< I Regum 12 >

1 venit autem Roboam in Sychem illuc enim congregatus erat omnis Israhel ad constituendum eum regem
Forsothe Roboam cam in to Sichem; for al Israel was gaderid thidur to make hym kyng.
2 at Hieroboam filius Nabath cum adhuc esset in Aegypto profugus a facie regis Salomonis audita morte eius reversus est de Aegypto
`And sotheli Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, whanne he was yit in Egipt, and fledde fro the face of kyng Salomon, turnede ayen fro Egipt, for the deeth of Salomon was herd;
3 miseruntque et vocaverunt eum venit ergo Hieroboam et omnis multitudo Israhel et locuti sunt ad Roboam dicentes
and thei senten, and clepiden hym. Therfor Jeroboam cam, and al the multitude of Israel, and thei spaken to Roboam,
4 pater tuus durissimum iugum inposuit nobis tu itaque nunc inminue paululum de imperio patris tui durissimo et de iugo gravissimo quod inposuit nobis et serviemus tibi
and seiden, Thi fadir puttide hardeste yok on vs, therfor abate thou a litil now of the hardest comaundement of thi fadir, and of the greuousiste yok which he puttide on vs, and we schulen serue to thee.
5 qui ait eis ite usque ad tertium diem et revertimini ad me cumque abisset populus
Which Roboam seide to hem, Go ye `til to the thridde dai, and turne ye ayen to me.
6 iniit consilium rex Roboam cum senibus qui adsistebant coram Salomone patre eius dum adviveret et ait quod mihi datis consilium ut respondeam populo
And whanne the puple hadde go, kyng Roboam took counsel with the eldere men, that stoden bifor Salomon, his fadir, while he lyuyde yit; and Roboam seide, What counsel yyue ye to me, that Y answere to the puple?
7 qui dixerunt ei si hodie oboedieris populo huic et servieris et petitioni eorum cesseris locutusque fueris ad eos verba lenia erunt tibi servi cunctis diebus
Whiche seiden to hym, If thou obeiest to dai to this puple, and seruest this puple, and yyuest stide to her axyng, and spekist to hem liyte wordis, thei schulen be seruauntis to thee in alle daies.
8 qui dereliquit consilium senum quod dederant ei et adhibuit adulescentes qui nutriti fuerant cum eo et adsistebant illi
Which Roboam forsook the counsel of elde men, which thei yauen to hym, and took yonge men, that weren nurschid with hym, and stoden nyy him;
9 dixitque ad eos quod mihi datis consilium ut respondeam populo huic qui dixerunt mihi levius fac iugum quod inposuit pater tuus super nos
and he seide to hem, What counsel yyue ye to me, that Y answere to this puple, that seiden to me, Make thou esyere the yok which thi fadir puttide on vs?
10 et dixerunt ei iuvenes qui nutriti fuerant cum eo sic loquere populo huic qui locuti sunt ad te dicentes pater tuus adgravavit iugum nostrum tu releva nos sic loqueris ad eos minimus digitus meus grossior est dorso patris mei
And the yonge men, that weren nurschid with hym, seiden to hym, Thus speke thou to this puple, that spaken to thee, and seiden, Thi fadir made greuouse oure yok, releeue thou vs; thus thou schalt speke to hem, My leest fyngur is grettere than the bak of my fader;
11 et nunc pater meus posuit super vos iugum grave ego autem addam super iugum vestrum pater meus cecidit vos flagellis ego autem caedam scorpionibus
and now my fadir puttide on you a greuouse yok, forsothe Y schal adde on youre yok; my fadir beet you with scourgis, forsothe Y schal bete you with scorpiouns.
12 venit ergo Hieroboam et omnis populus ad Roboam die tertia sicut locutus fuerat rex dicens revertimini ad me die tertia
Therfor Jeroboam, and al the puple, cam to Roboam, in the thridde dai, as the kyng spak, seiynge, Turne ye ayen to me in the thridde dai.
13 responditque rex populo dura derelicto consilio seniorum quod ei dederant
And the kyng answeride harde thingis to the puple, while the counsel of eldere men was forsakun, which thei hadden youe to hym;
14 et locutus est eis secundum consilium iuvenum dicens pater meus adgravavit iugum vestrum ego autem addam iugo vestro pater meus cecidit vos flagellis et ego caedam scorpionibus
and he spak to hem bi the counsel of yonge men, and seide, My fadir made greuouse youre yok, forsothe Y schal adde to youre yok; my fadir beet you with scourgis, forsothe Y schal bete you with scorpiouns.
15 et non adquievit rex populo quoniam aversatus eum fuerat Dominus ut suscitaret verbum suum quod locutus fuerat in manu Ahiae Silonitae ad Hieroboam filium Nabath
And the kyng assentide not to the puple, for the Lord hadde turned awey, `ether hadde wlatid hym, that the Lord schulde reise his word, which he hadde spoke in the hond of Ahias of Silo to Jeroboam, sone of Nabath.
16 videns itaque populus quod noluisset eos audire rex respondit ei dicens quae nobis pars in David vel quae hereditas in filio Isai in tabernacula tua Israhel nunc vide domum tuam David et abiit Israhel in tabernacula sua
Therfor the puple siy, that the kyng nolde here hem; and the puple answeride to the kyng, and seide, What part is to vs in Dauid, ether what eritage in the sone of Ysay? Israel, turne thou ayen in to thi tabernaclis; now, Dauid, se thou thin hows. And Israel yede in to hise tabernaclis.
17 super filios autem Israhel quicumque habitabant in civitatibus Iuda regnavit Roboam
Forsothe Roboam regnede on the sones of Israel, whiche euere dwelliden in the citees of Juda.
18 misit igitur rex Roboam Aduram qui erat super tributum et lapidavit eum omnis Israhel et mortuus est porro rex Roboam festinus ascendit currum et fugit in Hierusalem
Therfore kyng Roboam sente Adhuram, that was on the tributis; and al the puple of Israel stonyde hym, and he was deed.
19 recessitque Israhel a domo David usque in praesentem diem
Forsothe kyng Roboam stiede hastili on the chare, and fledde in to Jerusalem; and Israel departide fro the hows of Dauid, til in to present dai.
20 factum est autem cum audisset omnis Israhel quod reversus esset Hieroboam miserunt et vocaverunt eum congregato coetu et constituerunt regem super omnem Israhel nec secutus est quisquam domum David praeter tribum Iuda solam
Forsothe it was doon, whanne al Israel hadde herd that Jeroboam turnede ayen, thei senten, and clepiden hym, whanne the cumpany was gaderid togidere, and thei maden hym kyng on al Israel; and no man suede the hows of Dauid, outakun the lynage aloone of Juda.
21 venit autem Roboam Hierusalem et congregavit universam domum Iuda et tribum Beniamin centum octoginta milia electorum virorum et bellatorum ut pugnaret contra domum Israhel et reduceret regnum Roboam filio Salomonis
Forsothe Roboam cam to Jerusalem, and gaderide al the hows of Juda, and the lynage of Beniamyn, an hundrid and fourescore thousynde of chosun men and weriours, that thei schulden fiyte ayens the hows of Israel, and schulden brynge ayen the rewme to Roboam, sone of Solomon.
22 factus est vero sermo Domini ad Semeiam virum Dei dicens
Forsothe the word of God was made to Semeia, the man of God, and seide,
23 loquere ad Roboam filium Salomonis regem Iuda et ad omnem domum Iuda et Beniamin et reliquos de populo dicens
Speke thou to Roboam, sone of Salomon, the kyng of Juda, and to al the hows of Juda and of Beniamyn, and to the residue of the puple, and seie thou, The Lord seith thes thingis,
24 haec dicit Dominus non ascendetis nec bellabitis contra fratres vestros filios Israhel revertatur vir in domum suam a me enim factum est verbum hoc audierunt sermonem Domini et reversi sunt de itinere sicut eis praeceperat Dominus
Ye schulen not stie, nether ye schulen fiyte ayens youre britheren, the sones of Israel; `a man turne ayen in to his hows, for this word is doon of me. Thei herden the word of the Lord, and thei turneden ayen fro the iurney, as the Lord comaundide to hem.
25 aedificavit autem Hieroboam Sychem in monte Ephraim et habitavit ibi et egressus inde aedificavit Phanuhel
Forsothe Jeroboam bildide Sichem, in the hil of Effraym, and dwellide there; and he yede out fro thennus, and bildide Phanuel.
26 dixitque Hieroboam in corde suo nunc revertetur regnum ad domum David
And Jeroboam seide in his herte, Now the rewme schal turne ayen to the hows of Dauid,
27 si ascenderit populus iste ut faciat sacrificia in domo Domini in Hierusalem et convertetur cor populi huius ad dominum suum Roboam regem Iuda interficientque me et revertentur ad eum
if this puple stieth to Jerusalem, that it make sacrifices in the hows of the Lord in Jerusalem; and the herte of this puple schal turne to her lord, Roboam, kyng of Juda; and thei schulen sle me, and schulen turne ayen to hym.
28 et excogitato consilio fecit duos vitulos aureos et dixit eis nolite ultra ascendere Hierusalem ecce dii tui Israhel qui eduxerunt te de terra Aegypti
And by counsel thouyt out, he made tweyne goldun caluys, and seide to hem, Nyle ye stie more in to Jerusalem; Israel, lo! thi goddis, that ledden thee out of the lond of Egipt.
29 posuitque unum in Bethel et alterum in Dan
And he settide oon in Bethel, and the tother in Dan.
30 et factum est verbum hoc in peccatum ibat enim populus ad adorandum vitulum usque in Dan
And this word was maad to Israel in to synne; for the puple yede til in to Dan, to worschipe the calf.
31 et fecit fana in excelsis et sacerdotes de extremis populi qui non erant de filiis Levi
And Jeroboam made templis in hiye placis, and `he made preestis of the laste men of the puple, that weren not of the sones of Leuy.
32 constituitque diem sollemnem in mense octavo quintadecima die mensis in similitudinem sollemnitatis quae celebratur in Iuda et ascendens altare similiter fecit in Bethel ut immolaret vitulis quos fabricatus erat constituitque in Bethel sacerdotes excelsorum quae fecerat
And he ordeynede a solempne dai in the eiythe monethe, in the fiftenthe dai of the monethe, bi the licnesse of solempnyte which was halewid in Juda. And he stiede, and made in lijk maner an auter in Bethel, that he schulde offre to the calues, whiche he hadde maad; and he ordeynede in Bethel preestis of the hiye places, whiche he hadde maad.
33 et ascendit super altare quod extruxerat in Bethel quintadecima die mensis octavi quem finxerat de corde suo et fecit sollemnitatem filiis Israhel et ascendit super altare ut adoleret incensum
And he styede on the auter, which he hadde bildid in Bethel, in the fiftenthe day of the eiythe monethe, which he hadde feyned of his herte; and he made solempnyte to the sones of Israel, and he stiede on the auter, that he schulde brenne encence.

< I Regum 12 >