< I Samuelis 22 >

1 abiit ergo inde David et fugit in speluncam Odollam quod cum audissent fratres eius et omnis domus patris eius descenderunt ad eum illuc
And David departed thence, and escaped; and he comes to the cave of Odollam, and his brethren hear, and the house of his father, and they go down to him there.
2 et convenerunt ad eum omnes qui erant in angustia constituti et oppressi aere alieno et amaro animo et factus est eorum princeps fueruntque cum eo quasi quadringenti viri
And there gathered to him every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was troubled in mind; and he was a leader over them, and there were with him about four hundred men.
3 et profectus est David inde in Maspha quae est Moab et dixit ad regem Moab maneat oro pater meus et mater mea vobiscum donec sciam quid faciat mihi Deus
And David departed thence to Massephath of Moab, and said to the king of Moab, Let, I pray you, my father and my mother be with you, until I know what God will do to me.
4 et reliquit eos ante faciem regis Moab manseruntque apud eum cunctis diebus quibus David fuit in praesidio
And he persuaded the King of Moab, and they dwell with him continually, while David was in the hold.
5 dixitque Gad propheta ad David noli manere in praesidio proficiscere et vade in terram Iuda et profectus David venit in saltum Hareth
And Gad the prophet said to David, Dwell not in the hold: go, and you shall enter the land of Juda. So David went, and came and lived in the city of Saric.
6 et audivit Saul quod apparuisset David et viri qui erant cum eo Saul autem cum maneret in Gabaa et esset in nemore quod est in Rama hastam manu tenens cunctique socii eius circumstarent eum
And Saul heard that David was discovered, and his men with him: now Saul lived in the hill below the field that is in Rama, and his spear [was] in his hand, and all his servants stood near him.
7 ait ad servos suos qui adsistebant ei audite filii Iemini numquid omnibus vobis dabit filius Isai agros et vineas et universos vos faciet tribunos et centuriones
And Saul said to his servants that stood by him, Hear now, you sons of Benjamin, will the son of Jessae indeed give all of you fields and vineyards, and will he make you all captains of hundreds and captains of thousands?
8 quoniam coniurastis omnes adversum me et non est qui mihi renuntiet maxime cum et filius meus foedus iunxerit cum filio Isai non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis nec qui adnuntiet mihi eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me insidiantem mihi usque hodie
That you are conspiring against me, and there is no one that informs me, whereas my son has made a covenant with the son of Jessae, and there is no one of you that is sorry for me, or informs me, that my son has stirred up my servant against me for an enemy, as [it is] this day?
9 respondens autem Doec Idumeus qui adsistebat et erat primus inter servos Saul vidi inquit filium Isai in Nobe apud Ahimelech filium Achitob
And Doec the Syrian who was over the mules of Saul answered and said, I saw the son of Jessae as he came to Nomba to Abimelech son of Achitob the priest.
10 qui consuluit pro eo Dominum et cibaria dedit ei sed et gladium Goliath Philisthei dedit illi
And [the priest] enquired of God for him, and gave him provision, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
11 misit ergo rex ad accersiendum Ahimelech filium Achitob sacerdotem et omnem domum patris eius sacerdotum qui erant in Nobe qui venerunt universi ad regem
And the king sent to call Abimelech son of Achitob and all his father's sons, the priests that were in Nomba; and they all came to the king.
12 et ait Saul audi fili Achitob qui respondit praesto sum domine
And Saul said, Hear now, you son of Achitob. And he said, Behold! I [am here], speak, [my] lord.
13 dixitque ad eum Saul quare coniurastis adversum me tu et filius Isai et dedisti ei panes et gladium et consuluisti pro eo Deum ut consurgeret adversum me insidiator usque hodie permanens
And Saul said to him, Why have you and the son of Jessae conspired against me, that you should give him bread and a sword, and should enquire of God for him, to raise him up against me as an enemy, as [he is] this day?
14 respondensque Ahimelech regi ait et quis in omnibus servis tuis sicut David fidelis et gener regis et pergens ad imperium tuum et gloriosus in domo tua
And he answered the king, and said, And who [is] there amongst all your servants faithful as David, and [he is] a son-in-law of the king, and [he is] executor of all your commands, and [is] honourable in your house?
15 num hodie coepi consulere pro eo Deum absit hoc a me ne suspicetur rex adversus servum suum rem huiuscemodi in universa domo patris mei non enim scivit servus tuus quicquam super hoc negotio vel modicum vel grande
Have I begun today to enquire of God for him? By no means: let not the king bring a charge against his servant, and against you whole of my father's house; for your servant knew not in all these matters anything great or small.
16 dixitque rex morte morieris Ahimelech tu et omnis domus patris tui
And king Saul said, You shall surely die, Abimelech, you, and all your father's house.
17 et ait rex emissariis qui circumstabant eum convertimini et interficite sacerdotes Domini nam manus eorum cum David est scientes quod fugisset non indicaverunt mihi noluerunt autem servi regis extendere manum suam in sacerdotes Domini
And the king said to the footmen that attended on him, Draw near and kill the priests of the Lord, because their hand [is] with David, and because they knew that he fled, and they did not inform me. But the servants of the king would not lift their hands to fall upon the priest of the Lord.
18 et ait rex Doec convertere tu et inrue in sacerdotes conversusque Doec Idumeus inruit in sacerdotes et trucidavit in die illa octoginta quinque viros vestitos ephod lineo
And the king said to Doec, Turn you, and fall upon the priests: and Doec the Syrian turned, and killed the priests of the Lord in that day, three hundred and five men, all wearing an ephod.
19 Nobe autem civitatem sacerdotum percussit in ore gladii viros et mulieres parvulos et lactantes bovem et asinum et ovem in ore gladii
And he struck Nomba the city of the priest with the edge of the sword, both man, and woman, infant and suckling, and calf, and ox, and sheep.
20 evadens autem unus filius Ahimelech filii Achitob cuius nomen erat Abiathar fugit ad David
And one son of Abimelech son of Achitob escapes, and his name [was] Abiathar, and he fled after David.
21 et adnuntiavit ei quod occidisset Saul sacerdotes Domini
And Abiathar told David that Saul had slain all the priests of the Lord.
22 et ait David ad Abiathar sciebam in die illa quod cum ibi esset Doec Idumeus procul dubio adnuntiaret Saul ego sum reus omnium animarum patris tui
And David said to Abiathar, I knew it in that day, that Doec the Syrian would surely tell Saul: I am guilty of the death of the house of your father.
23 mane mecum ne timeas si quis quaesierit animam meam quaeret et animam tuam mecumque servaberis
Dwell with me; fear not, for wherever I shall seek a place [of safety] for my life, I will also seek a place for your life, for you are safely guarded [while] with me.

< I Samuelis 22 >