< Psalmorum 29 >
1 Psalmus David, In consummatione tabernaculi. Afferte Domino filii Dei: afferte Domino filios arietum:
You angels in heaven, praise Yahweh! Praise him because he is very glorious and powerful.
2 Afferte Domino gloriam et honorem, afferte Domino gloriam nomini eius: adorate Dominum in atrio sancto eius.
Proclaim that (he/his name) is glorious; bow down before Yahweh in his holy [temple].
3 Vox Domini super aquas, Deus maiestatis intonuit: Dominus super aquas multas.
Yahweh’s voice is heard above the oceans; Yahweh, the glorious God, thunders. His voice thunders over the huge oceans [DOU].
4 Vox Domini in virtute: vox Domini in magnificentia.
His voice is powerful and majestic.
5 Vox Domini confringentis cedros: et confringet Dominus cedros Libani:
The sound of Yahweh’s voice breaks great cedar trees, the cedars that grow in Lebanon.
6 Et comminuet eas tamquam vitulum Libani: et dilectus quemadmodum filius unicornium.
He causes [the mountains in] Lebanon to jump like calves jump, and causes Hermon [Mountain] to jump like a young bull jumps.
7 Vox Domini intercidentis flammam ignis:
Yahweh’s voice causes lightning to flash.
8 vox Domini concutientis desertum: et commovebit Dominus desertum Cades.
His voice causes the desert to shake; he shakes Kadesh Desert [in the southern part of Judah].
9 Vox Domini praeparantis cervos, et revelabit condensa: et in templo eius omnes dicent gloriam.
Yahweh’s voice shakes the huge oak trees and strips the leaves from the trees while the people in the temple shout, “Praise [God]!”
10 Dominus diluvium inhabitare facit: et sedebit Dominus rex in aeternum.
Yahweh ruled over the flood [that covered the earth]; he is our King who will rule forever.
11 Dominus virtutem populo suo dabit: Dominus benedicet populo suo in pace.
Yahweh enables his people to be strong, and he blesses them by causing things to go well for them.