< I Regum 6 >
1 factum est igitur quadringentesimo et octogesimo anno egressionis filiorum Israhel de terra Aegypti in anno quarto mense zio ipse est mensis secundus regis Salomonis super Israhel aedificare coepit domum Domino
Forsothe it was doon in the fourthe hundrid and fourescore yeer of the goynge out of the sones of Israel fro the lond of Egipt, in the fourthe yeer, in the monethe Zio; thilke is the secounde monethe of the rewme of Salomon on Israel; he bigan to bilde an hows to the Lord.
2 domus autem quam aedificabat rex Salomon Domino habebat sexaginta cubitos in longitudine et viginti cubitos in latitudine et triginta cubitos in altitudine
Forsothe the hows which kyng Salomon bildide to the Lord, hadde sexti cubitis in lengthe, and twenti cubitis in breede, and thretti cubitis in heiythe.
3 et porticus erat ante templum viginti cubitorum longitudinis iuxta mensuram latitudinis templi et habebat decem cubitos latitudinis ante faciem templi
And a porche was bifor the temple of twenti cubitis of lengthe, by the mesure of the breed of the temple; and the porche hadde ten cubitis of breede, bifor the face of the temple.
4 fecitque in templo fenestras obliquas
And Salomon made in the temple `wyndows streyte withoutforth, and large with ynne.
5 et aedificavit super parietem templi tabulata per gyrum in parietibus domus per circuitum templi et oraculi et fecit latera in circuitu
And he bildide on the wal of the temple bildyngis of tablis bi cumpas, in the wallis of the hows, `bi cumpas of the temple, and of Goddis answeryng place; and he made sidis in the cumpas.
6 tabulatum quod subter erat quinque cubitos habebat latitudinis et medium tabulatum sex cubitorum latitudinis et tertium tabulatum septem habens cubitos latitudinis trabes autem posuit in domo per circuitum forinsecus ut non hererent muris templi
The bildyng of tablis, that was vndur, hadde fyue cubitis of breede; and the myddil bildyng of tablis was of sixe cubits of breede; and the thridde bildyng of tablis was hauynge seuene cubitis of breede. Sotheli he puttide beemys in the hous bi cumpas with outforth, that tho cleuiden not to the wallis of the temple.
7 domus autem cum aedificaretur lapidibus dedolatis atque perfectis aedificata est et malleus et securis et omne ferramentum non sunt audita in domo cum aedificaretur
Forsothe whanne the hows was bildid, it was bildid of `stoonys hewid and perfit; and an hamer, and ax, and al thing maad of yrun, weren not herd in the hows, while it was in bildyng.
8 ostium lateris medii in parte erat domus dexterae et per cocleam ascendebant in medium cenaculum et a medio in tertium
The dore of the myddil side was in the wal of the riythalf hows; and bi a vijs thei stieden in to the myddil soler, and fro the myddil soler in to the thridde soler.
9 et aedificavit domum et consummavit eam texit quoque domum laquearibus cedrinis
And Salomon bildide the hows, and endide it. Also Salomon hilide the hows with couplis of cedre,
10 et aedificavit tabulatum super omnem domum quinque cubitis altitudinis et operuit domum lignis cedrinis
and bildide a bildyng of tablis ouer al the hows, bi fyue cubitis of heiythe, and hilide the hows with `trees of cedre.
11 et factus est sermo Domini ad Salomonem dicens
And the word of the Lord was maad to Salomon, and seide,
12 domus haec quam aedificas si ambulaveris in praeceptis meis et iudicia mea feceris et custodieris omnia mandata mea gradiens per ea firmabo sermonem meum tibi quem locutus sum ad David patrem tuum
This is the hows, which thou bildist; if thou gost in myn heestis, and dost my domes, and kepist alle my comaundementis, and goist bi tho, Y schal make stidefast my word to thee, `which word Y spak to Dauid, thi fadir;
13 et habitabo in medio filiorum Israhel et non derelinquam populum meum Israhel
and Y schal dwelle in the myddis of the sones of Israel, and Y schal not forsake my puple Israel.
14 igitur aedificavit Salomon domum et consummavit eam
Therfor Salomon bildide the hows, and endide it;
15 et aedificavit parietes domus intrinsecus tabulatis cedrinis a pavimento domus usque ad summitatem parietum et usque ad laquearia operuit lignis intrinsecus et texit pavimentum domus tabulis abiegnis
and he bildide the wallis of the hows with ynne with tablis of cedre, fro the pawment of the hows `til to the heiynesse of the wal, and `til to the couplis; and hilide with trees of cedre with ynne; and he hilide the pawment of the hows with tablis of beeche.
16 aedificavitque viginti cubitorum ad posteriorem partem templi tabulata cedrina a pavimento usque ad superiora et fecit interiorem domum oraculi in sanctum sanctorum
And he bildide a wal of tablis of cedre of twenti cubitis at the hyndrere part of the temple, fro the pawment `til to the hiyere partis; and he made the ynnere hows of Goddis answeryng place, in to the hooli of hooli thingis.
17 porro quadraginta cubitorum erat ipsum templum pro foribus oraculi
Sotheli thilke temple bifor the doris of Goddis answering place was of fourti cubitis.
18 et cedro omnis domus intrinsecus vestiebatur habens tornaturas suas et iuncturas fabrefactas et celaturas eminentes omnia cedrinis tabulis vestiebantur nec omnino lapis apparere poterat in pariete
And al the hows with ynne was clothid with cedre, and hadde hise smethenessis, and hise ioynyngis maad suteli, and grauyngis apperynge aboue; alle thingis weren clothid with tablis of cedre, and outirli a stoon miyte not appere in the wal.
19 oraculum autem in medio domus in interiori parte fecerat ut poneret ibi arcam foederis Domini
Forsothe Salomon made Goddis answeryng place in the myddis of the hows, in the ynnere part, that he schulde sette there the arke of boond of pees of the Lord.
20 porro oraculum habebat viginti cubitos longitudinis et viginti cubitos latitudinis et viginti cubitos altitudinis et operuit illud atque vestivit auro purissimo sed et altare vestivit cedro
Sotheli Goddis answeryng place hadde twenti cubitis of lengthe, and twenti cubitis of breede, and twenti cubitis of hiyte; and he hilide, and clothide it with pureste gold; but also he clothide the auter with cedre.
21 domum quoque ante oraculum operuit auro purissimo et adfixit lamminas clavis aureis
Also he hilide with pureste gold the hows bifor `Goddis answeryng place, and fastnyde platis with goldun nailis.
22 nihilque erat in templo quod non auro tegeretur sed et totum altare oraculi texit auro
No thing was in the temple, `which thing was not hilid with gold; but also he hilid with gold al the auter of Goddis answeryng place.
23 et fecit in oraculo duo cherubin de lignis olivarum decem cubitorum altitudinis
And he made in `Goddis answeryng place twey cherubyns of the trees of olyues, of ten cubits of heiyte;
24 quinque cubitorum ala cherub una et quinque cubitorum ala cherub altera id est decem cubitos habentes a summitate alae usque ad alae alterius summitatem
o wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, and the tother wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, that is, hauynge ten cubitis, fro the heiynesse of `the o wynge `til to the hiynesse of the tother wynge.
25 decem quoque cubitorum erat cherub secundus mensura pari et opus unum erat in duobus cherubin
And the secunde cherub was of ten cubitis in euene mesure; and o werk was in the twey cherubyns,
26 id est altitudinem habebat unus cherub decem cubitorum et similiter cherub secundus
that is, o cherub hadde the hiythe of ten cubitis, and in lijk maner the tother cherub.
27 posuitque cherubin in medio templi interioris extendebant autem alas suas cherubin et tangebat ala una parietem et ala cherub secundi tangebat parietem alterum alae autem alterae in media parte templi se invicem contingebant
And he settide cherubyns in the myddis of the ynnere temple; forsothe the cherubyns helden forth her wyngis, and o wenge touchide the wal, and the wynge of the secunde cherub touchide the tother wal; forsothe the othere wyngis in the middil part of the temple touchiden hem silf togidere.
28 texit quoque cherubin auro
And he hilide the cherubyns with gold,
29 et omnes parietes templi per circuitum scalpsit variis celaturis et torno et fecit in eis cherubin et palmas et picturas varias quasi prominentes de pariete et egredientes
and alle the wallis of the temple `bi cumpas; and grauyde with dyuerse grauyngis and smethenesse; and he made in tho wallys cherubyns, and palmes, and dyuerse peynturis, as stondinge forth and goynge out of the wal.
30 sed et pavimentum domus texit auro intrinsecus et extrinsecus
But also he hilide with gold the pawment of the hows, withynne and with outforthe.
31 et in ingressu oraculi fecit ostiola de lignis olivarum postesque angulorum quinque
And in the entryng of `Goddis answering place he made twei litil doris of the trees of olyues; and he made postis of fyue corneris,
32 et duo ostia de lignis olivarum et scalpsit in eis picturam cherubin et palmarum species et anaglyfa valde prominentia et texit ea auro et operuit tam cherubin quam palmas et cetera auro
and twei doris of the trees of olyues; and grauyde in tho the peynture of cherubyns, and the licnessis of palmes, and grauyngis aboue stondynge forth gretli; and he hilide tho with gold; and he hilide as wel the cherubyns, as palmes, and othere thingis with gold.
33 fecitque in introitum templi postes de lignis olivarum quadrangulatos
And in the entring of the temple he made postis foure cornerid of the trees of olyues;
34 et duo ostia de lignis abiegnis altrinsecus et utrumque ostium duplex erat et se invicem tenens aperiebatur
and he made twei doris of the trees of beech, ech ayens other; and euer either dore was double, and it was openyd holdynge it silf togidere.
35 et scalpsit cherubin et palmas et celaturas valde eminentes operuitque omnia lamminis aureis opere quadro ad regulam
And he grauyde cherubyns, and palmes, and grauyngis apperynge greetli; and he hilide alle thingis with goldun platis, bi square werk at reule.
36 et aedificavit atrium interius tribus ordinibus lapidum politorum et uno ordine lignorum cedri
And he bildide a large street with ynne, bi thre ordris of stoonys maad fair, and bi oon ordre of trees of cedre.
37 anno quarto fundata est domus Domini in mense zio
The hows of the Lord was foundid in the fourthe yeer, in the monethe Zio;
38 et in anno undecimo mense bul ipse est mensis octavus perfecta est domus in omni opere suo et in universis utensilibus aedificavitque eam annis septem
and the hows was maad perfit in al his werk, and in alle vessels, ether `purtenauncis, in the eleuenthe yeer, in the monethe Zebul; thilke is the eiythe monethe; and he bildide that hows in seuene yeer.