< Psalmorum 106 >
1 Alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in saeculum misericordia eius.
Alleluya. Kouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is with outen ende.
2 Quis loquetur potentias Domini, auditas faciet omnes laudes eius?
Who schal speke the powers of the Lord; schal make knowun alle hise preisyngis?
3 Beati, qui custodiunt iudicium, et faciunt iustitiam in omni tempore.
Blessid ben thei that kepen dom; and doon riytfulnesse in al tyme.
4 Memento nostri Domine in beneplacito populi tui: visita nos in salutari tuo:
Lord, haue thou mynde on vs in the good plesaunce of thi puple; visite thou vs in thin heelthe.
5 Ad videndum in bonitate electorum tuorum, ad laetandum in laetitia gentis tuae: ut lauderis cum hereditate tua.
To se in the goodnesse of thi chosun men, to be glad in the gladnes of thi folk; that thou be heried with thin eritage.
6 Peccavimus cum patribus nostris: iniuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.
We han synned with oure fadris; we han do vniustli, we han do wickidnesse.
7 Patres nostri in Aegypto non intellexerunt mirabilia tua: non fuerunt memores multitudinis misericordiae tuae. Et irritaverunt ascendentes in mare, Mare rubrum.
Oure fadris in Egipt vndirstoden not thi merueils; thei weren not myndeful of the multitude of thi merci. And thei stiynge in to the see, in to the reed see, terreden to wraththe;
8 Et salvavit eos propter nomen suum: ut notam faceret potentiam suam.
and he sauede hem for his name, that `he schulde make knowun his power.
9 Et increpuit Mare rubrum, et exiccatum est: et deduxit eos in abyssis sicut in deserto.
And he departide the reed see, and it was dried; and he lede forth hem in the depthis of watris as in deseert.
10 Et salvavit eos de manu odientium: et redemit eos de manu inimici.
And he sauede hem fro the hond of hateris; and he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the enemye.
11 Et operuit aqua tribulantes eos: unus ex eis non remansit.
And the watir hilide men troublynge hem; oon of hem abood not.
12 Et crediderunt verbis eius: et laudaverunt laudem eius.
And thei bileueden to hise wordis; and thei preisiden the heriynge of hym.
13 Cito fecerunt, obliti sunt operum eius: et non sustinuerunt consilium eius.
Thei hadden `soone do, thei foryaten hise werkis; and thei abididen not his councel.
14 Et concupierunt concupiscentiam in deserto: et tentaverunt Deum in inaquoso
And thei coueitiden coueitise in deseert; and temptiden God in a place with out watir.
15 Et dedit eis petitionem ipsorum: et misit saturitatem in animas eorum.
And he yaf to hem the axyng of hem; and he sente fulnesse in to the soulis of hem.
16 Et irritaverunt Moysen in castris: Aaron sanctum Domini.
And thei wraththiden Moyses in the castels; Aaron, the hooli of the Lord.
17 Aperta est terra, et deglutivit Dathan: et operuit super congregationem Abiron.
The erthe was opened, and swolewid Datan; and hilide on the congregacioun of Abiron.
18 Et exarsit ignis in synagoga eorum: flamma combussit peccatores.
And fier brente an hiye in the synagoge of hem; flawme brente synneris.
19 Et fecerunt vitulum in Horeb: et adoraverunt sculptile.
And thei maden a calf in Oreb; and worschipiden a yotun ymage.
20 Et mutaverunt gloriam suam in similitudinem vituli comedentis foenum.
And thei chaungiden her glorie; in to the liknesse of a calf etynge hei.
21 Obliti sunt Deum, qui salvavit eos, qui fecit magnalia in Aegypto,
Thei foryaten God, that sauede hem, that dide grete werkis in Egipt,
22 mirabilia in Terra Cham: terribilia in mari rubro.
merueils in the lond of Cham; feerdful thingis in the reed see.
23 Et dixit ut disperderet eos: si non Moyses electus eius stetisset in confractione in conspectu eius: Ut averteret iram eius ne disperderet eos:
And God seide, that he wolde leese hem; if Moises, his chosun man, hadde not stonde in the brekyng of his siyt. That he schulde turne awei his ire; lest he loste hem.
24 et pro nihilo habuerunt terram desiderabilem: Non crediderunt verbo eius,
And thei hadden the desirable lond for nouyt, thei bileueden not to his word, and thei grutchiden in her tabernaclis;
25 et murmuraverunt in tabernaculis suis: non exaudierunt vocem Domini.
thei herden not the vois of the Lord.
26 Et elevavit manum suam super eos: ut prosterneret eos in deserto:
And he reiside his hond on hem; to caste doun hem in desert.
27 Et ut deiiceret semen eorum in Nationibus: et dispergeret eos in regionibus.
And to caste awei her seed in naciouns; and to leese hem in cuntreis.
28 Et initiati sunt Beelphegor: et comederunt sacrificia mortuorum.
And thei maden sacrifice to Belfagor; and thei eeten the sacrificis of deed beestis.
29 Et irritaverunt eum in adinventionibus suis: et multiplicata est in eis ruina.
And thei wraththiden God in her fyndyngis; and fallyng was multiplied in hem.
30 Et stetit Phinees, et placavit: et cessavit quassatio.
And Fynees stood, and pleeside God; and the veniaunce ceesside.
31 Et reputatum est ei in iustitiam, in generatione et generationem usque in sempiternum.
And it was arrettid to hym to riytfulnesse; in generacioun and in to generacioun, til in to with outen ende.
32 Et irritaverunt eum ad Aquas contradictionis: et vexatus est Moyses propter eos:
And thei wraththiden God at the watris of ayenseiyng; and Moises was trauelid for hem, for thei maden bittere his spirit,
33 quia exacerbaverunt spiritum eius. Et distinxit in labiis suis:
and he departide in his lippis.
34 non disperdiderunt gentes, quas dixit Dominus illis.
Thei losten not hethen men; whiche the Lord seide to hem.
35 Et commisti sunt inter gentes, et didicerunt opera eorum:
And thei weren meddlid among hethene men, and lerneden the werkis of hem,
36 et servierunt sculptilibus eorum: et factum est illis in scandalum.
and serueden the grauen ymagis of hem; and it was maad to hem in to sclaundre.
37 Et immolaverunt filios suos, et filias suas daemoniis.
And thei offriden her sones; and her douytris to feendis.
38 Et effuderunt sanguinem innocentem: sanguinem filiorum suorum et filiarum suarum, quas sacrificaverunt sculptilibus Chanaan. Et infecta est terra in sanguinibus,
And thei schedden out innocent blood, the blood of her sones and of her douytris; whiche thei sacrificiden to the grauun ymagis of Chanaan.
39 et contaminata est in operibus eorum: et fornicati sunt in adinventionibus suis.
And the erthe was slayn in bloodis, and was defoulid in the werkis of hem; and thei diden fornicacioun in her fyndyngis.
40 Et iratus est furore Dominus in populum suum: et abominatus est hereditatem suam.
And the Lord was wrooth bi strong veniaunce ayens his puple; and hadde abhominacioun of his eritage.
41 Et tradidit eos in manus gentium: et dominati sunt eorum qui oderunt eos.
And he bitook hem in to the hondis of hethene men; and thei that hatiden hem, weren lordis of hem.
42 Et tribulaverunt eos inimici eorum, et humiliati sunt sub manibus eorum:
And her enemyes diden tribulacioun to hem, and thei weren mekid vndir the hondis of enemyes;
43 saepe liberavit eos. Ipsi autem exacerbaverunt eum in consilio suo: et humiliati sunt in iniquitatibus suis.
ofte he delyuerede hem. But thei wraththiden hym in her counsel; and thei weren maad low in her wickidnessis.
44 Et vidit cum tribularentur: et audivit orationem eorum.
And he siye, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he herde the preyer of hem.
45 Et memor fuit testamenti sui: et poenituit eum secundum multitudinem misericordiae suae.
And he was myndeful of his testament; and it repentide hym bi the multitude of his merci.
46 Et dedit eos in misericordias in conspectu omnium qui ceperant eos.
And he yaf hem in to mercies; in the siyt of alle men, that hadden take hem.
47 Salvos nos fac Domine Deus noster: et congrega nos de Nationibus: Ut confiteamur nomini sancto tuo: et gloriemur in laude tua.
Oure Lord God, make thou vs saaf; and gadere togidere vs fro naciouns. That we knouleche to thin hooli name; and haue glorie in thi preisyng.
48 Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel a saeculo et usque in saeculum: et dicet omnis populus: Fiat, fiat.
Blessid be the Lord God of Israel fro the world and til in to the world; and al the puple schal seye, Be it don, be it don.