< Proverbiorum 23 >

1 Quando sederis ut comedas cum principe, diligenter attende quae apposita sunt ante faciem tuam:
If thou sit to sup at the table of a prince, consider attentively the things set before thee:
2 et statue cultrum in gutture tuo, si tamen habes in potestate animam tuam,
and apply thine hand, knowing that it behoves thee to prepare such [meats]: but if thou art very insatiable,
3 ne desideres de cibis eius, in quo est panis mendacii.
desire not his provisions; for these belong to a false life.
4 Noli laborare ut diteris: sed prudentiae tuae pone modum.
If thou art poor, measure not thyself with a rich man; but refrain thyself in thy wisdom.
5 Ne erigas oculos tuos ad opes, quas non potes habere: quia facient sibi pennas quasi aquilae, et volabunt in caelum.
If thou shouldest fix thine eye upon him, he will disappear; for wings like an eagle's are prepared for him, and he returns to the house of his master.
6 Ne comedas cum homine invido, et ne desideres cibos eius:
Sup not with an envious man, neither desire thou his meats:
7 quoniam in similitudinem arioli, et coniectoris, aestimat quod ignorat. Comede et bibe, dicet tibi: et mens eius non est tecum.
so he eats and drinks as if any one should swallow a hair, and do not bring him in to thyself, nor eat thy morsel with him:
8 Cibos, quos comederas, evomes: et perdes pulchros sermones tuos.
for he will vomit it up, and spoil thy fair words.
9 In auribus insipientium ne loquaris: qui despicient doctrinam eloquii tui.
Say nothing in the ears of a fool, lest at any time he sneer at thy wise words.
10 Ne attingas parvulorum terminos: et agrum pupillorum ne introeas:
Remove not the ancient landmarks; and enter not upon the possession of the fatherless:
11 Propinquus enim illorum fortis est: et ipse iudicabit contra te causam illorum.
for the Lord is their redeemer; he is mighty, and will plead their cause with thee.
12 Ingrediatur ad doctrinam cor tuum: et aures tuae ad verba scientiae.
Apply thine heart to instruction, and prepare thine ears for words of discretion.
13 Noli subtrahere a puero disciplinam: si enim percusseris eum virga, non morietur.
Refrain not from chastening a child; for if thou beat him with the rod, he shall not die.
14 Tu virga percuties eum: et animam eius de inferno liberabis. (Sheol h7585)
For thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from death. (Sheol h7585)
15 Fili mi, si sapiens fuerit animus tuus, gaudebit tecum cor meum:
Son, if thy heart be wise, thou shalt also gladden my heart;
16 et exultabunt renes mei, cum locuta fuerint recta labia tua.
and thy lips shall converse with my lips, if they be right.
17 Non aemuletur cor tuum peccatores: sed in timore Domini esto tota die:
Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day.
18 quia habebis spem in novissimo, et praestolatio tua non auferetur.
For if thou shouldest keep these things, thou shalt have posterity; and thine hope shall not be removed.
19 Audi fili mi, et esto sapiens: et dirige in via animum tuum.
Hear, [my] son, and be wise, and rightly direct the thoughts of thine heart.
20 Noli esse in conviviis potatorum, nec in comessationibus eorum, qui carnes ad vescendum conferunt:
Be not a wine-bibber, neither continue long at feasts, and purchases of flesh:
21 quia vacantes potibus, et dantes symbola consumentur, et vestietur pannis dormitatio.
for every drunkard and whoremonger shall be poor; and every sluggard shall clothe himself with tatters and ragged garments.
22 Audi patrem tuum, qui genuit te: et ne contemnas cum senuerit mater tua.
Hearken, [my] son, to thy father which begot thee, and despise not [thy mother] because she is grown old.
23 Veritatem eme, et noli vendere sapientiam, et doctrinam, et intelligentiam.
24 Exultat gaudio pater iusti: qui sapientem genuit, laetabitur in eo.
A righteous father brings up [his children] well; and his soul rejoices over a wise son.
25 Gaudeat pater tuus, et mater tua, et exultet quae genuit te.
Let thy father and thy mother rejoice over thee, and let her that bore thee be glad.
26 Praebe fili mi cor tuum mihi: et oculi tui vias meas custodiant.
[My] son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
27 Fovea enim profunda est meretrix: et puteus angustus, aliena.
For a strange house is a vessel full of holes; and a strange well is narrow.
28 Insidiatur in via quasi latro, et quos incautos viderit, interficiet.
For such a one shall perish suddenly; and every transgressor shall be cut off.
29 Cui vae? cuius patri vae? cui rixae? cui foveae? cui sine causa vulnera? cui suffusio oculorum?
Who [has] woe? who trouble? who [has] quarrels? and who vexations and disputes? who [has] bruises without a cause? whose eyes are livid?
30 Nonne his, qui commorantur in vino, et student calicibus epotandis?
Are not those of them that stay long at wine? [are] not [those] of them that haunt [the places] where banquets are? Be not drunk with wine; but converse with just men, and converse [with them] openly.
31 Ne intuearis vinum quando flavescit, cum splenduerit in vitro color eius: ingreditur blande,
For if thou shouldest set thine eyes on bowls and cups, thou shalt afterwards go more naked than a pestle.
32 sed in novissimo mordebit ut coluber, et sicut regulus venena diffundet.
But at last [such a one] stretches himself out as one smitten by a serpent, and venom is diffused through him as by a horned serpent.
33 Oculi tui videbunt extraneas, et cor tuum loquetur perversa.
Whenever thine eyes shall behold a strange woman, then thy mouth shall speak perverse things.
34 Et eris sicut dormiens in medio mari, et quasi sopitus gubernator, amisso clavo:
And thou shalt lie as in the midst of the sea, and as a pilot in a great storm.
35 et dices: Verberaverunt me, sed non dolui: traxerunt me, et ego non sensi: quando evigilabo, et rursus vina reperiam?
And thou shalt say, They smote me, and I was not pained; and they mocked me, and I knew it not: when will it be morning, that I may go and seek those with whom I may go in company?

< Proverbiorum 23 >