< I Samuelis 14 >
1 et accidit quadam die ut diceret Ionathan filius Saul ad adulescentem armigerum suum veni et transeamus ad stationem Philisthim quae est trans locum illum patri autem suo hoc ipsum non indicavit
And the day comes that Jonathan son of Saul says to the young man carrying his weapons, “Come, and we pass over to the station of the Philistines, which [is] on the other side of this”; and he has not declared [it] to his father.
2 porro Saul morabatur in extrema parte Gabaa sub malogranato quae erat in Magron et erat populus cum eo quasi sescentorum virorum
And Saul is abiding at the extremity of Gibeah, under the pomegranate which [is] in Migron, and the people who [are] with him [are] about six hundred men,
3 et Ahias filius Achitob fratris Ichabod filii Finees qui ortus fuerat ex Heli sacerdote Domini in Silo portabat ephod sed et populus ignorabat quod isset Ionathan
and Ahiah, son of Ahitub, brother of Ichabod, son of Phinehas son of Eli priest of YHWH in Shiloh, [was] bearing an ephod; and the people did not know that Jonathan has gone.
4 erant autem inter ascensus per quos nitebatur Ionathan transire ad stationem Philisthinorum eminentes petrae ex utraque parte et quasi in modum dentium scopuli hinc inde praerupti nomen uni Boses et nomen alteri Sene
And between the passages where Jonathan sought to pass over to the station of the Philistines [is] the edge of a rock on one side, and the edge of a rock on the other side, and the name of one is Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.
5 unus scopulus prominens ad aquilonem ex adverso Machmas et alter a meridie contra Gabaa
One edge [is] fixed on the north in front of Michmash, and the one on the south in front of Gibeah.
6 dixit autem Ionathan ad adulescentem armigerum suum veni transeamus ad stationem incircumcisorum horum si forte faciat Dominus pro nobis quia non est Domino difficile salvare vel in multitudine vel in paucis
And Jonathan says to the young man carrying his weapons, “Come, and we pass over to the station of these uncircumcised; it may be YHWH works for us, for there is no restraint to YHWH to save by many or by few.”
7 dixitque ei armiger suus fac omnia quae placent animo tuo perge quo cupis ero tecum ubicumque volueris
And the bearer of his weapons says to him, “Do all that [is] in your heart; turn for yourself; behold, I [am] with you, as your own heart.”
8 et ait Ionathan ecce nos transimus ad viros istos cumque apparuerimus eis
And Jonathan says, “Behold, we are passing over to the men, and are revealed to them;
9 si taliter locuti fuerint ad nos manete donec veniamus ad vos stemus in loco nostro nec ascendamus ad eos
if they thus say to us, Stand still until we have come to you, then we have stood in our place, and do not go up to them;
10 si autem dixerint ascendite ad nos ascendamus quia tradidit eos Dominus in manibus nostris hoc erit nobis signum
and if they thus say, Come up against us, then we have gone up, for YHWH has given them into our hand, and this [is] the sign to us.”
11 apparuit igitur uterque stationi Philisthinorum dixeruntque Philisthim en Hebraei egrediuntur de cavernis in quibus absconditi fuerant
And both of them are revealed to the station of the Philistines, and the Philistines say, “Behold, Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hid themselves.”
12 et locuti sunt viri de statione ad Ionathan et ad armigerum eius dixeruntque ascendite ad nos et ostendimus vobis rem et ait Ionathan ad armigerum suum ascendamus sequere me tradidit enim eos Dominus in manu Israhel
And the men of the station answer Jonathan, and the bearer of his weapons, and say, “Come up to us, and we cause you to know something.” And Jonathan says to the bearer of his weapons, “Come up after me, for YHWH has given them into the hand of Israel.”
13 ascendit autem Ionathan reptans manibus et pedibus et armiger eius post eum itaque alii cadebant ante Ionathan alios armiger eius interficiebat sequens eum
And Jonathan goes up on his hands, and on his feet, and the bearer of his weapons after him; and they fall before Jonathan, and the bearer of his weapons is putting [them] to death after him.
14 et facta est plaga prima quam percussit Ionathan et armiger eius quasi viginti virorum in media parte iugeri quam par boum in die arare consuevit
And the first striking which Jonathan and the bearer of his weapons have struck is of about twenty men, in about half a furrow of a yoke of a field,
15 et factum est miraculum in castris per agros sed et omnis populus stationis eorum qui ierant ad praedandum obstipuit et conturbata est terra et accidit quasi miraculum a Deo
and there is a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people, the station and the destroyers have trembled—even they, and the earth shakes, and it becomes a trembling of God.
16 et respexerunt speculatores Saul qui erant in Gabaa Beniamin et ecce multitudo prostrata et huc illucque diffugiens
And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin see, and behold, the multitude has melted away, and it goes on, and is beaten down.
17 et ait Saul populo qui erat cum eo requirite et videte quis abierit ex nobis cumque requisissent reppertum est non adesse Ionathan et armigerum eius
And Saul says to the people who [are] with him, “Now inspect and see; who has gone from us?” And they inspect, and behold, Jonathan and the bearer of his weapons are not.
18 et ait Saul ad Ahiam adplica arcam Dei erat enim ibi arca Dei in die illa cum filiis Israhel
And Saul says to Ahiah, “Bring the Ark of God near”; for the Ark of God has been with the sons of Israel on that day.
19 cumque loqueretur Saul ad sacerdotem tumultus magnus exortus est in castris Philisthinorum crescebatque paulatim et clarius reboabat et ait Saul ad sacerdotem contrahe manum tuam
And it comes to pass, while Saul spoke to the priest, that the noise which [is] in the camp of the Philistines goes on, going on and becoming great, and Saul says to the priest, “Remove your hand.”
20 conclamavit ergo Saul et omnis populus qui erat cum eo et venerunt usque ad locum certaminis et ecce versus fuerat gladius uniuscuiusque ad proximum suum et caedes magna nimis
And Saul is called, and all the people who [are] with him, and they come to the battle, and behold, the sword of each has been against his neighbor—a very great destruction.
21 sed et Hebraei qui fuerant cum Philisthim heri et nudius tertius ascenderantque cum eis in castris reversi sunt ut essent cum Israhele qui erant cum Saul et Ionathan
And the Hebrews [who] have been with the Philistines before the day prior, who had gone up with them into the camp, have turned around, even they, to be with Israel who [are] with Saul and Jonathan,
22 omnes quoque Israhelitae qui se absconderant in monte Ephraim audientes quod fugissent Philisthim sociaverunt se cum suis in proelio
and all the men of Israel, who are hiding themselves in the hill-country of Ephraim, have heard that the Philistines have fled, and they pursue—even they—after them in battle.
23 et salvavit Dominus in die illa Israhel pugna autem pervenit usque Bethaven
And YHWH saves Israel on that day, and the battle has passed over to Beth-Aven.
24 et vir Israhel sociatus sibi est in die illa adiuravit autem Saul populum dicens maledictus vir qui comederit panem usque ad vesperam donec ulciscar de inimicis meis et non manducavit universus populus panem
And the men of Israel have been distressed on that day, and Saul adjures the people, saying, “Cursed [is] the man who eats food until the evening, and I have been avenged of my enemies”; and none of the people have tasted food.
25 omneque terrae vulgus venit in saltum in quo erat mel super faciem agri
And all [those of] the land have come into a forest, and there is honey on the face of the field;
26 ingressus est itaque populus saltum et apparuit fluens mel nullusque adplicuit manum ad os suum timebat enim populus iuramentum
and the people come into the forest, and behold, the honey dropped, and none is moving his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the oath.
27 porro Ionathan non audierat cum adiuraret pater eius populum extenditque summitatem virgae quam habebat in manu et intinxit in favo mellis et convertit manum suam ad os suum et inluminati sunt oculi eius
And Jonathan has not heard of his father’s adjuring the people, and puts forth the end of the rod, which [is] in his hand, and dips it in the honeycomb, and brings back his hand to his mouth—and his eyes see!
28 respondensque unus de populo ait iureiurando constrinxit pater tuus populum dicens maledictus qui comederit panem hodie defecerat autem populus
And a man of the people answers and says, “Your father certainly adjured the people, saying, Cursed [is] the man who eats food today; and the people are weary.”
29 dixitque Ionathan turbavit pater meus terram vidistis ipsi quia inluminati sunt oculi mei eo quod gustaverim paululum de melle isto
And Jonathan says, “My father has troubled the land; now see that my eyes have become bright because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 quanto magis si comedisset populus de praeda inimicorum suorum quam repperit nonne maior facta fuisset plaga in Philisthim
How much more if the people had well eaten today of the spoil of its enemies which it has found, for now the striking has not been great among the Philistines.”
31 percusserunt ergo in die illa Philistheos a Machmis usque in Ahialon defatigatus est autem populus nimis
And they strike on that day among the Philistines from Michmash to Aijalon, and the people are very weary,
32 et versus ad praedam tulit oves et boves et vitulos et mactaverunt in terra comeditque populus cum sanguine
and the people make toward the spoil, and take sheep, and oxen, and sons of the herd, and slaughter on the earth, and the people eat with the blood.
33 nuntiaverunt autem Saul dicentes quod populus peccasset Domino comedens cum sanguine qui ait praevaricati estis volvite ad me iam nunc saxum grande
And they declare to Saul, saying, “Behold, the people are sinning against YHWH, to eat with the blood.” And he says, “You have dealt treacherously, roll a great stone to me today.”
34 et dixit Saul dispergimini in vulgus et dicite eis ut adducat ad me unusquisque bovem suum et arietem et occidite super istud et vescimini et non peccabitis Domino comedentes cum sanguine adduxit itaque omnis populus unusquisque bovem in manu sua usque ad noctem et occiderunt ibi
And Saul says, “Be scattered among the people, and you have said to them: Each bring his ox to me, and each his sheep; and you have slain [them] in this place, and eaten, and you do not sin against YHWH to eat with the blood.” And all the people bring [them]—each one [with] his ox in his hand, that night—and slaughter [them] there.
35 aedificavit autem Saul altare Domini tuncque primum coepit aedificare altare Domini
And Saul builds an altar to YHWH; with it he has begun to build altars to YHWH.
36 et dixit Saul inruamus super Philisthim nocte et vastemus eos usque dum inlucescat mane nec relinquamus de eis virum dixitque populus omne quod bonum videtur in oculis tuis fac et ait sacerdos accedamus huc ad Deum
And Saul says, “Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and we prey on them until the morning light, and do not leave a man of them.” And they say, “Do all that is good in your eyes.” And the priest says, “Let us draw near to God here.”
37 et consuluit Saul Deum num persequar Philisthim si trades eos in manu Israhel et non respondit ei in die illa
And Saul asks of God, “Do I go down after the Philistines? Do You give them into the hand of Israel?” And He has not answered him on that day.
38 dixitque Saul adplicate huc universos angulos populi et scitote et videte per quem acciderit peccatum hoc hodie
And Saul says, “Everyone draw near here, the chiefs of the people, and know and see in what this sin has been today;
39 vivit Dominus salvator Israhel quia si per Ionathan filium meum factum est absque retractatione morietur ad quod nullus contradixit ei de omni populo
for YHWH lives, who is saving Israel: surely if it is in my son Jonathan, surely he certainly dies”; and none is answering him out of all the people.
40 et ait ad universum Israhel separamini vos in partem unam et ego cum Ionathan filio meo ero in parte una respondit populus ad Saul quod bonum videtur in oculis tuis fac
And he says to all Israel, “You are on one side, and I and my son Jonathan are on another side”; and the people say to Saul, “Do that which is good in your eyes.”
41 et dixit Saul ad Dominum Deum Israhel da indicium et deprehensus est Ionathan et Saul populus autem exivit
And Saul says to YHWH, God of Israel, “Give perfection”; and Jonathan and Saul are captured, and the people went out.
42 et ait Saul mittite sortem inter me et inter Ionathan filium meum et captus est Ionathan
And Saul says, “Cast between me and my son Jonathan”; and Jonathan is captured.
43 dixit autem Saul ad Ionathan indica mihi quid feceris et indicavit ei Ionathan et ait gustans gustavi in summitate virgae quae erat in manu mea paululum mellis et ecce ego morior
And Saul says to Jonathan, “Declare to me, what have you done?” And Jonathan declares to him and says, “I certainly tasted a little honey with the end of the rod that [is] in my hand; behold, I die!”
44 et ait Saul haec faciat mihi Deus et haec addat quia morte morieris Ionathan
And Saul says, “Thus God does, and thus does He add, for you certainly die, Jonathan.”
45 dixitque populus ad Saul ergone Ionathan morietur qui fecit salutem hanc magnam in Israhel hoc nefas est vivit Dominus si ceciderit capillus de capite eius in terram quia cum Deo operatus est hodie liberavit ergo populus Ionathan ut non moreretur
And the people say to Saul, “Does Jonathan die who worked this great salvation in Israel? Certainly not! YHWH lives, if there falls to the earth [even one] hair from his head, for with God he has worked this day”; and the people rescue Jonathan, and he has not died.
46 recessitque Saul nec persecutus est Philisthim porro Philisthim abierunt in loca sua
And Saul goes up from after the Philistines, and the Philistines have gone to their place;
47 at Saul confirmato regno super Israhel pugnabat per circuitum adversum omnes inimicos eius contra Moab et filios Ammon et Edom et reges Suba et Philistheos et quocumque se verterat superabat
and Saul captured the kingdom over Israel, and he fights all around against all his enemies, against Moab, and against the sons of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines, and wherever he turns he distresses [them].
48 congregatoque exercitu percussit Amalech et eruit Israhel de manu vastatorum eius
And he makes a force, and strikes Amalek, and delivers Israel out of the hand of its spoiler.
49 fuerunt autem filii Saul Ionathan et Iesui et Melchisua nomina duarum filiarum eius nomen primogenitae Merob et nomen minoris Michol
And the sons of Saul are Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchi-Shua; as for the name of his two daughters, the name of the firstborn [is] Merab, and the name of the younger Michal;
50 et nomen uxoris Saul Ahinoem filia Ahimaas et nomina principum militiae eius Abner filius Ner patruelis Saul
and the name of the wife of Saul [is] Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimaaz; and the name of the head of his host [is] Abner son of Ner, uncle of Saul;
51 Cis fuerat pater Saul et Ner pater Abner filius Abihel
and Kish [is] the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abner, [is] the son of Ahiel.
52 erat autem bellum potens adversum Philistheos omnibus diebus Saul nam quemcumque viderat Saul virum fortem et aptum ad proelium sociabat eum sibi
And the war is severe against the Philistines all the days of Saul; when Saul has seen any mighty man, and any son of valor, then he gathers him to himself.