< Psalmorum 77 >

1 Psalmus Asaph, in finem, pro Idithum. Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi: voce mea ad Deum, et intendit mihi.
To the choirmaster on (Jeduthun *Q(K)*) of Asaph a psalm. Voice my to God and I will cry out voice my to God and he will give ear to me.
2 In die tribulationis meae Deum exquisivi, manibus meis nocte contra eum: et non sum deceptus. Renuit consolari anima mea,
In [the] day of distress my [the] Lord I sought hand my - night it was stretched out and not it grew numb it refused to be comforted self my.
3 memor fui Dei, et delectatus sum, et exercitatus sum: et defecit spiritus meus.
I will remember God so I may murmur I will complain - for it may faint away spirit my (Selah)
4 Anticipaverunt vigilias oculi mei: turbatus sum, et non sum locutus.
You held [the] eyelids of eyes my I was troubled and not I spoke.
5 Cogitavi dies antiquos: et annos aeternos in mente habui.
I thought about days from antiquity years of antiquiti.
6 Et meditatus sum nocte cum corde meo, et exercitabar, et scopebam spiritum meum.
I will remember song my in the night with heart my I will meditate and it searched spirit my.
7 Numquid in aeternum proiiciet Deus: aut non apponet ut complacitior sit adhuc?
¿ To forever will he reject - [the] Lord and not will he repeat? to show favor again.
8 Aut in finem misericordiam suam abscindet, a generatione in generationem?
¿ Has it come to an end to perpetuity covenant loyalty his has it come to an end? a word to a generation and a generation.
9 Aut obliviscetur misereri Deus? aut continebit in ira sua misericordias suas?
¿ Has he forgotten to have compassion God or? has he shut off in anger compassion his (Selah)
10 Et dixi nunc coepi: haec mutatio dexterae Excelsi.
And I said [is] wounding my it [the] years of [the] right [hand] of [the] Most High.
11 Memor fui operum Domini: quia memor ero ab initio mirabilium tuorum,
(I will remember *Q(K)*) [the] deeds of Yahweh for I will remember from antiquity wonder[s] your.
12 Et meditabor in omnibus operibus tuis: et in adinventionibus tuis exercebor.
And I will meditate on all work your and on deeds your I will meditate.
13 Deus in sancto via tua: quis Deus magnus sicut Deus noster?
O God [is] in holiness way your who? [is] a god great like God.
14 tu es Deus qui facis mirabilia. Notam fecisti in populis virtutem tuam:
You [are] the God [who] does wonder[s] you have made known among the peoples strength your.
15 redemisti in brachio tuo populum tuum, filios Iacob, et Ioseph.
You redeemed by an arm people your [the] descendants of Jacob and Joseph (Selah)
16 Viderunt te aquae Deus, viderunt te aquae: et timuerunt, et turbatae sunt abyssi.
They saw you [the] waters - O God they saw you [the] waters they writhed in agony also they trembled [the] deeps.
17 Multitudo sonitus aquarum: vocem dederunt nubes. Etenim sagittae tuae transeunt:
They poured forth water - clouds a sound they gave forth clouds also arrows your they went about.
18 vox tonitrui tui in rota. Illuxerunt coruscationes tuae orbi terrae: commota est et contremuit terra.
[the] sound of Thunder your - [was] in the whirlwind they lit up lightning flashes [the] world it trembled and it shook the earth.
19 In mari via tua, et semitae tuae in aquis multis: et vestigia tua non cognoscentur.
[was] in the Sea way your (and path your *Q(K)*) [was] in waters many and footprints your not they were known.
20 Deduxisti sicut oves populum tuum, in manu Moysi et Aaron.
You led like flock people your by [the] hand of Moses and Aaron.

< Psalmorum 77 >