< Ruth 2 >

1 Erat autem viro Elimelech consanguineus, homo potens, et magnarum opum, nomine Booz.
Now her husband Elimelech had a kinsman, a powerful man, and very rich, whose name was Booz.
2 Dixitque Ruth Moabitis ad socrum suam: Si iubes, vadam in agrum, et colligam spicas quae fugerint manus metentium, ubicumque clementis in me patris familias reperero gratiam. Cui illa respondit: Vade filia mi.
And Ruth the Moabitess said to her mother in law: If thou wilt, I will go into the field, and glean the ears of corn that escape the hands of the reapers, wheresoever I shall find grace with a householder that will be favourable to me. And she answered her: Go, my daughter.
3 Abiit itaque et colligebat spicas post terga metentium. Accidit autem ut ager ille haberet dominum nomine Booz, qui erat de cognatione Elimelech.
She went therefore and gleaned the ears of corn after the reapers. And it happened that the owner of that field was Booz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.
4 Et ecce, ipse veniebat de Bethlehem, dixitque messoribus: Dominus vobiscum. Qui responderunt ei: Benedicat tibi Dominus.
And behold, he came out of Bethlehem, and said to the reapers: The Lord be with you. And they answered him: The Lord bless thee.
5 Dixitque Booz iuveni, qui messoribus praeerat: Cuius est haec puella?
And Booz said to the young man that was set over the reapers: Whose maid is this?
6 Cui respondit: Haec est Moabitis, quae venit cum Noemi, de regione Moabitide,
And he answered him: This is the Moabitess who came with Noemi, from the land of Moab,
7 et rogavit ut spicas colligeret remanentes, sequens messorum vestigia: et de mane usque nunc stat in agro, et ne ad momentum quidem domum reversa est.
And she desired leave to glean the ears of corn that remain, following the steps of the reapers: and she hath been in the field from morning till now, and hath not gone home for one moment.
8 Et ait Booz ad Ruth: Audi filia, ne vadas in alterum agrum ad colligendum, nec recedas ab hoc loco: sed iungere puellis meis,
And Booz said to Ruth: Hear me, daughter, do not go to glean in any other field, and do not depart from this place: but keep with my maids,
9 et ubi messuerint, sequere. Mandavi enim pueris meis, ut nemo molestus sit tibi: sed etiam si sitieris, vade ad sarcinulas, et bibe aquas, de quibus et pueri bibunt.
And follow where they reap. For I have charged my young men, not to molest thee: and if thou art thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink of the waters whereof the servants drink.
10 Quae cadens in faciem suam et adorans super terram, dixit ad eum: Unde mihi hoc, ut invenirem gratiam ante oculos tuos, et nosse me dignareris peregrinam mulierem?
She fell on her face and worshipping upon the ground, said to him: Whence cometh this to me, that I should find grace before thy eyes, and that thou shouldst vouchsafe to take notice of me a woman of another country?
11 Cui ille respondit: Nunciata sunt mihi omnia, quae feceris socrui tuae post mortem viri tui: et quod reliqueris parentes tuos, et terram in qua nata es, et veneris ad populum, quem antea nesciebas.
And he answered her: All hath been told me, that thou hast done to thy mother in law after the death of thy husband: and how thou hast left thy parents, and the land wherein thou wast born, and art come to a people which thou knewest not heretofore.
12 Reddat tibi Dominus pro opere tuo, et plenam mercedem recipias a Domino Deo Israel, ad quem venisti, et sub cuius confugisti alas.
The Lord render unto thee for thy work, and mayest thou receive a full reward of the Lord the God of Israel, to whom thou art come, and under whose wings thou art fled.
13 Quae ait: Inveni gratiam apud oculos tuos domine mi, qui consolatus es me, et locutus es ad cor ancillae tuae, quae non sum similis unius puellarum tuarum.
And she said: I have found grace in thy eyes, my lord, who hast comforted me and hast spoken to the heart of thy handmaid, who am not like to one of thy maids.
14 Dixitque ad eam Booz: Quando hora vescendi fuerit, veni huc, et comede panem, et intinge buccellam tuam in aceto. Sedit itaque ad messorum latus, et congessit polentam sibi, comeditque et saturata est, et tulit reliquias.
And Booz said to her: At mealtime come thou hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. So she sat at the side of the reapers, and she heaped to herself frumenty, and ate and was filled, and took the leavings.
15 Atque inde surrexit, ut spicas ex more colligeret. Praecepit autem Booz pueris suis, dicens: Etiamsi vobiscum metere voluerit, ne prohibeatis eam:
And she arose from thence, to glean the ears of corn as before. And Booz commanded his servants, saying: If she would even reap with you, hinder her not:
16 et de vestris quoque manipulis proiicite de industria, et remanere permittite, ut absque rubore colligat, et colligentem nemo corripiat.
And let fall some of your handfuls of purpose, and leave them, that she may gather them without shame, and let no man rebuke her when she gathereth them.
17 Collegit ergo in agro usque ad vesperam: et quae collegerat virga caedens et excutiens, invenit hordei quasi ephi mensuram, id est, tres modios.
She gleaned therefore in the field till evening: and beating out with a rod and threshing what she had gleaned, she found about the measure of an ephi of barley, that is, three bushels:
18 Quos portans reversa est in civitatem, et ostendit socrui suae: insuper protulit, et dedit ei de reliquiis cibi sui, quo saturata fuerat.
Which she took up and returned into the city, and shewed it to her mother in law: moreover she brought out, and gave her of the remains of her meat, wherewith she had been filled.
19 Dixitque ei socrus sua: Ubi hodie collegisti, et ubi fecisti opus? sit benedictus qui misertus est tui. Indicavitque ei apud quem fuisset operata: et nomen dixit viri, quod Booz vocaretur.
And her mother in law said to her: Where hast thou gleaned today, and where hast thou wrought? blessed be he that hath had pity on thee. And she told her with whom she had wrought: and she told the man’s name, that he was called Booz.
20 Cui respondit Noemi: Benedictus sit a Domino: quoniam eamdem gratiam, quam praebuerat vivis, servavit et mortuis. Rursumque ait: Propinquus noster est homo.
And Noemi answered her: Blessed be he of the Lord: because the same kindness which he shewed to the living, he hath kept also to the dead. And again she said: The man is our kinsman.
21 Et Ruth, Hoc quoque, inquit, praecepit mihi, ut tamdiu messoribus eius iungerer, donec omnes segetes meterentur.
And Ruth said, He also charged me, that I should keep close to his reapers, till all the corn should be reaped.
22 Cui dixit socrus: Melius est, filia mi, ut cum puellis eius exeas ad metendum, ne in alieno agro quispiam resistat tibi.
And her mother in law said to her: It is better for thee, my daughter, to go out to reap with his maids, lest in another man’s field some one may resist thee.
23 Iuncta est itaque puellis Booz: et tamdiu cum eis messuit, donec hordea et triticum in horreis conderentur.
So she kept close to the maids of Booz: and continued to glean with them, till all the barley and the wheat were laid up in the barns.

< Ruth 2 >