< Zaccharias Propheta 10 >

1 Petite a Domino pluviam in tempore serotino, et Dominus faciet nives, et pluviam imbris dabit eis, singulis herbam in agro.
Ask ye of Jehovah rain in the time of the latter rain! It is Jehovah that maketh the lightning; And he will give you abundant showers, To every one the herb of the field.
2 Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium, et somniatores locuti sunt frustra: et vane consolabantur: idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex: affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
For the teraphim speak falsehood, And the diviners see a lie, And the dreams speak falsehood; Vain are their consolations. Therefore they wander as a flock; They are in distress, because there is no shepherd.
3 Super pastores iratus est furor meus, et super hircos visitabo: quia visitavit Dominus exercituum gregem suum, domum Iuda, et posuit eos quasi equum gloriae suae in bello.
My anger is kindled against the shepherds, And the bucks will I punish; For Jehovah of hosts will visit his flock, the house of Judah, And make them as his goodly horse in battle.
4 Ex ipso angulus, ex ipso paxillus, ex ipso arcus praelii, ex ipso egredietur omnis exactor simul.
From him shall come forth the corner-stone, From him the nail, From him the battle-bow; From him shall every leader come forth.
5 Et erunt quasi fortes conculcantes lutum viarum in praelio: et bellabunt, quia Dominus cum eis: et confundentur ascensores equorum.
And they shall be as mighty men, Who tread down their enemies in battle as the mire of the streets, And they shall fight, because Jehovah is with them, So that the riders on horses shall be confounded.
6 Et confortabo domum Iuda, et domum Ioseph salvabo: et convertam eos, quia miserebor eorum: et erunt sicut fuerunt quando non proieceram eos: ego enim Dominus Deus eorum, et exaudiam eos.
And I will strengthen the house of Judah, And give victory to the house of Joseph, And I will set them in their dwellings, because I have compassion upon them; And they shall be as though I had not cast them off; For I am Jehovah, their God, and I will hear them.
7 Et erunt quasi fortes Ephraim, et laetabitur cor eorum quasi a vino: et filii eorum videbunt, et laetabuntur, et exultabit cor eorum in Domino.
And Ephraim shall be as a mighty man, And their heart shall rejoice, as through wine; And their sons shall see it and rejoice, Their hearts shall rejoice in Jehovah.
8 Sibilabo eis, et congregabo illos, quia redemi eos: et multiplicabo eos sicut ante fuerant multiplicati.
I will whistle for them, and will gather them; for I have redeemed them; And they shall increase as they increased before.
9 Et seminabo eos in populis, et de longe recordabuntur mei: et vivent cum filiis suis, et revertentur.
Though I scatter them among the nations, Yet in far countries will they remember me; And they shall live with their children, and shall return.
10 Et reducam eos de Terra Aegypti, et de Assyriis congregabo eos, et ad Terram Galaad et Libani adducam eos, et non invenietur eis locus:
And I will bring them back from the land of Egypt, And from Assyria will I gather them; And I will bring them into the land of Gilead and of Lebanon, And there shall not be room enough for them.
11 et transibit in maris freto, et percutiet in mari fluctus, et confundentur omnia profunda fluminis, et humiliabitur superbia Assur, et sceptrum Aegypti recedet.
And he shall pass through the sea of distress, And he shall smite the sea of waves, And all the depths of the river shall be dried up; And the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, And the sceptre of Egypt shall depart.
12 Confortabo eos in Domino, et in nomine eius ambulabunt, dicit Dominus.
And I will strengthen them through Jehovah, And in his name shall they walk, saith Jehovah.

< Zaccharias Propheta 10 >