< Psalmorum 109 >

1 Psalmus David, in finem.
TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. O God of my praise, do not be silent,
2 Deus laudem meam ne tacueris: quia os peccatoris, et os dolosi super me apertum est.
For the mouth of wickedness, and the mouth of deceit, They have opened against me, They have spoken with me—A tongue of falsehood, and words of hatred!
3 Locuti sunt adversum me lingua dolosa, et sermonibus odii circumdederunt me: et expugnaverunt me gratis.
They have surrounded me about, And they fight me without cause.
4 Pro eo ut me diligerent, detrahebant mihi: ego autem orabam.
For my love they oppose me, and I—prayer!
5 Et posuerunt adversum me mala pro bonis: et odium pro dilectione mea.
And they set against me evil for good, And hatred for my love.
6 Constitue super eum peccatorem: et diabolus stet a dextris eius.
Appoint the wicked over him, And an adversary stands at his right hand.
7 Cum iudicatur, exeat condemnatus. et oratio eius fiat in peccatum.
In his being judged, he goes forth wicked, And his prayer is for sin.
8 Fiant dies eius pauci: et episcopatum eius accipiat alter.
His days are few, another takes his oversight,
9 Fiant filii eius orphani: et uxor eius vidua.
His sons are fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Nutantes transferantur filii eius, et mendicent: et eiiciantur de habitationibus suis.
And his sons wander continually, Indeed, they have begged, And have sought out of their dry places.
11 Scrutetur foenerator omnem substantiam eius: et diripiant alieni labores eius.
An exactor lays a snare for all that he has, And strangers spoil his labor.
12 Non sit illi adiutor: nec sit qui misereatur pupillis eius.
He has none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favor to his orphans.
13 Fiant nati eius in interitum: in generatione una deleatur nomen eius.
His posterity is for cutting off, Their name is blotted out in another generation.
14 In memoriam redeat iniquitas patrum eius in conspectu Domini: et peccatum matris eius non deleatur.
The iniquity of his fathers Is remembered to YHWH, And the sin of his mother is not blotted out.
15 Fiant contra Dominum semper, et dispereat de terra memoria eorum:
They are continually before YHWH, And He cuts off their memorial from earth.
16 pro eo quod non est recordatus facere misericordiam.
Because that he has not remembered to do kindness, And pursues the poor man and needy, And the struck of heart—to slay,
17 Et persecutus est hominem inopem, et mendicum, et compunctum corde mortificare.
And he loves reviling, and it meets him, And he has not delighted in blessing, And it is far from him.
18 Et dilexit maledictionem, et veniet ei: et noluit benedictionem, et elongabitur ab eo. Et induit maledictionem sicut vestimentum, et intravit sicut aqua in interiora eius, et sicut oleum in ossibus eius.
And he puts on reviling as his robe, And it comes in as water into his midst, And as oil into his bones.
19 Fiat ei sicut vestimentum, quo operitur: et sicut zona, qua semper praecingitur.
It is to him as apparel—he covers himself, And he girds it on for a continual girdle.
20 Hoc opus eorum, qui detrahunt mihi apud Dominum: et qui loquuntur mala adversus animam meam.
This [is] the wage of my accusers from YHWH, And of those speaking evil against my soul.
21 Et tu Domine, Domine, fac mecum propter nomen tuum: quia suavis est misericordia tua. Libera me
And You, O Lord YHWH, Deal with me for Your Name’s sake, Because Your kindness [is] good, deliver me.
22 quia egenus, et pauper ego sum: et cor meum conturbatum est intra me.
For I [am] poor and needy, And my heart has been pierced in my midst.
23 Sicut umbra cum declinat, ablatus sum: et excussus sum sicut locustae.
I have gone as a shadow when it is stretched out, I have been driven away as a locust.
24 Genua mea infirmata sunt a ieiunio: et caro mea immutata est propter oleum.
My knees have been feeble from fasting, And my flesh has failed of fatness.
25 Et ego factus sum opprobrium illis: viderunt me, et moverunt capita sua.
And I have been a reproach to them, They see me, they shake their head.
26 Adiuva me Domine Deus meus: salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam.
Help me, O YHWH my God, Save me, according to Your kindness.
27 Et sciant quia manus tua haec: et tu Domine fecisti eam.
And they know that this [is] Your hand, You, O YHWH, You have done it.
28 Maledicent illi, et tu benedices: qui insurgunt in me, confundantur: servus autem tuus laetabitur.
They revile, and You bless, They have risen, and are ashamed, And Your servant rejoices.
29 Induantur qui detrahunt mihi, pudore: et operiantur sicut diploide confusione sua.
My accusers put on blushing, and are covered, Their shame [is] as an upper robe.
30 Confitebor Domino nimis in ore meo: et in medio multorum laudabo eum.
I thank YHWH greatly with my mouth, And I praise Him in the midst of many,
31 Quia astitit a dextris pauperis, ut salvam faceret a persequentibus animam meam.
For He stands at the right hand of the needy, To save from those judging his soul.

< Psalmorum 109 >