< I Samuelis 17 >

1 congregantes vero Philisthim agmina sua in proelium convenerunt in Soccho Iudae et castrametati sunt inter Soccho et Azeca in finibus Dommim
The Philistines gathered their army [to fight the Israeli army]. They gathered together near Socoh, in the area where the descendants of Judah lived. They set up their tents at Ephes-Dammim, which is between Socoh and Azekah.
2 porro Saul et viri Israhel congregati venerunt in valle Terebinthi et direxerunt aciem ad pugnandum contra Philisthim
Saul gathered the Israeli army near Elah Valley, and they set up their tents. Then they all took their places, ready to fight the Philistines.
3 et Philisthim stabant super montem ex hac parte et Israhel stabat super montem ex altera parte vallisque erat inter eos
So the Philistine and Israeli armies faced each other. They were on two hills, with a valley between them.
4 et egressus est vir spurius de castris Philisthinorum nomine Goliath de Geth altitudinis sex cubitorum et palmo
Then Goliath, from Gath [city], came out from the Philistine camp. He was a champion warrior/soldier. He was (over 9 feet/3 meters) tall.
5 et cassis aerea super caput eius et lorica hamata induebatur porro pondus loricae eius quinque milia siclorum aeris
He wore a helmet made of bronze [to protect his head], and he wore a coat made of metal plates [to protect his body]. The coat weighed (125 pounds/56 kg.).
6 et ocreas aereas habebat in cruribus et clypeus aereus tegebat umeros eius
He wore bronze guards/protectors on his legs. He had a long bronze dagger fastened on his back.
7 hastile autem hastae eius erat quasi liciatorium texentium ipsum autem ferrum hastae eius sescentos siclos habebat ferri et armiger eius antecedebat eum
He also had a big spear. It had a cord on it to enable him to throw it better (OR, which was as thick as a weaver’s beam). The tip of the spear was made of iron and weighed (15 pounds/almost 7 kg.). A soldier carrying a huge shield walked in front of him.
8 stansque clamabat adversum falangas Israhel et dicebat eis quare venitis parati ad proelium numquid ego non sum Philistheus et vos servi Saul eligite ex vobis virum et descendat ad singulare certamen
Goliath stood there and shouted to the Israeli army, “Why are you all lined up for battle? I am the great Philistine [soldier], and I think [RHQ] you are [merely] Saul’s slaves. Choose one man to fight for all of you, and send him down here to me!
9 si quiverit pugnare mecum et percusserit me erimus vobis servi si autem ego praevaluero et percussero eum vos servi eritis et servietis nobis
If he fights with me and kills me, then my fellow Philistines will all be your slaves. But if I defeat him and kill him, then you Israelis will all be our slaves.
10 et aiebat Philistheus ego exprobravi agminibus Israhelis hodie date mihi virum et ineat mecum singulare certamen
I defy/challenge you men of the Israeli army. Send me a man who will fight with me!”
11 audiens autem Saul et omnes viri israhelitae sermones Philisthei huiuscemodi stupebant et metuebant nimis
When Saul and all the Israeli soldiers heard that, they were extremely terrified [DOU].
12 David autem erat filius viri ephrathei de quo supra dictum est de Bethleem Iuda cui erat nomen Isai qui habebat octo filios et erat vir in diebus Saul senex et grandevus inter viros
David was the son of Jesse. Jesse was from the clan of Ephrath. He lived in Bethlehem, in the area where the descendants of Judah lived. Jesse had eight sons. When Saul [was king], Jesse had already become a very old man [DOU].
13 abierunt autem tres filii eius maiores post Saul in proelium et nomina trium filiorum eius qui perrexerant ad bellum Heliab primogenitus et secundus Abinadab tertiusque Samma
Jesse’s three oldest sons, Eliab and Abinadab and Shammah, had gone with Saul to fight [the Philistines].
14 David autem erat minimus tribus ergo maioribus secutis Saulem
David was Jesse’s youngest son. While his three oldest brothers were with Saul,
15 abiit David et reversus est a Saul ut pasceret gregem patris sui in Bethleem
David went back and forth: Sometimes he went to Saul’s camp, and sometimes he stayed in Bethlehem to take care of his father’s sheep.
16 procedebat vero Philistheus mane et vespere et stabat quadraginta diebus
For 40 days Goliath came out from the Philistine camp and stood there [taunting the Israeli army/telling the Israelis to choose one man to fight with him]. He did it twice each day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
17 dixit autem Isai ad David filium suum accipe fratribus tuis oephi pulentae et decem panes istos et curre in castra ad fratres tuos
[One day], Jesse said to David, “Here is a sack of roasted grain and ten loaves of bread. Take these quickly to your [older] brothers.
18 et decem formellas casei has deferes ad tribunum et fratres tuos visitabis si recte agant et cum quibus ordinati sint disce
And here are ten large chunks of cheese. Take them to their commander. And see how things are going with your [older] brothers. Then [if they are okay, ] bring back something to show they are all right.”
19 Saul autem et illi et omnes filii Israhel in valle Terebinthi pugnabant adversum Philisthim
His brothers were with Saul and all the other Israeli soldiers, camped alongside Elah Valley, [preparing to] fight the Philistines.
20 surrexit itaque David mane et commendavit gregem custodi et onustus abiit sicut praeceperat ei Isai et venit ad locum Magala et ad exercitum qui egressus ad pugnam vociferatus erat in certamine
So David arranged for another shepherd to take care of the sheep. Early the next morning he took the food and went to the Israeli camp, as Jesse told him to do. He arrived there just as the Israeli soldiers were forming their ranks and going out to the battlefield. As they went, they were shouting a war cry.
21 direxerat enim aciem Israhel sed et Philisthim ex adverso fuerant praeparati
The Philistine army and the Israeli army stood [on the hillsides], facing each other, ready for the battle.
22 derelinquens ergo David vasa quae adtulerat sub manu custodis ad sarcinas cucurrit ad locum certaminis et interrogabat si omnia recte agerentur erga fratres suos
David gave the food to the man who was taking care of the war equipment. [He told him to take care of the food that he brought], and then he went and greeted his older brothers.
23 cumque adhuc ille loqueretur eis apparuit vir ille spurius ascendens Goliath nomine Philistheus de Geth ex castris Philisthinorum et loquente eo haec eadem verba audivit David
While he was talking with them, he saw Goliath coming out from among the Philistine soldiers, shouting [to the Israelis], challenging them [to send a man to fight him]. David heard what Goliath was saying.
24 omnes autem Israhelitae cum vidissent virum fugerunt a facie eius timentes eum valde
When all the Israeli soldiers saw Goliath, they were terrified and started to ran away.
25 et dixit unus quispiam de Israhel num vidisti virum hunc qui ascendit ad exprobrandum enim Israheli ascendit virum ergo qui percusserit eum ditabit rex divitiis magnis et filiam suam dabit ei et domum patris eius faciet absque tributo in Israhel
They were saying to each other, “Look at him coming up toward us! And listen to him as he defies us Israelis! The king says that he will give a big reward to whoever kills this man. He also says that he will give his daughter to that man for him to marry her, and that he will no longer require that man’s family to pay taxes.”
26 et ait David ad viros qui stabant secum dicens quid dabitur viro qui percusserit Philistheum hunc et tulerit obprobrium de Israhel quis est enim hic Philistheus incircumcisus qui exprobravit acies Dei viventis
David talked to some of the men who were standing near him. He said, “What will be given to whoever kills this Philistine and frees us Israelis from this shame/disgrace? And who [does] this heathen Philistine [think he] is, defying/ridiculing the army that serves the all-powerful God?”
27 referebat autem ei populus eundem sermonem dicens haec dabuntur viro qui percusserit eum
They told him the same thing that the other men had said, about what the king would do for anyone who killed Goliath.
28 quod cum audisset Heliab frater eius maior loquente eo cum aliis iratus est contra David et ait quare venisti et quare dereliquisti pauculas oves illas in deserto ego novi superbiam tuam et nequitiam cordis tui quia ut videres proelium descendisti
But when David’s oldest brother Eliab heard David talking to the men, he was angry. He said to David, “Why have you come down here? Is someone taking care of those few sheep that you left in the desert? I know you are just a (smart-aleck/brat)! You just want to watch the battle!”
29 et dixit David quid feci numquid non verbum est
David replied, “Have I done something wrong? I was merely asking a question!”
30 et declinavit paululum ab eo ad alium dixitque eundem sermonem et respondit ei populus verbum sicut et prius
Then he walked over to another man and asked him the same question, but the man gave him the same answer. Each time he asked someone, he received the same answer.
31 audita sunt autem verba quae locutus est David et adnuntiata in conspectu Saul
Finally, someone told king Saul what David had asked, and Saul sent someone to bring David to him.
32 ad quem cum fuisset adductus locutus est ei non concidat cor cuiusquam in eo ego servus tuus vadam et pugnabo adversus Philistheum
David told king Saul, “No one should (worry/become a coward) because of that Philistine man. I will go and fight with him!”
33 et ait Saul ad David non vales resistere Philistheo isti nec pugnare adversum eum quia puer es hic autem vir bellator ab adulescentia sua
Saul said to David, “You are only a young man, and he has been a very capable soldier all his life. So you are not able to go and fight with him!”
34 dixitque David ad Saul pascebat servus tuus patris sui gregem et veniebat leo vel ursus tollebatque arietem de medio gregis
David replied, “I have been taking care of my father’s sheep [for many years]. Whenever a lion or a bear came and carried away a lamb,
35 et sequebar eos et percutiebam eruebamque de ore eorum et illi consurgebant adversum me et adprehendebam mentum eorum et suffocabam interficiebamque eos
I went after the lion or the bear and attacked it and rescued the lamb from the wild animal’s mouth. Then I grabbed the animal by its jaw/throat and struck it and killed it.
36 nam et leonem et ursum interfeci ego servus tuus erit igitur et Philistheus hic incircumcisus quasi unus ex eis quia ausus est maledicere exercitum Dei viventis
I have killed both lions and bears. And [I will do] the same to this heathen Philistine, because he has defied/ridiculed the army of the all-powerful God!
37 et ait David Dominus qui eruit me de manu leonis et de manu ursi ipse liberabit me de manu Philisthei huius dixit autem Saul ad David vade et Dominus tecum sit
Yahweh has rescued me from paws of lions and bears, and he will rescue me from this Philistine!” Then Saul said to David, “All right, go [and fight him], and [I hope/desire] that Yahweh will help you!”
38 et induit Saul David vestimentis suis et inposuit galeam aeream super caput eius et vestivit eum lorica
Then Saul gave to David his own clothes that he always wore in battles, and he gave him a bronze helmet and a coat made of metal plates.
39 accinctus ergo David gladio eius super veste sua coepit temptare si armatus posset incedere non enim habebat consuetudinem dixitque David ad Saul non possum sic incedere quia nec usum habeo et deposuit ea
David [put these things on. Then he] fastened his sword over them, and tried to walk. But he could not walk, because he was not accustomed to wearing those things. So David said to Saul, “I cannot fight wearing all these things, because I am not accustomed to [wearing] them!” So he took them off.
40 et tulit baculum suum quem semper habebat in manibus et elegit sibi quinque limpidissimos lapides de torrente et misit eos in peram pastoralem quam habebat secum et fundam manu tulit et processit adversum Philistheum
Then he took his walking/shepherd’s stick, and he picked up five smooth stones from the brook/stream. He put them in the pouch of his shoulder-bag. Then he put his sling in his hand and started walking toward Goliath.
41 ibat autem Philistheus incedens et adpropinquans adversum David et armiger eius ante eum
Goliath walked toward David, with the soldier who was carrying his shield walking in front of him. When he got near David,
42 cumque inspexisset Philistheus et vidisset David despexit eum erat enim adulescens rufus et pulcher aspectu
he looked at David closely. He saw that David had a handsome face and healthy body, but that he was only a young man. So he sneered at David.
43 et dixit Philistheus ad David numquid ego canis sum quod tu venis ad me cum baculo et maledixit Philistheus David in diis suis
He said to David, “Are you coming to me with a stick because [you think that] I am a dog?” Then he called out to his gods to harm David.
44 dixitque ad David veni ad me et dabo carnes tuas volatilibus caeli et bestiis terrae
He said to David, “Come here to me, and I will [kill you and] give your dead body to the birds and wild animals to eat!”
45 dixit autem David ad Philistheum tu venis ad me cum gladio et hasta et clypeo ego autem venio ad te in nomine Domini exercituum Dei agminum Israhel quibus exprobrasti
David replied, “You are coming to me with a sword and a dagger and a spear. But I am coming to you (in the name/with the authority) of almighty Yahweh. He is the God whom the army of Israel [worships], and he is the God whom you have defied/ridiculed.
46 hodie et dabit te Dominus in manu mea et percutiam te et auferam caput tuum a te et dabo cadaver castrorum Philisthim hodie volatilibus caeli et bestiis terrae ut sciat omnis terra quia est Deus in Israhel
Today Yahweh will enable me to defeat you. I will strike you down and cut off your head. And [we Israelis will kill] many Philistine [soldiers and] give their bodies to the birds and wild animals to eat. And everyone in the world will [hear about it and] know that we Israeli people worship an [all-powerful] God.
47 et noverit universa ecclesia haec quia non in gladio nec in hasta salvat Dominus ipsius est enim bellum et tradet vos in manus nostras
And everyone here will know that Yahweh can rescue people without a sword or a spear. Yahweh always wins his battles, and he will enable us to defeat all of you [Philistines].”
48 cum ergo surrexisset Philistheus et veniret et adpropinquaret contra David festinavit David et cucurrit ad pugnam ex adverso Philisthei
As Goliath came closer to attack David, David ran quickly toward him.
49 et misit manum suam in peram tulitque unum lapidem et funda iecit et percussit Philistheum in fronte et infixus est lapis in fronte eius et cecidit in faciem suam super terram
He put his hand into his shoulder-bag and took out one stone. He [put it in his sling and] hurled it toward Goliath. The stone hit Goliath on the forehead and penetrated his skull, and he fell face down onto the ground.
50 praevaluitque David adversus Philistheum in funda et in lapide percussumque Philistheum interfecit cumque gladium non haberet in manu David
Then David ran and stood over Goliath. He pulled Goliath’s sword from its sheath and killed him with it, and then cut off his head. In that way David defeated the Philistine without having his own sword. He used [only] a sling and a stone! When the other Philistines saw that their great warrior was dead, they ran away.
51 cucurrit et stetit super Philistheum et tulit gladium eius et eduxit de vagina sua et interfecit eum praeciditque caput eius videntes autem Philisthim quod mortuus esset fortissimus eorum fugerunt
52 et consurgentes viri Israhel et Iuda vociferati sunt et persecuti Philistheos usque dum venirent in vallem et usque ad portas Accaron cecideruntque vulnerati de Philisthim in via Sarim usque ad Geth et usque Accaron
The Israeli men shouted and ran after them. They pursued them all the way to Gath and to the gates of Ekron [city]. They struck them as they went, with the result that dead/wounded Philistines were lying on the road all the way from Shaaraim to Gath and Ekron [towns].
53 et revertentes filii Israhel postquam persecuti fuerant Philistheos invaserunt castra eorum
When the Israelis returned from chasing the Philistines, they (plundered/took everything from) the Philistine camp.
54 adsumens autem David caput Philisthei adtulit illud in Hierusalem arma vero eius posuit in tabernaculo suo
David later took the head of Goliath to Jerusalem, but he kept Goliath’s weapons in his own tent.
55 eo autem tempore quo viderat Saul David egredientem contra Philistheum ait ad Abner principem militiae de qua stirpe descendit hic adulescens Abner dixitque Abner vivit anima tua rex si novi
As Saul watched David going toward Goliath, he said to Abner, the commanded of his army, “Abner, whose son is that young man?” Abner replied, “(As sure as you are alive/Truly) [IDM], I do not know.”
56 et ait rex interroga tu cuius filius sit iste puer
Then the king said, “Find out whose son he is!”
57 cumque regressus esset David percusso Philistheo tulit eum Abner et introduxit coram Saul caput Philisthei habentem in manu
[Later, ] as David returned from killing Goliath, Abner took him to Saul. David was carrying Goliath’s head.
58 et ait ad eum Saul de qua progenie es o adulescens dixitque David filius servi tui Isai Bethleemitae ego sum
Saul asked him, “Young man, whose son are you?” David replied, “[Sir, perhaps you have forgotten that] I am the son of your servant Jesse, who has served you faithfully, who lives in Bethlehem.”

< I Samuelis 17 >