< I Regum 18 >
1 post dies multos verbum Domini factum est ad Heliam in anno tertio dicens vade et ostende te Ahab ut dem pluviam super faciem terrae
Aftir many daies the word of the Lord was maad to Elie, in the thridde yeer, and seide, Go, and schewe thee to Achab, that Y yyue reyn on the face of erthe.
2 ivit ergo Helias ut ostenderet se Ahab erat autem fames vehemens in Samaria
Therfor Elie yede to schewe hym silf to Achab; forsothe greet hungur was in Samarie.
3 vocavitque Ahab Abdiam dispensatorem domus suae Abdias autem timebat Dominum valde
And Achab clepide Abdie, dispendere, ether stiward, of his hows; forsothe Abdie dredde greetli the Lord God of Israel.
4 nam cum interficeret Hiezabel prophetas Domini tulit ille centum prophetas et abscondit eos quinquagenos in speluncis et pavit eos pane et aqua
For whanne Jezabel killide the prophetis of the Lord, he took an hundrid prophetis, and hidde hem, bi fifties and fifties, in dennes, and fedde hem with breed and watir.
5 dixit ergo Ahab ad Abdiam vade in terram ad universos fontes aquarum et in cunctas valles si forte invenire possimus herbam et salvare equos et mulos et non penitus iumenta intereant
Therfor Achab seide to Abdie, Go thou in to the lond, to alle wellis of watris, and in to alle valeis, if in hap we moun fynde gras, and saue horsis and mulis; and werk beestis perische not outirli.
6 diviseruntque sibi regiones ut circuirent eas Ahab ibat per viam unam et Abdias per viam alteram seorsum
Therfor thei departiden the cuntreis to hem silf, that thei schulden cumpasse tho; Achab yede bi o weye, and Abdie yede bi another weie, `bi hym silf.
7 cumque esset Abdias in via Helias occurrit ei qui cum cognovisset eum cecidit super faciem suam et ait num tu es domine mi Helias
And whanne Abdie was in the weie, Elie mette hym; and whanne he hadde knowe Elie, he felde on his face, and seide, Whethir thou art my lord Elie?
8 cui ille respondit ego vade dic domino tuo adest Helias
To whom he answeride, Y am. And Elie seide, Go thou, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present.
9 et ille quid peccavi inquit quoniam trades me servum tuum in manu Ahab ut interficiat me
And Abdie seide, What `synnede Y, for thou bitakist me in the hond of Achab, that he sle me?
10 vivit Dominus Deus tuus non est gens aut regnum quo non miserit dominus meus te requirens et respondentibus cunctis non est hic adiuravit regna singula et gentes eo quod minime repperireris
Thi Lord God lyueth, for no folk ethir rewme is, whidur my lord, sekynge thee, sente not; and whanne alle men answeriden, He is not here, he chargide greetli alle rewmes and folkis, for thou were not foundun; and now thou seist to me,
11 et nunc dicis mihi vade et dic domino tuo adest Helias
Go, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present.
12 cumque recessero a te spiritus Domini asportabit te in locum quem ego ignoro ingressus nuntiabo Ahab et non inveniet te et interficiet me servus autem tuus timet Dominum ab infantia sua
And whanne Y schal departe fro thee, the Spirit of the Lord schal bere thee awey in to a place which Y knowe not; and Y schal entre, and `Y schal telle to Achab, and he schal not fynde thee, and he schal sle me; forsothe thi seruaunt dredith the Lord fro his yong childhod.
13 numquid non indicatum est tibi domino meo quid fecerim cum interficeret Hiezabel prophetas Domini quod absconderim de prophetis Domini centum viros quinquagenos et quinquagenos in speluncis et paverim eos pane et aqua
Whether it is not schewid to thee, my lord, what Y dide, whanne Jesabel killide the prophetis of the Lord, that Y hidde of the prophetis of the Lord an hundrid men, bi fifty and bi fifti, in dennes, and Y fedde hem with breed and watir?
14 et nunc tu dicis vade et dic domino tuo adest Helias ut interficiat me
And now thou seist, Go, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present, that he sle me.
15 dixit Helias vivit Dominus exercituum ante cuius vultum sto quia hodie apparebo ei
And Elie seide, The Lord of oostis lyueth, bifor whos siyt Y stonde, for to dai Y schal appere to hym.
16 abiit ergo Abdias in occursum Ahab et indicavit ei venitque Ahab in occursum Heliae
Therfor Abdie yede in to the metyng of Achab, and schewide to hym; and Achab cam in to the meetyng of Elie.
17 et cum vidisset eum ait tune es ille qui conturbas Israhel
And whanne he hadde seyn Elie, he seide, Whether thou art he, that disturblist Israel?
18 et ille ait non turbavi Israhel sed tu et domus patris tui qui dereliquistis mandata Domini et secuti estis Baalim
And he seide, Not Y disturble Israel, but thou, and the hows of thi fadir, whiche han forsake the comaundementis of the Lord, and sueden Baalym, `disturbliden Israel.
19 verumtamen nunc mitte et congrega ad me universum Israhel in monte Carmeli et prophetas Baal quadringentos quinquaginta prophetasque lucorum quadringentos qui comedunt de mensa Hiezabel
Netheles now sende thou, and gadere to me al Israel, in the hil of Carmele, and foure hundrid and fifti prophetis of Baal, and foure hundrid prophetis of woodis, that eten of the table of Jezabel.
20 misit Ahab ad omnes filios Israhel et congregavit prophetas in monte Carmeli
Achab sente to alle the sones of Israel, and gaderide prophetis in the hil of Carmele.
21 accedens autem Helias ad omnem populum ait usquequo claudicatis in duas partes si Dominus est Deus sequimini eum si autem Baal sequimini illum et non respondit ei populus verbum
Forsothe Elie neiyede to al the puple of Israel, and seide, Hou long halten ye in to twey partis? If the Lord is God, sue ye hym; forsothe if Baal is God, sue ye hym. And the puple answeride not o word to hym.
22 et ait rursum Helias ad populum ego remansi propheta Domini solus prophetae autem Baal quadringenti et quinquaginta viri sunt
And Elie seide eft to the puple, Y dwellide aloone a prophete of the Lord; sotheli the prophetis of Baal ben foure hundrid and fifti, and the prophetis of woodis ben foure hundrid men.
23 dentur nobis duo boves et illi eligant bovem unum et in frusta caedentes ponant super ligna ignem autem non subponant et ego faciam bovem alterum et inponam super ligna ignemque non subponam
Tweyne oxis be youun to us; and chese thei oon oxe, and thei schulen kitte in to gobetis, and schulen putte on trees, but putte thei not fier vndur; and Y schal make the tother oxe in to sacrifice, and Y schal putte on the trees, and Y schal not putte fier vnder.
24 invocate nomina deorum vestrorum et ego invocabo nomen Domini et deus qui exaudierit per ignem ipse sit Deus respondens omnis populus ait optima propositio
Clepe ye the name of youre goddis, and Y schal clepe the name of my God; and the God that herith bi fier, be he God. And al the puple answeride, and seide, The resoun is best, `which resoun Elie spak.
25 dixit ergo Helias prophetis Baal eligite vobis bovem unum et facite primi quia vos plures estis et invocate nomina deorum vestrorum ignemque non subponatis
Therfor Elie seide to the prophetis of Baal, Chese ye oon oxe to you, and make ye first, for ye ben the mo; and clepe ye the names of youre goddis, and putte ye not fier vnder.
26 qui cum tulissent bovem quem dederat eis fecerunt et invocabant nomen Baal de mane usque ad meridiem dicentes Baal exaudi nos et non erat vox nec qui responderet transiliebantque altare quod fecerant
And whanne thei hadden take the oxe, whom Elie yaf to hem, thei maden sacrifice, and clepiden the name of Baal, fro the morewtid `til to myddai, and seiden, Baal, here vs! And no vois was, nether ony that answerd; and thei skippiden ouer the auter, which thei hadden maad.
27 cumque esset iam meridies inludebat eis Helias dicens clamate voce maiore deus enim est et forsitan loquitur aut in diversorio est aut in itinere aut certe dormit ut excitetur
And whanne it was thanne myddai, Elie scornede hem, and seide, Crie ye with gretter vois, for Baal is youre god, and in hap he spekith with an other, ethir he is in a herborgerie, ether in weie, ether certis he slepith, that he be reisid.
28 clamabant ergo voce magna et incidebant se iuxta ritum suum cultris et lanceolis donec perfunderentur sanguine
Therfor thei crieden with greet vois, and thei kerueden hem silf with knyues and launcetis, bi her custom, til thei weren bisched with blood.
29 postquam autem transiit meridies et illis prophetantibus venerat tempus quo sacrificium offerri solet nec audiebatur vox neque aliquis respondebat nec adtendebat orantes
Sotheli after that mydday passide, and while thei prophesieden, the tyme cam, in which the sacrifice is wont to be offrid, nether vois was herd `of her goddis, nether ony answeride, nether perceyuede hem preiynge.
30 dixit Helias omni populo venite ad me et accedente ad se populo curavit altare Domini quod destructum fuerat
Elie seide to al the puple, Come ye to me. And whanne the puple cam to him, he arrayede the auter of the Lord, that was distried.
31 et tulit duodecim lapides iuxta numerum tribuum filiorum Iacob ad quem factus est sermo Domini dicens Israhel erit nomen tuum
And he took twelue stonys, bi the noumbre of lynagis of sones of Jacob, to which Jacob the word of the Lord was maad, and seide, Israel schal be thi name.
32 et aedificavit lapidibus altare in nomine Domini fecitque aquaeductum quasi per duas aratiunculas in circuitu altaris
And he bildide an auter of stonys, in the name of the Lord, and he made a ledyng to of watir, `ether a dich, as bi twei litle dichis in the cumpas of the auter.
33 et conposuit ligna divisitque per membra bovem et posuit super ligna
And he dresside trees, and he departide the oxe bi membris, and puttide on the trees,
34 et ait implete quattuor hydrias aqua et fundite super holocaustum et super ligna rursumque dixit etiam secundo hoc facite qui cum fecissent et secundo ait etiam tertio id ipsum facite feceruntque et tertio
and seide, Fille ye foure pottis with watir, and schede ye on the brent sacrifice, and on the trees. And eft he seide, Also the secounde tyme do ye this. `And thei diden the secounde tyme. And he seide, Do ye the same thing the thridde tyme; and thei diden the thridde tyme.
35 et currebant aquae circa altare et fossa aquaeductus repleta est
And the watris runnen aboute the auter, and the dich of ledyng to `of watir was fillid.
36 cumque iam tempus esset ut offerretur holocaustum accedens Helias propheta ait Domine Deus Abraham Isaac et Israhel hodie ostende quia tu es Deus Israhel et ego servus tuus et iuxta praeceptum tuum feci omnia verba haec
And whanne the tyme was thanne, that the brent sacrifice schulde be offrid, Elye the prophete neiyede, and seide, Lord God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, schewe thou to dai that thou art God of Israel, and that Y am thi seruaunt, and haue do alle these wordis bi thi comaundement.
37 exaudi me Domine exaudi me ut discat populus iste quia tu es Dominus Deus et tu convertisti cor eorum iterum
Lord, here thou me; Lord, here thou me; that this puple lerne, that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast conuertid eft the herte of hem.
38 cecidit autem ignis Domini et voravit holocaustum et ligna et lapides pulverem quoque et aquam quae erat in aquaeductu lambens
Sotheli fier of the Lord felde doun, and deuouride brent sacrifice, and trees, and stonus, and lickide vp also the poudre, and the water that was in the `leding of water.
39 quod cum vidisset omnis populus cecidit in faciem suam et ait Dominus ipse est Deus Dominus ipse est Deus
And whanne al the puple hadde seyn this, it felde in to his face, and seide, The Lord he is God; the Lord he is God.
40 dixitque Helias ad eos adprehendite prophetas Baal et ne unus quidem fugiat ex eis quos cum conprehendissent duxit eos Helias ad torrentem Cison et interfecit eos ibi
And Elie seide to hem, Take ye the prophetis of Baal; not oon sotheli ascape of hem. And whanne thei hadden take hem, Elie ledde hem to the stronde of Cison, and killide hem there.
41 et ait Helias ad Ahab ascende comede et bibe quia sonus multae pluviae est
And Elie seide to Achab, Stie thou, ete, and drynke, for the sown of myche reyn is.
42 ascendit Ahab ut comederet et biberet Helias autem ascendit in vertice Carmeli et pronus in terram posuit faciem inter genua sua
Achab stiede to ete and drynke; forsothe Elie stiede in to the hil of Carmele, and he settide lowli his face to the erthe, bitwixe hise knees;
43 et dixit ad puerum suum ascende et prospice contra mare qui cum ascendisset et contemplatus esset ait non est quicquam et rursum ait illi revertere septem vicibus
and seide to his child, Stie thou, and biholde ayens the see. And whanne he hadde stied, and hadde biholde, he seide, No thing is. And eft Elie seide to hym, Turne thou ayen bi seuene tymes.
44 in septima autem vice ecce nubicula parva quasi vestigium hominis ascendebat de mari qui ait ascende et dic Ahab iunge et descende ne occupet te pluvia
Sotheli in the seuenthe tyme, lo! a litil cloude as the step of a man stiede fro the see. And Elie seide, Stie thou, and seie to Achab, Ioyne thi chare, and go doun, lest the reyn byfor ocupie thee.
45 cumque se verterent huc atque illuc ecce caeli contenebrati sunt et nubes et ventus et facta est pluvia grandis ascendens itaque Ahab abiit in Hiezrahel
And whanne thei turneden hem hidur and thidur, lo! heuenes weren maad derk, and cloud, and wynd, and greet reyn was maad. Therfor Achab stiede, and yede in to Jezrael;
46 et manus Domini facta est super Heliam accinctisque lumbis currebat ante Ahab donec veniret in Hiezrahel
and the hond of the Lord was maad on Elie, and whanne the leendis weren gird, he ran bifor Achab, til he cam in to Jezrael.