< Psalmorum 72 >

1 Psalmus, In Salomonem.
A psalm written by Solomon. O God, enable [me, ] the king [whom you appointed in Israel], to rule justly. Show/Teach me how to judge matters fairly
2 Deus iudicium tuum regi da: et iustitiam tuam filio regis: Iudicare populum tuum in iustitia, et pauperes tuos in iudicio.
in order that I will judge your people fairly, that I will govern your oppressed people justly.
3 Suscipiant montes pacem populo: et colles iustitiam.
I desire that [all over the country—even] on the hills and mountains [DOU]— people will live peacefully and righteously.
4 Iudicabit pauperes populi, et salvos faciet filios pauperum: et humiliabit calumniatorem.
Help [me], your king, to defend the poor people and to rescue needy people and to defeat those who oppress them.
5 Et permanebit cum Sole, et ante Lunam, in generatione et generationem.
I desire that your people will revere you as long as the moon shines, [forever].
6 Descendet sicut pluvia in vellus: et sicut stillicidia stillantia super terram.
I desire that my rule will [be enjoyed by the people] [SIM] like [they enjoy] rain on growing crops, like [they enjoy] showers that fall on the land.
7 Orietur in diebus eius iustitia, et abundantia pacis: donec auferatur luna.
I hope/desire that people will live righteously during the years that I rule, and that my people will live peacefully and prosperously as long as the moon shines.
8 Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare: et a flumine usque ad terminos orbis terrarum.
I hope/desire that the kings [of Israel] will rule [the people] in all the area from one sea [in the east] to another [in the west], and from the [Euphrates] River to the most remote/distant places on earth.
9 Coram illo procident Aethiopes: et inimici eius terram lingent.
I hope/desire that those who live in the desert will bow down before them, and that their enemies will throw themselves on the ground [in submission] to them.
10 Reges Tharsis, et insulae munera offerent: reges Arabum, et Saba dona adducent:
I hope/desire that the kings of Spain and of the islands [in the Mediterranean Sea] will bring (tribute money/taxes) to the kings [of Israel], and that the kings of Sheba [to the south] and of Seba [to the southwest] will bring them gifts.
11 Et adorabunt eum omnes reges terrae: omnes gentes servient ei:
I hope/desire that all the [other] kings [in the world] will bow before the kings [of Israel], and that [people of] all nations will serve them.
12 Quia liberabit pauperem a potente: et pauperem, cui non erat adiutor.
They will rescue poor people when they (cry out/plead) for help, and help those who are needy and those who have no one to help them.
13 Parcet pauperi et inopi: et animas pauperum salvas faciet.
They will pity those who are weak and needy; he saves the people’s lives.
14 Ex usuris et iniquitate redimet animas eorum: et honorabile nomen eorum coram illo.
Our kings will rescue the people from being oppressed and from being treated cruelly, [because] (their lives/they) [MTY] are precious to our kings.
15 Et vivet, et dabitur ei de auro Arabiae, et adorabunt de ipso semper: tota die benedicent ei.
I hope/desire that our kings will live a long time! I hope/desire that they will be given gold from Sheba. I desire that people will always pray for our kings and praise them all the time, [every day].
16 Et erit firmamentum in terra in summis montium, superextolletur super Libanum fructus eius: et florebunt de civitate sicut foenum terrae.
I hope/desire that the fields will produce plenty of grain [everywhere, even] on the tops of the hills in the land where they rule, like the grain that grows [on the hills] in Lebanon. I hope/desire that the cities [in Israel] will be full of people like the fields are full of grass.
17 Sit nomen eius benedictum in saecula: ante Solem permanet nomen eius. Et benedicentur in ipso omnes tribus terrae: omnes gentes magnificabunt eum.
I desire that the names of our kings will never be forgotten. I hope/desire that people will remember them as long as the sun shines. I hope/desire that people of all nations will ask (God to bless them/that they will be blessed by God) just like he has blessed the kings [of Israel].
18 Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, qui facit mirabilia solus:
Praise Yahweh, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship]; he is the only one who does wonderful things.
19 Et benedictum nomen maiestatis eius in aeternum: et replebitur maiestate eius omnis terra: fiat, fiat.
Praise him forever! I desire that (his glory will fill the whole world/people all over the world may see that he is very great) [MTY]! Amen! May it be so!
That is the end of this group of prayers/songs written by David, the son of Jesse.

< Psalmorum 72 >