< I Samuelis 21 >

1 venit autem David in Nobe ad Ahimelech sacerdotem et obstipuit Ahimelech eo quod venisset David et dixit ei quare tu solus et nullus est tecum
And David comes to Nomba to Abimelech the priest: and Abimelech was amazed at meeting him, and said to him, Why [are] you alone, and nobody with you?
2 et ait David ad Ahimelech sacerdotem rex praecepit mihi sermonem et dixit nemo sciat rem propter quam a me missus es et cuiusmodi tibi praecepta dederim nam et pueris condixi in illum et illum locum
And David said to the priest, The king gave me a command today, and said to me, Let no one know the matter on which I send you, an concerning which I have charged you: and I have charged my servants [to be] in the place that is called, The faithfulness of God, Phellani Maemoni.
3 nunc igitur si quid habes ad manum vel quinque panes da mihi aut quicquid inveneris
And now if there are under your hand five loaves, give into my hand what is ready.
4 et respondens sacerdos David ait ei non habeo panes laicos ad manum sed tantum panem sanctum si mundi sunt pueri maxime a mulieribus
And the priest answered David, and said, There are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but holy loaves: if the young men have been kept at least from women, then they shall eat [them].
5 et respondit David sacerdoti et dixit ei equidem si de mulieribus agitur continuimus nos ab heri et nudius tertius quando egrediebamur et fuerunt vasa puerorum sancta porro via haec polluta est sed et ipsa hodie sanctificabitur in vasis
And David answered the priest, and said to him, Yes, we have been kept from women for three days: when I came forth for the journey all the young men were purified; but this expedition is unclean, therefore it shall be sanctified this day because of my weapons.
6 dedit ergo ei sacerdos sanctificatum panem neque enim erat ibi panis nisi tantum panes propositionis qui sublati fuerant a facie Domini ut ponerentur panes calidi
So Abimelech the priest gave him the show bread; for there were no loaves there, but only the presence loaves which had been removed from the presence of the Lord, in order that hot bread should be set on, on the day on which he took them.
7 erat autem ibi vir de servis Saul in die illa intus in tabernaculo Domini et nomen eius Doec Idumeus potentissimus pastorum Saul
And there was there on that day one of Saul's servants detained before the Lord, and his name [was] Doec the Syrian, tending the mules of Saul.
8 dixit autem David ad Ahimelech si habes hic ad manum hastam aut gladium quia gladium meum et arma mea non tuli mecum sermo enim regis urguebat
And David said to Abimelech, See if there is here under your hand spear or sword, for I have not brought in my hand my sword or my weapons, for the word of the king was urgent.
9 et dixit sacerdos gladius Goliath Philisthei quem percussisti in valle Terebinthi est involutus pallio post ephod si istum vis tollere tolle neque enim est alius hic absque eo et ait David non est huic alter similis da mihi eum
And the priest said, Behold the sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you struck in the valley of Ela; and it is wrapt in a cloth: if you will take it, take it for yourself, for there is no other except it here. And David said, Behold, there is none like it; give it me.
10 surrexit itaque David et fugit in die illa a facie Saul et venit ad Achis regem Geth
And he gave it him; and David arose, and fled in that day from he presence of Saul: and David came to Anchus king of Geth.
11 dixeruntque ei servi Achis numquid non iste est David rex terrae nonne huic cantabant per choros dicentes percussit Saul mille et David decem milia
And the servants of Anchus said to him, [Is] not this David the king of the land? Did not the dancing women begin the son to him, saying, Saul has struck his thousand, and David his ten thousands?
12 posuit autem David sermones istos in corde suo et extimuit valde a facie Achis regis Geth
And David laid up the words in his heart, and was greatly afraid of Anchus king of Geth.
13 et inmutavit os suum coram eis et conlabebatur inter manus eorum et inpingebat in ostia portae defluebantque salivae eius in barbam
And he changed his appearance before him, and feigned himself a false character in that day; and drummed upon the doors of the city, and used extravagant gestures with his hands, and fell against the doors of the gate, and his spittle ran down upon his beard.
14 et ait Achis ad servos suos vidistis hominem insanum quare adduxistis eum ad me
And Anchus said to his servants, Behold! you see the man [is] mad: why have you brought him in to me?
15 an desunt nobis furiosi quod introduxistis istum ut fureret me praesente hicine ingredietur domum meam
[Am] I in lack of madmen, that you have brought him in to me to play the madman? He shall not come into the house.

< I Samuelis 21 >