< Sofonias Propheta 1 >

1 Verbum Domini, quod factum est ad Sophoniam filium Chusi, filii Godoliae, filii Amariae, filii Ezechiae, in diebus Iosiae filii Amon regis Iuda.
The word of the Lord, that was maad to Sofonye, sone of Chusi, sone of Godolie, sone of Amasie, sone of Ezechie, in the daies of Josie, the sone of Amon, king of Juda.
2 Congregans congregabo omnia a facie terrae, dicit Dominus:
Y gaderinge schal gadere alle thingis fro the face of erthe, seith the Lord;
3 congregans hominem, et pecus, congregans volatilia caeli, et pisces maris: et ruinae impiorum erunt: et disperdam homines a facie terrae, dicit Dominus.
Y gaderynge man and beeste, Y gaderynge volatils of heuene, and fischis of the see; and fallyngis of vnpitouse men schulen be, and Y schal leese men fro face of erthe, seith the Lord.
4 Et extendam manum meam super Iuda, et super omnes habitantes Ierusalem: et disperdam de loco hoc reliquias Baal, et nomina aedituorum cum sacerdotibus:
And Y schal stretche out myn hond on Juda, and on alle dwellers of Jerusalem; and Y schal lese fro this place the relifs of Baal, and the names of keperis of housis, with prestis;
5 et eos, qui adorant super tecta militiam caeli, et adorant, et iurant in Domino, et iurant in Melchom.
and hem that worschipen on roouys the knyythod of heuene, and worschipen, and sweren in the Lord, and sweren in Melchon;
6 Et qui avertuntur de post tergum Domini, et qui non quaesierunt Dominum, nec investigaverunt eum.
and whiche ben turned awei bihynde the bak of the Lord, and whiche `souyten not the Lord, nether enserchiden hym.
7 Silete a facie Domini Dei: quia iuxta est dies Domini, quia praeparavit Dominus hostiam, sanctificavit vocatos suos.
Be ye stille fro the face of the Lord God, for niy is the dai of the Lord; for the Lord made redi a sacrifice, halewide hise clepid men.
8 Et erit: in die hostiae Domini visitabo super principes, et super filios regis, et super omnes, qui induti sunt veste peregrina:
And it schal be, in the dai of sacrifice of the Lord, Y schal visite on princes, and on sones of the kyng, and on alle that ben clothid with pilgrimys, ether straunge, clothing.
9 et visitabo super omnem, qui arroganter ingreditur super limen in die illa: qui complent domum Domini Dei sui iniquitate, et dolo.
And Y schal visite on ech that proudli entrith on the threisfold in that dai, whiche fillen the hous of her Lord God with wickidnesse and gile.
10 Et erit in die illa, dicit Dominus, vox clamoris a porta piscium, et ululatus a Secunda, et contritio magna a collibus.
And ther schal be in that dai, seith the Lord, a vois of cry fro the yate of fischis, and yellynge fro the secounde yate, and greet defoulyng fro litle hillis.
11 Ululate habitatores Pilae: conticuit omnis populus Chanaan, disperierunt omnes involuti argento.
Yelle ye, dwelleris of Pila; al the puple of Canaan was stille togidere, alle men wlappid in siluer perischiden.
12 Et erit in tempore illo: scrutabor Ierusalem in lucernis: et visitabo super viros defixos in faecibus suis: qui dicunt in cordibus suis: Non faciet bene Dominus, et non faciet male.
And it schal be, in that tyme Y schal seke Jerusalem with lanternes, and Y schal visite on alle men piyt in her darstis, whiche seien in her hertis, The Lord schal not do wel, and he schal not do yuele.
13 Et erit fortitudo eorum in direptionem, et domus eorum in desertum: et aedificabunt domos, et non habitabunt: et plantabunt vineas, et non bibent vinum earum.
And the strengthe of hem schal be in to rauyschyng, and the housis of hem in to desert; and thei schulen bilde housis, and schulen not enhabite; and thei schulen plaunte vyneyerdis, and thei schulen not drynke the wyn of hem.
14 Iuxta est dies Domini magnus, iuxta est et velox nimis: vox diei Domini amara, tribulabitur ibi fortis.
Nyy is the greet dai of the Lord, niy and swift ful myche; the vois of the dai of the Lord is bittir, a strong man schal be in tribulacioun there.
15 Dies irae dies illa, dies tribulationis et angustiae, dies calamitatis et miseriae, dies tenebrarum et caliginis, dies nebulae et turbinis,
`The ilke dai is a dai of wraththe, dai of tribulacioun and angwisch, dai of nedynesse and wretchidnesse, dai of derknessis and myist, dai of cloude and whirlewynd,
16 dies tubae et clangoris super civitates munitas, et super angulos excelsos.
dai of trumpe and noise on strong citees and on hiye corneris.
17 Et tribulabo homines, et ambulabunt ut caeci, quia Domino peccaverunt: et effundetur sanguis eorum sicut humus, et corpora eorum sicut stercora.
And Y schal troble men, and thei schulen walke as blynde, for thei han synned ayens the Lord; and the blood of hem schal be sched out as erthe, and the bodies of hem schulen be as tordis.
18 Sed et argentum eorum, et aurum eorum non poterit liberare eos in die irae Domini: in igne zeli eius devorabitur omnis terra, quia consummationem cum festinatione faciet cunctis habitantibus terram.
But and the siluer of hem, and gold of hem, schal not mowe delyuere hem in the dai of wraththe of the Lord; in fier of his feruour al erthe schal be deuourid, for he schal make ende with haastyng to alle men enhabitynge the erthe.

< Sofonias Propheta 1 >