< Psalmorum 88 >

1 Psalmus, Canticum psalmi, in finem, filiis Core, pro Maheleth ad respondendum, intellectus Eman Israelitae. Domine Deus salutis meae: in die clamavi, et nocte coram te.
A song or Psalme of Heman the Ezrahite to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah for him that excelleth upon Malath Leannoth. O Lord God of my saluation, I cry day and night before thee.
2 Intret in conspectu tuo oratio mea: inclina aurem tuam ad precem meam:
Let my prayer enter into thy presence: incline thine eare vnto my cry.
3 Quia repleta est malis anima mea: et vita mea inferno appropinquavit. (Sheol h7585)
For my soule is filled with euils, and my life draweth neere to the graue. (Sheol h7585)
4 Aestimatus sum cum descendentibus in lacum: factus sum sicut homo sine adiutorio,
I am counted among them that go downe vnto the pit, and am as a man without strength:
5 inter mortuos liber, Sicut vulnerati dormientes in sepulchris, quorum non es memor amplius: et ipsi de manu tua repulsi sunt.
Free among the dead, like the slaine lying in the graue, whome thou remembrest no more, and they are cut off from thine hand.
6 Posuerunt me in lacu inferiori: in tenebrosis, et in umbra mortis.
Thou hast layde me in the lowest pit, in darkenes, and in the deepe.
7 Super me confirmatus est furor tuus: et omnes fluctus tuos induxisti super me.
Thine indignation lyeth vpon me, and thou hast vexed me with all thy waues. (Selah)
8 Longe fecisti notos meos a me: posuerunt me abominationem sibi. Traditus sum, et non egrediebar:
Thou hast put away mine acquaintance farre from me, and made mee to be abhorred of them: I am shut vp, and cannot get foorth.
9 oculi mei languerunt prae inopia. Clamavi ad te Domine tota die: expandi ad te manus meas.
Mine eye is sorowfull through mine affliction: Lord, I call dayly vpon thee: I stretch out mine hands vnto thee.
10 Numquid mortuis facies mirabilia: aut medici suscitabunt, et confitebuntur tibi?
Wilt thou shewe a miracle to the dead? or shall the dead rise and prayse thee? (Selah)
11 Numquid narrabit aliquis in sepulchro misericordiam tuam, et veritatem tuam in perditione?
Shall thy louing kindenes be declared in the graue? or thy faithfulnes in destruction?
12 Numquid cognoscentur in tenebris mirabilia tua: et iustitia tua in terra oblivionis?
Shall thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke? and thy righteousnes in the land of obliuion?
13 Et ego ad te, Domine, clamavi, et mane oratio mea praeveniet te.
But vnto thee haue I cryed, O Lord, and early shall my prayer come before thee.
14 Ut quid Domine repellis orationem meam: avertis faciem tuam a me?
Lord, why doest thou reiect my soule, and hidest thy face from me?
15 Pauper sum ego, et in laboribus a iuventute mea: exaltatus autem, humiliatus sum et conturbatus.
I am afflicted and at the point of death: from my youth I suffer thy terrours, doubting of my life.
16 In me transierunt irae tuae: et terrores tui conturbaverunt me.
Thine indignations goe ouer me, and thy feare hath cut me off.
17 Circumdederunt me sicut aqua tota die: circumdederunt me simul.
They came round about me dayly like water, and compassed me together.
18 Elongasti a me amicum, et proximum: et notos meos a miseria.
My louers and friends hast thou put away from me, and mine acquaintance hid themselues.

< Psalmorum 88 >