinavit se super faciem suam in terra et adoravit
And he said to her what? [is] appearance his and she said a man old [is] coming up and he [is] wrapped a robe and he knew Saul that [was] Samuel it and he bowed low face [the] ground towards and he bowed down.
15 dixit autem Samuhel ad Saul quare inquietasti me ut suscitarer et ait Saul coartor nimis siquidem Philisthim pugnant adversum me et Deus recessit a me et exaudire me noluit neque in manu prophetarum neque per somnia vocavi ergo te ut ostenderes mihi quid faciam
And he said Samuel to Saul why? have you disturbed me by bringing up me and he said Saul it is distress to me exceedingly and [the] Philistines - [are] fighting against me and God he has turned aside from with me and not he has answered me yet neither by [the] hand of prophets nor by dreams and I have summoned! you to make known to me what? will I do.
16 et ait Samuhel quid interrogas me cum Dominus recesserit a te et transierit ad aemulum tuum
And he said Samuel and why? do you ask me and Yahweh he has turned aside from with you and he has become enemy your.
17 faciet enim Dominus tibi sicut locutus est in manu mea et scindet regnum de manu tua et dabit illud proximo tuo David
And he has done Yahweh to him just as he spoke by hand my and he has torn Yahweh the kingdom from hand your and he has given it to neighbor your to David.
18 quia non oboedisti voci Domini neque fecisti iram furoris eius in Amalech idcirco quod pateris fecit tibi Dominus hodie
Since not you listened to [the] voice of Yahweh and not you executed [the] burning of anger his on Amalek there-fore the thing this he has done to you Yahweh the day this.
19 et dabit Dominus etiam Israhel tecum in manu Philisthim cras autem tu et filii tui mecum eritis sed et castra Israhel tradet Dominus in manu Philisthim
So he may give Yahweh also Israel with you in [the] hand of [the] Philistines and tomorrow you and sons your [will be] with me also [the] camp of Israel he will give Yahweh in [the] hand of [the] Philistines.
20 statimque Saul cecidit porrectus in terram extimuerat enim verba Samuhel et robur non erat in eo quia non comederat panem tota die illa
And he made haste Saul and he fell [the] fullness of stature his [the] ground towards and he was afraid exceedingly from [the] words of Samuel also strength not it was in him for not he had eaten food all the day and all the night.
21 ingressa est itaque mulier ad Saul et ait conturbatus enim erat valde dixitque ad eum ecce oboedivit ancilla tua voci tuae et posui animam meam in manu mea et audivi sermones tuos quos locutus es ad me
And she came the woman to Saul and she saw that he was terrified exceedingly and she said to him here! she has listened maidservant your to voice your and I have put life my in palm my and I have listened to words your which you have spoken to me.
22 nunc igitur audi et tu vocem ancillae tuae ut ponam coram te buccellam panis et comedens convalescas ut possis iter facere
And now listen please also you to [the] voice of maidservant your so let me set before you a piece of bread and eat so may it be in you strength for you will go on the way.
23 qui rennuit et ait non comedam coegerunt autem eum servi sui et mulier et tandem audita voce eorum surrexit de terra et sedit super lectum
And he refused and he said not I will eat and they urged him servants his and also the woman and he listened to voice their and he arose from the ground and he sat to the bed.
24 mulier autem illa habebat vitulum pascualem in domo et festinavit et occidit eum tollensque farinam miscuit eam et coxit azyma
And [belonged] to the woman a calf of [the] stall in the house and she made haste and she slaughtered it and she took flour and she kneaded [it] and she baked it unleavened bread.
25 et posuit ante Saul et ante servos eius qui cum comedissent surrexerunt et ambulaverunt per totam noctem illam
And she brought [them] near before Saul and before servants his and they ate and they arose and they went on the night that.

< I Samuelis 28 >