< I Regum 21 >

1 post verba autem haec vinea erat Naboth Hiezrahelitae qui erat in Hiezrahel iuxta palatium Ahab regis Samariae
Forsothe after these wordis, in that tyme, the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, `that was in Jezrael, was bisidis the paleis of Achab, kyng of Samarye.
2 locutus est ergo Ahab ad Naboth dicens da mihi vineam tuam ut faciam mihi hortum holerum quia vicina est et prope domum meam daboque tibi pro ea vineam meliorem aut si tibi commodius putas argenti pretium quanto digna est
Therfor Achab spak to Naboth, and seide, Yyue thou to me the vyner, that Y make to me a gardyn of wortis, for it is nyy, and nyy myn hows; and Y schal yyue to thee a betere vyner for it; ethir if thou gessist it more profitable to thee, Y schall yyue the prijs of siluer, as myche as it is worth.
3 cui respondit Naboth propitius mihi sit Dominus ne dem hereditatem patrum meorum tibi
To whom Naboth answeride, The Lord be merciful to me, that Y yyue not to thee the eritage of my fadris.
4 venit ergo Ahab in domum suam indignans et frendens super verbo quod locutus fuerat ad eum Naboth Hiezrahelites dicens non do tibi hereditatem patrum meorum et proiciens se in lectulum suum avertit faciem ad parietem et non comedit panem
Therfor Acab cam in to his hows, hauynge indignacioun, and gnastyng on the word which Naboth of Jezrael hadde spoke to him, and seide, Y schal not yyue to thee the eritage of my fadirs. And Achab castide doun him silf in to his bed, and turnede awei his face to the wal, and ete not breed.
5 ingressa est autem ad eum Hiezabel uxor sua dixitque ei quid est hoc unde anima tua contristata est et quare non comedis panem
Forsothe Jezabel, his wijf, entride to hym, and seide to hym, What is this thing, wherof thi soule is maad sory? and whi etist thou not breed?
6 qui respondit ei locutus sum Naboth Hiezrahelitae et dixi ei da mihi vineam tuam accepta pecunia aut si tibi placet dabo tibi vineam pro ea et ille ait non do tibi vineam meam
Which answeride to hir, Y spak to Naboth of Jezrael, and Y seide to hym, Yyue thi vyner to me for money takun, ethir if it plesith thee, Y schal yyue to thee a betere vyner for it. And he seide, Y schal not yyue to thee my vyner.
7 dixit ergo ad eum Hiezabel uxor eius grandis auctoritatis es et bene regis regnum Israhel surge et comede panem et aequo esto animo ego dabo tibi vineam Naboth Hiezrahelitae
Therfor Jezabel, his wijf, seide to hym, Thou art of greet auctorite, and thou gouernest wel Israel; rise thou, and ete breed, and be thou `pacient, ethir coumfortid; Y schal yyue to thee the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael.
8 scripsit itaque litteras ex nomine Ahab et signavit eas anulo eius et misit ad maiores natu et ad optimates qui erant in civitate eius et habitabant cum Naboth
Therfor sche wroot lettris in the name of Achab, and seelide tho with the ryng of hym; and sche sente to the grettere men in birthe, and to the beste men, that weren in the citee of hym, and dwelliden with Naboth.
9 litterarum autem erat ista sententia praedicate ieiunium et sedere facite Naboth inter primos populi
Sotheli this was the sentence of the lettre; Preche ye fastyng, and make ye Naboth to sitte among the firste men of the puple;
10 et submittite duos viros filios Belial contra eum et falsum testimonium dicant benedixit Deum et regem et educite eum et lapidate sicque moriatur
and sende ye priueli twei men, the sones of Belial, ayens hym, and sey thei fals witnessyng, Naboth blesside God and the kyng; and lede ye out hym, and stoon ye him, and die he so.
11 fecerunt ergo cives eius maiores natu et optimates qui habitabant cum eo in urbe sicut praeceperat eis Hiezabel et sicut scriptum erat in litteris quas miserat ad eos
Therfor hise citeseyns, the grettere men in birthe, and the beste men that dwelliden with hym in the citee, diden as Jezabel hadde comaundid, and as it was writun in the lettris, whiche sche hadde sent to hem.
12 praedicaverunt ieiunium et sedere fecerunt Naboth inter primos populi
Thei prechiden fastyng, and maden Naboth to sitte among the firste men of the puple;
13 et adductis duobus viris filiis diaboli fecerunt eos sedere contra eum at illi scilicet ut viri diabolici dixerunt contra eum testimonium coram multitudine benedixit Naboth Deo et regi quam ob rem eduxerunt eum extra civitatem et lapidibus interfecerunt
and whanne twey men, sones of the deuel, weren brouyt, thei maden hem to sitte ayens hym, and thei, that is, as men of the deuel, seiden witnessyng ayens him bifor al the multitude, Naboth blesside God and the kyng; for which thing thei ledden hym with out the citee, and killiden him with stoonys.
14 miseruntque ad Hiezabel dicentes lapidatus est Naboth et mortuus est
And thei senten to Jezabel, and seiden, Naboth is stoonyd, and is deed.
15 factum est autem cum audisset Hiezabel lapidatum Naboth et mortuum locuta est ad Ahab surge posside vineam Naboth Hiezrahelitae qui noluit tibi adquiescere et dare eam accepta pecunia non enim vivit Naboth sed mortuus est
Forsothe it was doon, whanne Jezabel hadde herd Naboth stonyd and deed, sche spak to Achab, Rise thou, take thou in possessioun the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, which nolde assente to thee, and yyue it for money takun; for Naboth lyueth not, but is deed.
16 quod cum audisset Ahab mortuum videlicet Naboth surrexit et descendebat in vineam Naboth Hiezrahelitae ut possideret eam
And whanne Achab hadde herd this, that is, Naboth deed, he roos, and yede doun in to the vyner of Naboth of Jezrael, to haue it in possessioun.
17 factus est igitur sermo Domini ad Heliam Thesbiten dicens
Therfor the word of the Lord was maad to Elie of Thesbi,
18 surge et descende in occursum Ahab regis Israhel qui est in Samaria ecce ad vineam Naboth descendit ut possideat eam
and seide, Rise thou, go doun in to the comyng of Achab, kyng of Israel, which is in Samarie; lo! he goith doun to the vyner of Naboth, that he haue it in possessioun.
19 et loqueris ad eum dicens haec dicit Dominus occidisti insuper et possedisti et post haec addes haec dicit Dominus in loco hoc in quo linxerunt canes sanguinem Naboth lambent tuum quoque sanguinem
And thou schalt speke to hym, and `thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Thou hast slayn, ferthermore and thou hast take in possessioun; and aftir these thingis thou schalt adde, In this place, wherynne doggis lickiden the blood of Naboth, thei schulen licke also thi blood.
20 et ait Ahab ad Heliam num invenisti me inimice mee qui dixit inveni eo quod venundatus sis ut faceres malum in conspectu Domini
And Achab seyde to Elie, Whether thou hast founde me thin enemy? Which Elie seide, Y haue founde, for thou art seeld that thou schuldist do yuel in the siyt of the Lord.
21 ecce ego inducam super te malum et demetam posteriora tua et interficiam de Ahab mingentem ad parietem et clausum et ultimum in Israhel
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge yn on thee yuel, and Y schal kitte awey thin hyndrere thingis, and Y schal sle of Achab a pissere to the wal, and prisoned, and the laste in Israel;
22 et dabo domum tuam sicut domum Hieroboam filii Nabath et sicut domum Baasa filii Ahia quia egisti ut me ad iracundiam provocares et peccare fecisti Israhel
and Y schal yyue thin hows as the hows of Jeroboam, sone of Naboth, and as the hows of Baasa, sone of Ahia; for thou didist to excite me to wrathfulnesse, and madist Israel to do synne.
23 sed et de Hiezabel locutus est Dominus dicens canes comedent Hiezabel in agro Hiezrahel
But also the Lord spak of Jezabel, and seide, Doggis schulen ete Jezabel in the feeld of Jesrael;
24 si mortuus fuerit Ahab in civitate comedent eum canes si autem mortuus fuerit in agro comedent eum volucres caeli
if Achab schal die in the citee, doggis schulen ete hym; sotheli if he schal die in the feeld, briddis of the eyr schulen ete hym.
25 igitur non fuit alter talis ut Ahab qui venundatus est ut faceret malum in conspectu Domini concitavit enim eum Hiezabel uxor sua
Therfor noon other was sich as Achab, that was seeld to do yuel in the siyt of the Lord; for Jezabel his wijf excitide hym;
26 et abominabilis effectus est in tantum ut sequeretur idola quae fecerant Amorrei quos consumpsit Dominus a facie filiorum Israhel
and he was maad abhomynable, in so myche that he suede the ydols that Ammorreis maden, which Ammorreis the Lord wastide fro the face of the sones of Israel.
27 itaque cum audisset Ahab sermones istos scidit vestem suam et operuit cilicio carnem suam ieiunavitque et dormivit in sacco et ambulabat dimisso capite
Therfor whanne Achab hadde herd these wordis, he to-rente his cloth, and hilide his fleisch with an hayre, and he fastide, and slepte in a sak, and yede with the heed cast doun.
28 factus est autem sermo Domini ad Heliam Thesbiten dicens
The word of the Lord was maad to Elie of Thesbi, and seide,
29 nonne vidisti humiliatum Ahab coram me quia igitur humiliatus est mei causa non inducam malum in diebus eius sed in diebus filii sui inferam malum domui eius
Whethir thou hast not seyn Achab maad low bifor me? Therfor for he is maad low for the cause of me, Y schal not brynge yn yuel in hise daies, but in the daies of his sone Y schal bryng yn yuel to his hows.

< I Regum 21 >