< I Paralipomenon 19 >

1 accidit autem ut moreretur Naas rex filiorum Ammon et regnaret filius eius pro eo
and to be after so and to die Nahash king son: descendant/people Ammon and to reign son: child his underneath: instead him
2 dixitque David faciam misericordiam cum Hanon filio Naas praestitit enim pater eius mihi gratiam misitque David nuntios ad consolandum eum super morte patris sui qui cum pervenissent in terram filiorum Ammon ut consolarentur Hanon
and to say David to make: do kindness with Hanun son: child Nahash for to make: do father his with me kindness and to send: depart David messenger to/for to be sorry: comfort him upon father his and to come (in): come servant/slave David to(wards) land: country/planet son: descendant/people Ammon to(wards) Hanun to/for to be sorry: comfort him
3 dixerunt principes filiorum Ammon ad Hanon tu forsitan putas quod David honoris causa in patrem tuum miserit qui consolentur te nec animadvertis quod ut explorent et investigent et scrutentur terram tuam venerint ad te servi eius
and to say ruler son: descendant/people Ammon to/for Hanun to honor: honour David [obj] father your in/on/with eye: appearance your for to send: depart to/for you to be sorry: comfort not in/on/with for the sake of to/for to search and to/for to overturn and to/for to spy [the] land: country/planet to come (in): come servant/slave his to(wards) you
4 igitur Hanon pueros David decalvavit et rasit et praecidit tunicas eorum a natibus usque ad pedes et dimisit eos
and to take: take Hanun [obj] servant/slave David and to shave them and to cut: cut [obj] garment their in/on/with half till [the] hip and to send: depart them
5 qui cum abissent et hoc mandassent David misit in occursum eorum grandem enim contumeliam sustinuerant et praecepit ut manerent in Hiericho donec cresceret barba eorum et tunc reverterentur
and to go: went and to tell to/for David upon [the] human and to send: depart to/for to encounter: meet them for to be [the] human be humiliated much and to say [the] king to dwell in/on/with Jericho till which to spring beard your and to return: return
6 videntes autem filii Ammon quod iniuriam fecissent David tam Hanon quam reliquus populus miserunt mille talenta argenti ut conducerent sibi de Mesopotamia et de Syria Macha et de Suba currus et equites
and to see: see son: descendant/people Ammon for to stink with David and to send: depart Hanun and son: descendant/people Ammon thousand talent silver: money to/for to hire to/for them from Mesopotamia Mesopotamia and from Aram (Maacah) (Aram)-maacah and from Zobah chariot and horseman
7 conduxeruntque triginta duo milia curruum et regem Macha cum populo eius qui cum venissent castrametati sunt e regione Medaba filii quoque Ammon congregati de urbibus suis venerunt ad bellum
and to hire to/for them two and thirty thousand chariot and [obj] king Maacah and [obj] people: soldiers his and to come (in): come and to camp to/for face: before Medeba and son: descendant/people Ammon to gather from city their and to come (in): come to/for battle
8 quod cum audisset David misit Ioab et omnem exercitum virorum fortium
and to hear: hear David and to send: depart [obj] Joab and [obj] all army [the] mighty man
9 egressique filii Ammon direxerunt aciem iuxta portam civitatis reges autem qui ad auxilium venerant separatim in agro steterunt
and to come out: come son: descendant/people Ammon and to arrange battle entrance [the] city and [the] king which to come (in): come to/for alone them in/on/with land: country
10 igitur Ioab intellegens bellum et ex adverso et post tergum contra se fieri elegit viros fortissimos de universo Israhel et perrexit contra Syrum
and to see: see Joab for to be face: before [the] battle to(wards) him face: before and back and to choose from all to choose in/on/with Israel and to arrange to/for to encounter: toward Syria
11 reliquam autem partem populi dedit sub manu Abisai fratris sui et perrexerunt contra filios Ammon
and [obj] remainder [the] people: soldiers to give: put in/on/with hand: power Abishai brother: male-sibling his and to arrange to/for to encounter: toward son: descendant/people Ammon
12 dixitque si vicerit me Syrus auxilio eris mihi sin autem superaverint te filii Ammon ero tibi in praesidium
and to say if to strengthen: strengthen from me Syria and to be to/for me to/for deliverance: salvation and if son: descendant/people Ammon to strengthen: strengthen from you and to save you
13 confortare et agamus viriliter pro populo nostro et pro urbibus Dei nostri Dominus autem quod in conspectu suo bonum est faciet
to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen: strengthen about/through/for people our and about/through/for city God our and LORD [the] pleasant in/on/with eye: appearance his to make: do
14 perrexit ergo Ioab et populus qui cum eo erat contra Syrum ad proelium et fugavit eos
and to approach: approach Joab and [the] people which with him to/for face: before Syria to/for battle and to flee from face: before his
15 porro filii Ammon videntes quod fugisset Syrus ipsi quoque fugerunt Abisai fratrem eius et ingressi sunt civitatem reversusque est etiam Ioab in Hierusalem
and son: descendant/people Ammon to see: see for to flee Syria and to flee also they(masc.) from face: before Abishai brother: male-sibling his and to come (in): come [the] city [to] and to come (in): come Joab Jerusalem
16 videns autem Syrus quod cecidisset coram Israhel misit nuntios et adduxit Syrum qui erat trans Fluvium Sophach autem princeps militiae Adadezer erat dux eorum
and to see: see Syria for to strike to/for face: before Israel and to send: depart messenger and to come out: send [obj] Syria which from side: beyond [the] River and Shophach ruler army Hadarezer to/for face: before their
17 quod cum nuntiatum esset David congregavit universum Israhel et transivit Iordanem inruitque in eos et direxit ex adverso aciem illis contra pugnantibus
and to tell to/for David and to gather [obj] all Israel and to pass [the] Jordan and to come (in): come to(wards) them and to arrange to(wards) them and to arrange David to/for to encounter: toward Syria battle and to fight with him
18 fugit autem Syrus Israhel et interfecit David de Syris septem milia curruum et quadraginta milia peditum et Sophach exercitus principem
and to flee Syria from to/for face: before Israel and to kill David from Syria seven thousand chariot and forty thousand man on foot and [obj] Shophach ruler [the] army to die
19 videntes autem servi Adadezer se ab Israhel esse superatos transfugerunt ad David et servierunt ei noluitque ultra Syria auxilium praebere filiis Ammon
and to see: see servant/slave Hadarezer for to strike to/for face: before Israel and to ally with David and to serve him and not be willing Syria to/for to save [obj] son: descendant/people Ammon still

< I Paralipomenon 19 >