< Psalmorum 41 >
1 Psalmus David, in finem. Beatus vir qui intelligit super egenum, et pauperem: in die mala liberabit eum Dominus.
Yahweh is pleased with those people who help to provide for the poor; he will rescue those people when they have troubles.
2 Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra: et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.
Yahweh protects them and allows them to live [for a long time]. He enables them to be happy in the land [of Israel], and rescues them from their enemies.
3 Dominus opem ferat illi super lectum doloris eius: universum stratum eius versasti in infirmitate eius.
When they are sick, Yahweh strengthens them, and he heals them.
4 Ego dixi: Domine miserere mei: sana animam meam, quia peccavi tibi.
[When I was sick], I said, “Yahweh, be merciful to me and heal me; [I know that I am sick because] I have sinned against you.”
5 Inimici mei dixerunt mala mihi: Quando morietur, et peribit nomen eius?
My enemies say cruel things about me; they say, “How soon will he die, and then everyone will forget about him [MTY]? (OR, he will not have [any descendants to continue] his name).”
6 Et si ingrediebatur ut videret, vana loquebatur, cor eius congregavit iniquitatem sibi. Egrediebatur foras, et loquebatur
When my enemies come to me, they falsely say that they [are concerned about me]. They listen to bad news about (me/my health). Then they go away and tell everywhere what is happening to me.
7 in idipsum. Adversum me susurrabant omnes inimici mei: adversum me cogitabant mala mihi.
All those who hate me whisper to others about me, and they hope/desire that very bad things will happen to me.
8 Verbum iniquum constituerunt adversum me: Numquid qui dormit non adiiciet ut resurgat?
They say, “He will soon die because of his being sick; he will never get up from his bed [before he dies].”
9 Etenim homo pacis meae, in quo speravi: qui edebat panes meos, magnificavit super me supplantationem.
Even my best friend, whom I trusted very much, who [often] ate with me, has (betrayed me/put me into my enemies’ hands) [IDM].
10 Tu autem Domine miserere mei, et resuscita me: et retribuam eis.
But Yahweh, be merciful to me, and enable me to become healthy [again]. When you do that, I will be able to (pay back my enemies/get revenge on my enemies/cause my enemies to suffer like they caused me to suffer).
11 In hoc cognovi quoniam voluisti me: quoniam non gaudebit inimicus meus super me.
[If you enable me to] do that, with the result that my enemies do not defeat me, I will know that you are pleased with me.
12 Me autem propter innocentiam suscepisti: et confirmasti me in conspectu tuo in aeternum.
[I will know that] it is because I have done what is right that you have helped me, and [I will know that] you will let me be with you forever.
13 Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel a saeculo, et usque in saeculum: fiat, fiat.
Praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship]; Praise him forever! Amen! I desire that it will be so!