< Psalmorum 61 >

1 Psalmus In finem, In hymnis David. Exaudi Deus deprecationem meam: intende orationi meae.
For the Chief Musician. For a stringed instrument. By David. Hear my cry, God. Listen to my prayer.
2 A finibus terrae ad te clamavi: dum anxiaretur cor meum, in petra exaltasti me. Deduxisti me,
From the end of the earth, I will call to you when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
3 quia factus es spes mea: turris fortitudinis a facie inimici.
For you have been a refuge for me, a strong tower from the enemy.
4 Inhabitabo in tabernaculo tuo in saecula: protegar in velamento alarum tuarum.
I will dwell in your tent forever. I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Selah)
5 Quoniam tu Deus meus exaudisti orationem meam: dedisti hereditatem timentibus nomen tuum.
For you, God, have heard my vows. You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.
6 Dies super dies regis adiicies: annos eius usque in diem generationis et generationis.
You will prolong the king’s life. His years will be for generations.
7 Permanet in aeternum in conspectu Dei: misericordiam et veritatem eius quis requiret?
He shall be enthroned in God’s presence forever. Appoint your loving kindness and truth, that they may preserve him.
8 Sic psalmum dicam nomini tuo in saeculum saeculi: ut reddam vota mea de die in diem.
So I will sing praise to your name forever, that I may fulfill my vows daily.

< Psalmorum 61 >