< I Regum 1 >

1 et rex David senuerat habebatque aetatis plurimos dies cumque operiretur vestibus non calefiebat
And the king David he was old he had come in days and they covered him with clothes and not it was warm to him.
2 dixerunt ergo ei servi sui quaeramus domino nostro regi adulescentulam virginem et stet coram rege et foveat eum dormiatque in sinu tuo et calefaciat dominum nostrum regem
And they said to him servants his let people seek for lord my the king a young woman a virgin and she will stand before the king and let her be of him a nurse and she will lie in bosom your and it will be warm to lord my the king.
3 quaesierunt igitur adulescentulam speciosam in omnibus finibus Israhel et invenerunt Abisag Sunamitin et adduxerunt eam ad regem
And they sought a young woman beautiful in all [the] territory of Israel and they found Abishag the Shunammite and they brought her to the king.
4 erat autem puella pulchra nimis dormiebatque cum rege et ministrabat ei rex vero non cognovit eam
And the young woman [was] beautiful up to muchness and she became of the king a nurse and she served him and the king not he knew her.
5 Adonias autem filius Aggith elevabatur dicens ego regnabo fecitque sibi currum et equites et quinquaginta viros qui ante eum currerent
And Adonijah [the] son of Haggith [was] exalting himself saying I I will become king and he acquired for himself a chariot and horsemen and fifty man [were] running before him.
6 nec corripuit eum pater suus aliquando dicens quare hoc fecisti erat autem et ipse pulcher valde secundus natu post Absalom
And not he had rebuked him father his from days his saying why? thus have you done and also he [was] good of appearance very and him someone bore after Absalom.
7 et sermo ei cum Ioab filio Sarviae et cum Abiathar sacerdote qui adiuvabant partes Adoniae
And they were words his with Joab [the] son of Zeruiah and with Abiathar the priest and they helped after Adonijah.
8 Sadoc vero sacerdos et Banaias filius Ioiadae et Nathan propheta et Semei et Rhei et robur exercitus David non erat cum Adonia
And Zadok the priest and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet and Shimei and Rei and the mighty [men] who [belonged] to David not they were with Adonijah.
9 immolatis ergo Adonias arietibus et vitulis et universis pinguibus iuxta lapidem Zoheleth qui erat vicinus fonti Rogel vocavit universos fratres suos filios regis et omnes viros Iuda servos regis
And he sacrificed Adonijah sheep and cattle and fatling near [the] stone of Zoheleth which [was] beside En Rogel and he invited all brothers his [the] sons of the king and all [the] men of Judah [the] servants of the king.
10 Nathan autem prophetam et Banaiam et robustos quosque et Salomonem fratrem suum non vocavit
And Nathan the prophet and Benaiah and the mighty [men] and Solomon brother his not he invited.
11 dixit itaque Nathan ad Bethsabee matrem Salomonis num audisti quod regnaverit Adonias filius Aggith et dominus noster David hoc ignorat
And he said Nathan to Bath-sheba [the] mother of Solomon saying ¿ not have you heard that he has become king Adonijah [the] son of Haggith and lord our David not he knows.
12 nunc ergo veni accipe a me consilium et salva animam tuam filiique tui Salomonis
And therefore come let me counsel you please counsel and save life your and [the] life of son your Solomon.
13 vade et ingredere ad regem David et dic ei nonne tu domine mi rex iurasti mihi ancillae tuae dicens quod Salomon filius tuus regnabit post me et ipse sedebit in solio meo quare ergo regnavit Adonias
Come and go - to the king David and you will say to him ¿ not you O lord my the king did you swear an oath to maidservant your saying that Solomon son your he will reign after me and he he will sit on throne my and why? has he become king Adonijah.
14 et adhuc ibi te loquente cum rege ego veniam post te et conplebo sermones tuos
There! still you [are] speaking there with the king and I I will come after you and I will confirm words your.
15 ingressa est itaque Bethsabee ad regem in cubiculo rex autem senuerat nimis et Abisag Sunamitis ministrabat ei
And she went Bath-sheba to the king the room towards and the king he was old very and Abishag the Shunammite [was] serving the king.
16 inclinavit se Bethsabee et adoravit regem ad quam rex quid tibi inquit vis
And she bowed low Bath-sheba and she bowed down to the king and he said the king what? [is] to you.
17 quae respondens ait domine mi tu iurasti per Dominum Deum tuum ancillae tuae Salomon filius tuus regnabit post me et ipse sedebit in solio meo
And she said to him O lord my you you swore an oath by Yahweh God your to maidservant your that Solomon son your he will reign after me and he he will sit on throne my.
18 et ecce nunc Adonias regnavit te domine mi rex ignorante
And now here! Adonijah he has become king and now O lord my the king not you know.
19 mactavit boves et pinguia quaeque et arietes plurimos et vocavit omnes filios regis Abiathar quoque sacerdotem et Ioab principem militiae Salomonem autem servum tuum non vocavit
And he has sacrificed ox[en] and fatling and sheep to abundance and he has invited all [the] sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab [the] commander of the army and Solomon servant your not he has invited.
20 verumtamen domine mi rex in te oculi respiciunt totius Israhel ut indices eis qui sedere debeat in solio tuo domine mi rex post te
And you O lord my the king [the] eyes of all Israel [are] on you to tell to them who? will he sit on [the] throne of lord my the king after him.
21 eritque cum dormierit dominus meus rex cum patribus suis erimus ego et filius meus Salomon peccatores
And it will be when lies down lord my the king with ancestors his and I will be I and son my Solomon sinners.
22 adhuc illa loquente cum rege Nathan prophetes venit
And there! still she [was] speaking with the king and Nathan the prophet he came.
23 et nuntiaverunt regi dicentes adest Nathan propheta cumque introisset ante conspectum regis et adorasset eum pronus in terram
And people told to the king saying here! Nathan the prophet and he came before the king and he bowed down to the king on face his [the] ground towards.
24 dixit Nathan domine mi rex tu dixisti Adonias regnet post me et ipse sedeat super thronum meum
And he said Nathan O lord my the king you have you said? Adonijah he will reign after me and he he will sit on throne my.
25 quia descendit hodie et immolavit boves et pinguia et arietes plurimos et vocavit universos filios regis et principes exercitus Abiathar quoque sacerdotem illisque vescentibus et bibentibus coram eo et dicentibus vivat rex Adonias
For - he has gone down this day and he has sacrificed ox[en] and fatling and sheep to abundance and he has invited all [the] sons of the king and [the] commanders of the army and Abiathar the priest and there they [are] eating and drinking before him and they have said may he live the king Adonijah.
26 me servum tuum et Sadoc sacerdotem et Banaiam filium Ioiadae et Salomonem famulum tuum non vocavit
And me I servant your and Zadok the priest and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and Solomon servant your not he has invited.
27 numquid a domino meo rege exivit hoc verbum et mihi non indicasti servo tuo qui sessurus esset super thronum domini mei regis post eum
From with lord my the king has it occurred the matter this and not you made known (servant your *Q(K)*) who? will he sit on [the] throne of lord my the king after him.
28 et respondit rex David dicens vocate ad me Bethsabee quae cum fuisset ingressa coram rege et stetisset ante eum
And he answered the king David and he said summon for me Bath-sheba and she came before the king and she stood before the king.
29 iuravit rex et ait vivit Dominus qui eruit animam meam de omni angustia
And he swore an oath the king and he said [by] [the] life of Yahweh who he has ransomed life my from every trouble.
30 quia sicut iuravi tibi per Dominum Deum Israhel dicens Salomon filius tuus regnabit post me et ipse sedebit super solium meum pro me sic faciam hodie
For just as I swore to you by Yahweh [the] God of Israel saying that Solomon son your he will reign after me and he he will sit on throne my in place of me for so I will do the day this.
31 submissoque Bethsabee in terram vultu adoravit regem dicens vivat dominus meus rex David in aeternum
And she bowed low Bath-sheba face ground and she bowed down to the king and she said may he live lord my the king David for ever.
32 dixit quoque rex David vocate mihi Sadoc sacerdotem et Nathan propheten et Banaiam filium Ioiadae qui cum ingressi fuissent coram rege
And he said - the king David summon for me Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and they came before the king.
33 dixit ad eos tollite vobiscum servos domini vestri et inponite Salomonem filium meum super mulam meam et ducite eum in Gion
And he said the king to them take with you [the] servants of lord your and you will cause to ride Solomon son my on the mule which [belongs] to me and you will take down him to Gihon.
34 et unguat eum ibi Sadoc sacerdos et Nathan propheta in regem super Israhel et canetis bucina atque dicetis vivat rex Salomon
And he will anoint him there Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet to king over Israel and you will give a blast on the ram's horn and you will say may he live the king Solomon.
35 et ascendetis post eum et veniet et sedebit super solium meum et ipse regnabit pro me illique praecipiam ut sit dux super Israhel et super Iudam
And you will come up after him and he will come and he will sit on throne my and he he will reign in place of me and him I have appointed to be ruler over Israel and over Judah.
36 et respondit Banaias filius Ioiadae regi dicens amen sic loquatur Dominus Deus domini mei regis
And he answered Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada the king and he said - amen thus may he say Yahweh [the] God of lord my the king.
37 quomodo fuit Dominus cum domino meo rege sic sit cum Salomone et sublimius faciat solium eius a solio domini mei regis David
Just as he has been Yahweh with lord my the king so (he will be *Q(K)*) with Solomon and may he make great throne his more than [the] throne of lord my the king David.
38 descendit ergo Sadoc sacerdos et Nathan propheta et Banaias filius Ioiadae et Cherethi et Felethi et inposuerunt Salomonem super mulam regis David et adduxerunt eum in Gion
And he went down Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and the Kerethite[s] and the Pelethite[s] and they caused to ride Solomon on [the] mule of the king David and they brought him to Gihon.
39 sumpsitque Sadoc sacerdos cornu olei de tabernaculo et unxit Salomonem et cecinerunt bucina et dixit omnis populus vivat rex Salomon
And he took Zadok the priest [the] horn of oil from the tent and he anointed Solomon and they gave a blast on the ram's horn and they said all the people may he live the king Solomon.
40 et ascendit universa multitudo post eum et populus canentium tibiis et laetantium gaudio magno et insonuit terra ad clamorem eorum
And they went up all the people after him and the people [were] playing [the] flute with flutes and joyful joy great and it was split open the earth by noise their.
41 audivit autem Adonias et omnes qui invitati fuerant ab eo iamque convivium finitum erat sed et Ioab audita voce tubae ait quid sibi vult clamor civitatis tumultuantis
And he heard Adonijah and all those [who] were invited who [were] with him and they they had finished to eat and he heard Joab [the] sound of the ram's horn and he said why? [is] [the] sound of the town in an uproar.
42 adhuc illo loquente Ionathan filius Abiathar sacerdotis venit cui dixit Adonias ingredere quia vir fortis es et bona nuntians
Still he [was] speaking and there! Jonathan [the] son of Abiathar the priest he came and he said Adonijah come for [are] a man of worth you and good you bear news.
43 responditque Ionathan Adoniae nequaquam dominus enim noster rex David regem constituit Salomonem
And he answered Jonathan and he said to Adonijah indeed lord our the king David he has made king Solomon.
44 misitque cum eo Sadoc sacerdotem et Nathan prophetam et Banaiam filium Ioiadae et Cherethi et Felethi et inposuerunt eum super mulam regis
And he has sent with him the king Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and the Kerethite[s] and the Pelethite[s] and they have caused to ride him on [the] mule of the king.
45 unxeruntque eum Sadoc sacerdos et Nathan propheta regem in Gion et ascenderunt inde laetantes et insonuit civitas haec est vox quam audistis
And they have anointed him Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet to king at Gihon and they have gone up from there joyful and it was excited the town that [is] the noise which you have heard.
46 sed et Salomon sedit super solio regni
And also he has sat Solomon on [the] throne of royalty.
47 et ingressi servi regis benedixerunt domino nostro regi David dicentes amplificet Deus nomen Salomonis super nomen tuum et magnificet thronum eius super thronum tuum et adoravit rex in lectulo suo
And also they have come [the] servants of the king to bless lord our the king David saying may he make good (God *Q(K)*) [the] name of Solomon more than name your and may he make great throne his more than throne your and he bowed down the king on the bed.
48 insuper et haec locutus est benedictus Dominus Deus Israhel qui dedit hodie sedentem in solio meo videntibus oculis meis
And also thus he has said the king [be] blessed Yahweh [the] God of Israel who he has given this day [one who] sits on throne my and own eyes my [are] seeing.
49 territi sunt ergo et surrexerunt omnes qui invitati fuerant ab Adonia et ivit unusquisque in viam suam
And they trembled and they rose up all those [who] were invited who [belonged] to Adonijah and they went each to way his.
50 Adonias autem timens Salomonem surrexit et abiit tenuitque cornu altaris
And Adonijah he was afraid of Solomon and he arose and he went and he took hold on [the] horns of the altar.
51 et nuntiaverunt Salomoni dicentes ecce Adonias timens regem Salomonem tenuit cornu altaris dicens iuret mihi hodie rex Salomon quod non interficiat servum suum gladio
And it was told to Solomon saying there! Adonijah he fears the king Solomon and there! he has taken hold on [the] horns of the altar saying let him swear to me as the day the king Solomon if he will put to death servant his by the sword.
52 dixitque Salomon si fuerit vir bonus non cadet ne unus quidem capillus eius in terram sin autem malum inventum fuerit in eo morietur
And he said Solomon if he will become a son of worth not it will fall one of hair[s] his [the] ground towards and if evil it will be found in him and he will die.
53 misit ergo rex Salomon et eduxit eum ab altari et ingressus adoravit regem Salomonem dixitque ei Salomon vade in domum tuam
And he sent the king Solomon and they brought down him from at the altar and he came and he bowed down to the king Solomon and he said to him Solomon go to house your.

< I Regum 1 >