< I Paralipomenon 3 >

1 David vero hos habuit filios qui ei nati sunt in Hebron primogenitum Amnon ex Achinaam Iezrahelitide secundum Danihel de Abigail Carmelitide
Now these were the sons of David who were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn, Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the second, Daniel, of Abigail the Carmelitess;
2 tertium Absalom filium Maacha filiae Tholmei regis Gessur quartum Adoniam filium Aggith
the third, Absalom the son of Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur; the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith;
3 quintum Saphatiam ex Abital sextum Iethraam de Egla uxore sua
the fifth, Shephatiah of Abital; the sixth, Ithream by Eglah his wife.
4 sex ergo nati sunt ei in Hebron ubi regnavit septem annis et sex mensibus triginta autem et tribus annis regnavit in Hierusalem
Six were born to him in Hebron, and he reigned there seven years and six months. And in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years.
5 porro in Hierusalem nati sunt ei filii Samaa et Sobab et Nathan et Salomon quattuor de Bethsabee filia Amihel
And these were born to him in Jerusalem: Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four, of Bathsheba the daughter of Ammiel;
6 Iebaar quoque et Elisama
and Ibhar, and Elishama, and Eliphelet,
7 et Eliphalet et Noge et Napheg et Iaphie
and Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,
8 necnon Elisama et Heliade et Eliphalet novem
and Elishama, and Eliada, and Eliphelet, nine.
9 omnes hii filii David absque filiis concubinarum habuerunt sororem Thamar
All these were the sons of David, besides the sons of the concubines. And Tamar was their sister.
10 filius autem Salomonis Roboam cuius Abia filius genuit Asa de hoc quoque natus est Iosaphat
And Solomon's son was Rehoboam, Abijah his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat his son,
11 pater Ioram qui Ioram genuit Ohoziam ex quo ortus est Ioas
Joram his son, Ahaziah his son, Joash his son,
12 et huius Amasias filius genuit Azariam porro Azariae filius Ioatham
Amaziah his son, Azariah his son, Jotham his son,
13 procreavit Achaz patrem Ezechiae de quo natus est Manasses
Ahaz his son, Hezekiah his son, Manasseh his son,
14 sed et Manasses genuit Amon patrem Iosiae
Amon his son, Josiah his son.
15 filii autem Iosiae fuerunt primogenitus Iohanan secundus Ioacim tertius Sedecias quartus Sellum
And the sons of Josiah: the firstborn Johanan, the second Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum.
16 de Ioacim natus est Iechonias et Sedecias
And the sons of Jehoiakim: Jeconiah his son, Zedekiah his son.
17 filii Iechoniae fuerunt Asir Salathihel
And the sons of Jeconiah, the captive: Shealtiel his son,
18 Melchiram Phadaia Sennaser et Iecemia Sama et Nadabia
and Malchiram, and Pedaiah, and Shenazzar, Jekamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah.
19 de Phadaia orti sunt Zorobabel et Semei Zorobabel genuit Mosollam Ananiam et Salomith sororem eorum
And the sons of Pedaiah: Zerubbabel, and Shimei. And the sons of Zerubbabel: Meshullam, and Hananiah; and Shelomith was their sister;
20 Asabamque et Ohol et Barachiam et Asadiam Iosabesed quinque
and Hashubah, and Ohel, and Berechiah, and Hasadiah, Jushab-hesed, five.
21 filius autem Ananiae Phaltias pater Ieseiae cuius filius Raphaia huius quoque filius Arnam de quo natus est Obdia cuius filius fuit Sechenia
And the sons of Hananiah: Pelatiah, and Jeshaiah; the sons of Rephaiah, the sons of Arnan, the sons of Obadiah, the sons of Shecaniah.
22 filius Secheniae Semeia cuius filii Attus et Iegal et Baria et Naaria et Saphat sex numero
And the sons of Shecaniah: Shemaiah. And the sons of Shemaiah: Hattush, and Igal, and Bariah, and Neariah, and Shaphat, six.
23 filius Naariae Helioenai et Ezechias et Ezricam tres
And the sons of Neariah: Elioenai, and Hizkiah, and Azrikam, three.
24 filii Helioenai Oduia et Heliasub et Pheleia et Accub et Iohanan et Dalaia et Anani septem
And the sons of Elioneai: Hodaviah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, and Johanan, and Delaiah, and Anani, seven.

< I Paralipomenon 3 >