< Psalmorum 71 >

1 Psalmus David, Filiorum Ionadab, et eorum, qui primi captivi ducti sunt. In te Domine speravi, non confundar in aeternum:
In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be made ashamed.
2 in iustitia tua libera me, et eripe me. Inclina ad me aurem tuam, et salva me.
In thy righteousness do thou deliver me and release me: incline thy ear unto me, and save me.
3 Esto mihi in Deum protectorem, et in locum munitum: ut salvum me facias, Quoniam firmamentum meum, et refugium meum es tu.
Be thou unto me a rocky habitation, whereunto I may continually resort, which thou hast ordained to save me; for my rock and my strong-hold art thou.
4 Deus meus eripe me de manu peccatoris, et de manu contra legem agentis et iniqui:
O my God, release me out of the hand of the wicked, out of the grasp of the unrighteous and violent man.
5 Quoniam tu es patientia mea Domine: Domine spes mea a iuventute mea.
For thou art my hope, O Lord Eternal: thou art my trust from my youth.
6 In te confirmatus sum ex utero: de ventre matris meae tu es protector meus: In te cantatio mea semper:
By thee have I been supported from my birth: thou art he that took me out of my mother's womb: of thee is my praise continually.
7 tamquam prodigium factus sum multis: et tu adiutor fortis.
As a wonderful token have I been unto many; but thou art my strong refuge.
8 Repleatur os meum laude, ut cantem gloriam tuam: tota die magnitudinem tuam.
My mouth shall be filled with thy praise, and with thy glory all the day.
9 Ne proiicias me in tempore senectutis: cum defecerit virtus mea, ne derelinquas me.
Cast me not off in the time of old age: when my strength faileth, forsake me not.
10 Quia dixerunt inimici mei mihi: et qui custodiebant animam meam, consilium fecerunt in unum,
For my enemies speak of me; and they that watch for my soul take counsel together,
11 Dicentes: Deus dereliquit eum, persequimini, et comprehendite eum: quia non est qui eripiat.
Saying, “God hath forsaken him: pursue and seize him: for there is none to deliver.”
12 Deus ne elongeris a me: Deus meus in auxilium meum respice.
O God, be not far from me: O my God, hasten to my help.
13 Confundantur, et deficiant detrahentes animae meae: operiantur confusione, et pudore qui quaerunt mala mihi.
Let those be made ashamed, let them perish, that are adversaries to my soul: let those be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my unhappiness.
14 Ego autem semper sperabo: et adiiciam super omnem laudem tuam.
But I will continually hope, and will add yet more to all thy praise.
15 Os meum annunciabit iustitiam tuam: tota die salutare tuum. Quoniam non cognovi litteraturam,
My mouth shall relate thy righteousness, all the day thy salvation; for I know not their numbers.
16 introibo in potentias Domini: Domine, memorabor iustitiae tuae solius.
I will come to praise the mighty deeds of the Lord Eternal: I will make mention of thy righteousness, yea, thine only.
17 Deus docuisti me a iuventute mea: et usque nunc pronunciabo mirabilia tua.
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto I ever tell of thy wondrous deeds.
18 Et usque in senectam et senium: Deus ne derelinquas me, Donec annunciem brachium tuum generationi omni, quae ventura est: Potentiam tuam,
Therefore also even in old age, and when I am grayheaded, O God, forsake me not: until I have told of thy strength unto [this] generation, to every one that may come of thy might.
19 et iustitiam tuam Deus usque in altissima, quae fecisti magnalia: Deus quis similis tibi?
And thy righteousness, O God, reacheth even to the height, thou, who hast done great things: O God, who is like thee!
20 Quantas ostendisti mihi tribulationes multas, et malas: et conversus vivificasti me: et de abyssis terrae iterum reduxisti me:
Thou, who hast shown me great distresses and misfortunes, wilt again revive me; and from the depths of the earth wilt thou bring me up again.
21 Multiplicasti magnificentiam tuam: et conversus consolatus es me.
Thou wilt increase my greatness, and wilt turn round and comfort me.
22 Nam et ego confitebor tibi in vasis psalmi veritatem tuam: Deus psallam tibi in cithara, sanctus Israel.
Also I, I will thank thee with the psaltery, [for] thy truth, O my God: I will sing unto thee with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.
23 Exultabunt labia mea cum cantavero tibi: et anima mea, quam redemisti.
My lips shall shout joyfully when I sing unto thee; and my soul [too], which thou hast redeemed.
24 Sed et lingua mea tota die meditabitur iustitiam tuam: cum confusi et reveriti fuerint qui quaerunt mala mihi.
Also my tongue shall speak all the day of thy righteousness; for ashamed, for put to the blush are those that seek my unhappiness.

< Psalmorum 71 >