< I Paralipomenon 27 >
1 filii autem Israhel secundum numerum suum principes familiarum tribuni et centuriones et praefecti qui ministrabant regi iuxta turmas suas ingredientes et egredientes per singulos menses in anno viginti quattuor milibus singuli praeerant
Forsothe the sones of Israel bi her noumbre, the princes of meynees, the tribunes, and centuriouns, and prefectis, that mynystriden to the kyng bi her cumpenyes, entrynge and goynge out bi ech monethe in the yeer, weren souereyns, ech bi hym silf, on foure and twenti thousynde.
2 primae turmae in primo mense Isboam praeerat filius Zabdihel et sub eo viginti quattuor milia
Isiboam, the sone of Zabdihel, was souereyn of the firste cumpenye in the firste monethe, and vndur hym weren foure and twenti thousynde;
3 de filiis Phares princeps cunctorum principum in exercitu mense primo
of the sones of Fares was the prince of alle princes in the oost, in the firste monethe.
4 secundi mensis habebat turmam Dudi Ahohites et post se alterum nomine Macelloth qui regebat partem exercitus viginti quattuor milium
Dudi Achoites hadde the cumpany of the secounde monethe, and aftir hym silf he hadde another man, Macelloth bi name, that gouernede a part of the oost of foure and twenti thousynde.
5 dux quoque turmae tertiae in mense tertio erat Banaias filius Ioiadae sacerdos et in divisione sua viginti quattuor milia
And Bananye, the sone of Joiada, the preest, was duyk of the thridde cumpenye in the thridde monethe, and four and twenti thousynde in his departyng;
6 ipse est Banaias fortissimus inter triginta et super triginta praeerat autem turmae ipsius Amizabad filius eius
thilke is Bananye, the strongest among thritti, and aboue thritti; forsothe Amyzadath, his sone, was souereyn of his cumpenye.
7 quartus mense quarto Asahel frater Ioab et Zabadias filius eius post eum et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the fourthe monethe, the fourthe prince was Asahel, the brother of Joab, and Zabadie, his sone, aftir hym, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
8 quintus mense quinto princeps Samaoth Iezarites et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the fifthe monethe, the fifthe prince was Samoth Jezarites, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpenye.
9 sextus mense sexto Hira filius Acces Thecuites et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the sixte monethe, the sixte prince was Ira, the sone of Actes, Techuytes, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
10 septimus mense septimo Helles Phallonites de filiis Ephraim et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the seuenthe monethe, the seuenthe prince was Helles Phallonites, of the sones of Effraym, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
11 octavus mense octavo Sobochai Asothites de stirpe Zarai et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the eiythe monethe, the eiythe prince was Sobothai Assothites, of the generacioun of Zarai, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
12 nonus mense nono Abiezer Anathothites de filiis Iemini et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the nynthe monethe, the nynthe prince was Abiezer Anathotites, of the generacioun of Gemyny, and foure and tweynti thousynde in his cumpeny.
13 decimus mense decimo Marai et ipse Netophathites de stirpe Zarai et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the tenthe monethe, the tenthe prince was Maray, and he was Neophatites, of the generacioun of Zaray, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpany.
14 undecimus mense undecimo Banaias Pharathonites de filiis Ephraim et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the elleuenthe monethe, the elleuenthe prince was Banaas Pharonytes, of the sones of Effraym, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
15 duodecimus mense duodecimo Holdai Netophathites de stirpe Gothonihel et in turma eius viginti quattuor milia
In the tweluethe monethe, the tweluethe prince was Holdia Nethophatites, of the generacioun of Gothonyel, and foure and twenti thousynde in his cumpeny.
16 porro tribubus praeerant Israhel Rubenitis dux Eliezer filius Zechri Symeonitis dux Saphatias filius Macha
Forsothe these weren souereyns of the lynages of Israel; duyk Eliezer, sone of Zechri, was souereyn to Rubenytis; duyk Saphacie, sone of Maacha, was souereyn to Symeonytis;
17 Levitis Asabias filius Camuhel Aaronitis Sadoc
Asabie, the sone of Chamuel, was souereyn to Leuytis; Sadoch `was souereyn to Aaronytis;
18 Iuda Heliu frater David Isachar Amri filius Michahel
Elyu, the brothir of Dauid, `was souereyn to the lynage of Juda; Amry, the sone of Mychael, `was souereyn to Isacharitis;
19 Zabulonitis Iesmaias filius Abdiae Nepthalitibus Ierimoth filius Ozihel
Jesmaye, the sone of Abdie, was souereyn to Zabulonytis; Jerymuth, the sone of Oziel, `was souereyn to Neptalitis;
20 filiis Ephraim Osee filius Ozaziu dimidio tribus Manasse Iohel filius Phadiae
Ozee, the sone of Ozazym, `was souereyn to the sones of Effraym; Johel, the sone of Phatae, was souereyn to the half lynage of Manasses;
21 et dimidio tribus Manasse in Galaad Iaddo filius Zacchariae Beniamin autem Iasihel filius Abner
and Jaddo, the sone of Zacarie, `was souereyn to the half lynage of Manasses in Galaad; sotheli Jasihel, the sone of Abner, `was souereyn to Beniamyn; forsothe Ezriel,
22 Dan vero Ezrihel filius Hieroam hii principes filiorum Israhel
the sone of Jeroam, was souereyn to Dan; these weren the princes of the sones of Israel.
23 noluit autem David numerare eos a viginti annis inferius quia dixerat Dominus ut multiplicaret Israhel quasi stellas caeli
Forsothe Dauid nolde noumbre hem with ynne twenti yeer, for the Lord seide, that he wolde multiplie Israel as the sterris of heuene.
24 Ioab filius Sarviae coeperat numerare nec conplevit quia super hoc ira inruerat in Israhel et idcirco numerus eorum qui fuerant recensiti non est relatus in fastos regis David
Joab, the sone of Saruye, bigan for to noumbre, and he fillide not; for ire fel on Israel for this thing, and therfor the noumbre of hem, that weren noumbrid, was not teld in to the bookis of cronyclis of kyng Dauid.
25 super thesauros autem regis fuit Azmoth filius Adihel his autem thesauris qui erant in urbibus et in vicis et in turribus praesidebat Ionathan filius Oziae
Forsothe Azymoth, the sone of Adihel, was on the tresouris of the kyng; but Jonathan, the sone of Ozie, was souereyn of these tresours, that weren in cytees, and in townes, and in touris.
26 operi autem rustico et agricolis qui exercebant terram praeerat Ezri filius Chelub
Sotheli Ezri, the sone of Chelub, was souereyn on the werk of hosebondrie, and on erthe tiliers, that tiliden the lond;
27 vinearumque cultoribus Semeias Ramathites cellis autem vinariis Zabdias Aphonites
and Semeye Ramathites was souereyn on tilieris of vyneris; sotheli Zabdie Aphonytes was souereyn on the wyn celeris;
28 nam super oliveta et ficeta quae erant in campestribus Balanan Gaderites super apothecas autem olei Ioas
for Balanam Gadaritis was on the olyue placis, and fige places, that weren in the feeldi places; sotheli Joas was on the schoppis, `ether celeris, of oile;
29 porro armentis quae pascebantur in Sarona praepositus fuit Setrai Saronites et super boves in vallibus Saphat filius Adli
forsothe Cethray Saronytis `was souereyn of the droues, that weren lesewid in Sarena; and Saphat, the sone of Abdi, was ouer the oxis in valeys;
30 super camelos vero Ubil Ismahelites et super asinos Iadias Meronathites
sotheli Vbil of Ismael was ouer the camelis; and Jadye Meronathites was ouer the assis; and Jazir Aggarene was ouer the scheep;
31 super oves quoque Iaziz Agarenus omnes hii principes substantiae regis David
alle these weren princes of the catel of kyng Dauid.
32 Ionathan autem patruus David consiliarius vir prudens et litteratus ipse et Iaihel filius Achamoni erant cum filiis regis
Forsothe Jonathas, brother of `Dauithis fader, was a councelour, a myyti man, and prudent, and lettrid; he and Jahiel, the sone of Achamony, weren with the sones of the kyng.
33 Ahitophel etiam consiliarius regis et Husi Arachites amicus regis
Also Achitofel was a counselour of the kyng; and Chusi Arachites was a frend of the kyng.
34 post Ahitophel fuit Ioiada filius Banaiae et Abiathar princeps autem exercitus regis erat Ioab
Aftir Achitofel was Joiada, the sone of Banaye, and Abyathar; but Joab was prince of the oost of the kyng.