< I Samuelis 17 >
1 congregantes vero Philisthim agmina sua in proelium convenerunt in Soccho Iudae et castrametati sunt inter Soccho et Azeca in finibus Dommim
Forsothe Filisteis gaderiden her cumpenyes in to batel, and camen togidere in Socoth of Juda, and settiden tentis bitwixe Socoth and Azecha, in the coostis of Domyn.
2 porro Saul et viri Israhel congregati venerunt in valle Terebinthi et direxerunt aciem ad pugnandum contra Philisthim
Sotheli Saul and the men of Israel weren gaderid, and camen in to the valey of Terebynte, and dressiden scheltrun to fiyte ayens Filisteis.
3 et Philisthim stabant super montem ex hac parte et Israhel stabat super montem ex altera parte vallisque erat inter eos
And Filisteis stoden aboue the hil on this part, and Israel stood on the hil on the tother part of the valey, that was bitwixe hem.
4 et egressus est vir spurius de castris Philisthinorum nomine Goliath de Geth altitudinis sex cubitorum et palmo
And a man, `sone of a widewe, whos fadir was vncerteyn, yede out of the `castels of Filisteis, Goliath bi name of Geth, of sixe cubitis heiy and a spanne; and a brasun basynet on his heed;
5 et cassis aerea super caput eius et lorica hamata induebatur porro pondus loricae eius quinque milia siclorum aeris
and he was clothid with `an haburioun hokid, ether mailid; forsothe the weiyte of his haburioun was fyue thousynde siclis of bras;
6 et ocreas aereas habebat in cruribus et clypeus aereus tegebat umeros eius
and he hadde `bootis of bras in the hipis, and a `scheld of bras hilide hise schuldris.
7 hastile autem hastae eius erat quasi liciatorium texentium ipsum autem ferrum hastae eius sescentos siclos habebat ferri et armiger eius antecedebat eum
Forsothe `the schaft of his spere was as the beem of webbis; forsothe thilke yrun of his spere hadde sixe hundrid siclis of yrun; and his squier yede bifor hym.
8 stansque clamabat adversum falangas Israhel et dicebat eis quare venitis parati ad proelium numquid ego non sum Philistheus et vos servi Saul eligite ex vobis virum et descendat ad singulare certamen
And he stood, and cried ayens the cumpenyes of armed men of Israel, and seide to hem, Why camen ye redi to batel? Whether Y am not a Filistei, and ye ben the seruauntis of Saul? Chese ye a man of you, and come he doun to syngulere batel;
9 si quiverit pugnare mecum et percusserit me erimus vobis servi si autem ego praevaluero et percussero eum vos servi eritis et servietis nobis
if he may fiyte with me, and sleeth me, we schulen be `seruauntis to you; forsothe if Y haue the maystry, and sle hym, ye schulen be boonde, and `ye schulen serue vs.
10 et aiebat Philistheus ego exprobravi agminibus Israhelis hodie date mihi virum et ineat mecum singulare certamen
And `the Filistei seide, Y haue `seyd schenschip to dai to the cumpenyes of Israel; yyue ye a man, and bigynne he `synguler batel with me.
11 audiens autem Saul et omnes viri israhelitae sermones Philisthei huiuscemodi stupebant et metuebant nimis
Sotheli Saul and alle men of Israel herden siche wordis of `the Filistey, and thei weren astonyed, and dredden greetli.
12 David autem erat filius viri ephrathei de quo supra dictum est de Bethleem Iuda cui erat nomen Isai qui habebat octo filios et erat vir in diebus Saul senex et grandevus inter viros
Forsothe Dauid was `the sone of a man of Effrata, of whom it is `biforseid, of Bethleem of Juda, to `which man the name was Isay, which hadde eiyte sones; and `the man was eld in the daies of Saul, and of greet age among men.
13 abierunt autem tres filii eius maiores post Saul in proelium et nomina trium filiorum eius qui perrexerant ad bellum Heliab primogenitus et secundus Abinadab tertiusque Samma
Sotheli thre grettere sones of Ysai yeden after Saul in to batel; and the names of hise thre sones, that yeden to batel, Heliab, the firste gendryd, and the secounde, Amynadab, and the thridde, Samma.
14 David autem erat minimus tribus ergo maioribus secutis Saulem
Forsothe Dauid was the leeste. Therfor while thre grettere sueden Saul, Dauid yede,
15 abiit David et reversus est a Saul ut pasceret gregem patris sui in Bethleem
and turnede ayen fro Saul, that he schulde kepe the floc of his fadir in Bethleem.
16 procedebat vero Philistheus mane et vespere et stabat quadraginta diebus
Forsothe the Filistey cam forth in the morewtid, and euentid; and stood `bi fourti daies.
17 dixit autem Isai ad David filium suum accipe fratribus tuis oephi pulentae et decem panes istos et curre in castra ad fratres tuos
Sotheli Ysai seide to Dauid his sone, Take thou to thi britheren meete maad of meele, the mesure of ephi, and these ten looues, and renne thou in to the castels to thi britheren;
18 et decem formellas casei has deferes ad tribunum et fratres tuos visitabis si recte agant et cum quibus ordinati sint disce
and thou schalt bere to the tribune these ten `litil formes of chese; and thou schalt visite thi britheren, whether thei doon riytli, and lurne thou, with whiche men thei ben ordeyned.
19 Saul autem et illi et omnes filii Israhel in valle Terebinthi pugnabant adversum Philisthim
Forsothe Saul, and thei, and alle the sones of Israel in the valei of Terebynte fouyten ayens Filisteis.
20 surrexit itaque David mane et commendavit gregem custodi et onustus abiit sicut praeceperat ei Isai et venit ad locum Magala et ad exercitum qui egressus ad pugnam vociferatus erat in certamine
Therfor Dauid roos eerli, and bitook the floc to the kepere, and he yede chargid, as Ysai `hadde comaundid to hym; and he cam to the place Magala, and to the oost, which oost yede out to the batel, and criede in `the batel.
21 direxerat enim aciem Israhel sed et Philisthim ex adverso fuerant praeparati
For Israel hadde dressid scheltrun; `but also Filisteis weren maad redi `euen ayens.
22 derelinquens ergo David vasa quae adtulerat sub manu custodis ad sarcinas cucurrit ad locum certaminis et interrogabat si omnia recte agerentur erga fratres suos
Therfor Dauid lefte the vessels, whiche he hadde brouyt, vndur the hond of a kepere `at the fardels, and he ran to the place of batel, and he axyde, if alle thingis weren `doon riytli anentis hise britheren.
23 cumque adhuc ille loqueretur eis apparuit vir ille spurius ascendens Goliath nomine Philistheus de Geth ex castris Philisthinorum et loquente eo haec eadem verba audivit David
And whanne he spak yit to hem, thilke bastard apperide, Goliath bi name, a Filistei of Geth, and stiede fro the castels of Filisteis; and `while he spak these same wordis, Dauid herde.
24 omnes autem Israhelitae cum vidissent virum fugerunt a facie eius timentes eum valde
And whanne alle men of Israel hadden seyn `the man, thei fledden fro his face, and dredden hym greetli.
25 et dixit unus quispiam de Israhel num vidisti virum hunc qui ascendit ad exprobrandum enim Israheli ascendit virum ergo qui percusserit eum ditabit rex divitiis magnis et filiam suam dabit ei et domum patris eius faciet absque tributo in Israhel
And ech man of Israel seide, Whether thou hast seyn this man that stiede? for he stiede to seie schenship to Israel; therfor the kyng schal make riche with greet richessis `the man that sleeth thilke Filistei; and the kyng schal yyue his douyter to that man, and schal make the hows of his fader with out `tribut in Israel.
26 et ait David ad viros qui stabant secum dicens quid dabitur viro qui percusserit Philistheum hunc et tulerit obprobrium de Israhel quis est enim hic Philistheus incircumcisus qui exprobravit acies Dei viventis
And Dauyd spak to the men that stoden with hym, and seide, What schal be youun to the man that sleeth this Filistei, and doith awei schenschip fro Israel? for who is this Filistei vncircumcidid, that dispiside the scheltruns of God lyuynge?
27 referebat autem ei populus eundem sermonem dicens haec dabuntur viro qui percusserit eum
Forsothe the puple tolde to hym the same word, and seide, These thingis schulen be youun to the man that sleeth hym.
28 quod cum audisset Heliab frater eius maior loquente eo cum aliis iratus est contra David et ait quare venisti et quare dereliquisti pauculas oves illas in deserto ego novi superbiam tuam et nequitiam cordis tui quia ut videres proelium descendisti
And whanne Heliab, `his more brother, had herd this, while he spak with othere men, he was wrooth ayens Dauid, and seide, Whi camest thou, and whi `leftist thou tho fewe scheep in deseert? Y knowe thi pride, and the wewardnesse of thin herte; for thou camest doun to se the batel.
29 et dixit David quid feci numquid non verbum est
And Dauid seide, What haue Y do? Whether it is not a word?
30 et declinavit paululum ab eo ad alium dixitque eundem sermonem et respondit ei populus verbum sicut et prius
And Dauid bowide a litil fro hym to another man; and Dauid seide the same word, and the puple answeride to hym al word as bifore.
31 audita sunt autem verba quae locutus est David et adnuntiata in conspectu Saul
Forsothe these wordis weren herd, whiche Dauid spak, and weren teld `in the siyt of Saul.
32 ad quem cum fuisset adductus locutus est ei non concidat cor cuiusquam in eo ego servus tuus vadam et pugnabo adversus Philistheum
And whanne Dauyd was brouyt to Saul, Dauyd spak to hym, The herte of ony man falle not doun for `that Filistei, Y thi seruaunt schal go, and `Y schal fiyte ayens the Filistei.
33 et ait Saul ad David non vales resistere Philistheo isti nec pugnare adversum eum quia puer es hic autem vir bellator ab adulescentia sua
And Saul seide to Dauid, Thou maist not ayenstonde this Filistei, nether fiyte ayens hym, for thou art a child; forsothe this man is a werriour fro his yong wexynge age.
34 dixitque David ad Saul pascebat servus tuus patris sui gregem et veniebat leo vel ursus tollebatque arietem de medio gregis
And Dauid seide to Saul, Thi seruaunt kepte `the floc of his fadir, and a lioun cam, ether a bere, and took awei a ram fro the myddis of the floc;
35 et sequebar eos et percutiebam eruebamque de ore eorum et illi consurgebant adversum me et adprehendebam mentum eorum et suffocabam interficiebamque eos
Y pursuede, and killide hem, and rauyschide fro `the mouth of hem; and thei risiden ayens me, and I took the nether chaule `of hem, and Y stranglide, and killide hem.
36 nam et leonem et ursum interfeci ego servus tuus erit igitur et Philistheus hic incircumcisus quasi unus ex eis quia ausus est maledicere exercitum Dei viventis
For Y thi seruaunt killide bothe a lioun and a bere; therfor and this Filistei vncircumcidid schal be as oon of hem. Now Y schal go, and Y schal do awey the schenschip of the puple; for who is this Filistei vncircumcidid, that was hardi to curse the oost of God lyuynge?
37 et ait David Dominus qui eruit me de manu leonis et de manu ursi ipse liberabit me de manu Philisthei huius dixit autem Saul ad David vade et Dominus tecum sit
And Dauid seide, The Lord that delyuerede me fro the `mouth of the lioun, and fro the `hond, that is, power, of the bere, he schal delyuere me fro the hond of this Filistei. Forsothe Saul seide to Dauid, Go thou, and the Lord be with thee.
38 et induit Saul David vestimentis suis et inposuit galeam aeream super caput eius et vestivit eum lorica
And Saul clothide Dauid with hise clothis, and puttide a brasun basynet on his heed, and clothide hym with an haburioun.
39 accinctus ergo David gladio eius super veste sua coepit temptare si armatus posset incedere non enim habebat consuetudinem dixitque David ad Saul non possum sic incedere quia nec usum habeo et deposuit ea
Therfor Dauid was gird with his swerd on his cloth, and bigan to asaie if he myyte go armed; for he hadde not custom. And Dauid seide to Saul, Y may not go so, for Y haue not vss. And Dauid puttide awei tho,
40 et tulit baculum suum quem semper habebat in manibus et elegit sibi quinque limpidissimos lapides de torrente et misit eos in peram pastoralem quam habebat secum et fundam manu tulit et processit adversum Philistheum
and he took his staaf, which he hadde euere in the hondis. And he chees to hym fyue clereste stonys, that is, harde, pleyn, and rounde, of the stronde; and he sente tho in to the schepherdis scrippe, which he hadde with hym; and he took the slynge in the hond, and yede forth ayens the Filistei.
41 ibat autem Philistheus incedens et adpropinquans adversum David et armiger eius ante eum
Sotheli the Filistei yede, `goynge and neiyyng ayens Dauid; and his squyer yede bifor hym.
42 cumque inspexisset Philistheus et vidisset David despexit eum erat enim adulescens rufus et pulcher aspectu
And whanne `the Filistei hadde biholde Dauid, and hadde seyn hym, he dispiside Dauid; forsothe Dauid was a yong wexynge man, rodi, and feir in siyt.
43 et dixit Philistheus ad David numquid ego canis sum quod tu venis ad me cum baculo et maledixit Philistheus David in diis suis
And `the Filistei, seide to Dauid, Whether Y am a dogge, for thou comest to me with a staf? And `the Filistei curside Dauid in hise goddis; and he seide to Dauid,
44 dixitque ad David veni ad me et dabo carnes tuas volatilibus caeli et bestiis terrae
Come thou to me, and Y schal yyue thi fleischis to the `volatilis of heuene, and to the beestis of erthe.
45 dixit autem David ad Philistheum tu venis ad me cum gladio et hasta et clypeo ego autem venio ad te in nomine Domini exercituum Dei agminum Israhel quibus exprobrasti
Sotheli Dauid seide to `the Filistei, Thou comest to me with swerd, and spere, and scheeld; but Y come to thee in the name of the Lord God of oostis, of God of the cumpanyes of Israel, to whiche thou seidist schenschip to dai.
46 hodie et dabit te Dominus in manu mea et percutiam te et auferam caput tuum a te et dabo cadaver castrorum Philisthim hodie volatilibus caeli et bestiis terrae ut sciat omnis terra quia est Deus in Israhel
And the Lord schal yyue thee in myn hond, and Y schal sle thee, and Y schal take awey thin heed fro thee; and I schal yyue the deed bodies of the castels of Filisteis `to day to the volatils of heuene, and to the beestis of erthe; that al the erthe wite, that the Lord God is in Israel,
47 et noverit universa ecclesia haec quia non in gladio nec in hasta salvat Dominus ipsius est enim bellum et tradet vos in manus nostras
and that al this chirche knowe, that the Lord saueth not in swerd nether in spere; for the batel is his, and he schal bitake you in to oure hondis.
48 cum ergo surrexisset Philistheus et veniret et adpropinquaret contra David festinavit David et cucurrit ad pugnam ex adverso Philisthei
Therfor whanne the Filistei hadde rise, and cam, and neiyede ayens Dauid, Dauid hastide, and ran to batel ayens `the Filistei.
49 et misit manum suam in peram tulitque unum lapidem et funda iecit et percussit Philistheum in fronte et infixus est lapis in fronte eius et cecidit in faciem suam super terram
And Dauid putte his hond `in to his scrippe, and he took o stoon, and he castide with the slynge, `and ledde aboute, and smoot `the Filistei in the forheed; and the stoon was fastned in his forheed, and he felde doun in to his face on the erthe.
50 praevaluitque David adversus Philistheum in funda et in lapide percussumque Philistheum interfecit cumque gladium non haberet in manu David
And Dauid hadde the maistrie ayens `the Filistei `in a slyng and stoon, and he killide `the Filistei smytun. And whanne Dauid hadde no swerd in the hond,
51 cucurrit et stetit super Philistheum et tulit gladium eius et eduxit de vagina sua et interfecit eum praeciditque caput eius videntes autem Philisthim quod mortuus esset fortissimus eorum fugerunt
he ran, and stood on `the Filistei, and took his swerd; and Dauid drow out the swerd of his schethe, and `killide him, and kittide awei his heed. Forsothe the Filisteis sien, that the strongeste of hem was deed, and thei fledden.
52 et consurgentes viri Israhel et Iuda vociferati sunt et persecuti Philistheos usque dum venirent in vallem et usque ad portas Accaron cecideruntque vulnerati de Philisthim in via Sarim usque ad Geth et usque Accaron
And the sones of Israel and of Juda risiden to gidere, and crieden, and pursueden Filisteis, `til the while thei camen in to the valei, and `til to the yate of Accaron. And woundid men of Filisteis felden in the weye of Sarym, and `til to Geth, and `til to Accaron.
53 et revertentes filii Israhel postquam persecuti fuerant Philistheos invaserunt castra eorum
And the sones of Israel turneden ayen, aftir that thei hadden pursuede Filisteis, and thei assailiden `the tentis of hem.
54 adsumens autem David caput Philisthei adtulit illud in Hierusalem arma vero eius posuit in tabernaculo suo
Forsothe Dauid took the heed of `the Filistei, and brouyte it in to Jerusalem; sotheli he puttide hise armeris in the `tabernacle of the Lord.
55 eo autem tempore quo viderat Saul David egredientem contra Philistheum ait ad Abner principem militiae de qua stirpe descendit hic adulescens Abner dixitque Abner vivit anima tua rex si novi
Forsothe in that tyme in which Saul siy Dauid goynge out ayens `the Filistei, he seide to Abner, prince of his chiualrie, Abner, of what generacioun `cam forth this yong waxynge man? And Abner seide, Kyng, thi soule lyueth, I knowe not.
56 et ait rex interroga tu cuius filius sit iste puer
And the kyng seide, Axe thou, whos sone this child is.
57 cumque regressus esset David percusso Philistheo tulit eum Abner et introduxit coram Saul caput Philisthei habentem in manu
And whanne Dauid hadde come ayen, whanne `the Filistei was slayn, Abner took Dauid, and brouyte hym in, hauynge in the hond the heed of `the Filistei, `bifor Saul.
58 et ait ad eum Saul de qua progenie es o adulescens dixitque David filius servi tui Isai Bethleemitae ego sum
And Saul seide to hym, Of what generacioun art thou, yong waxynge man? And Dauid seide, Y am the sone of thi seruaunt, Isai of Bethleem.