< Proverbiorum 15 >
1 Responsio mollis frangit iram: sermo durus suscitat furorem.
When people are angry with you, reply to them gently, and it will calm them; but if you reply harshly to them, it causes them to become more angry.
2 Lingua sapientium ornat scientiam: os fatuorum ebullit stultitiam.
When wise [people] speak [MTY], it causes those who hear what they say to want to know more; foolish people continually say [MTY] what is foolish.
3 In omni loco oculi Domini contemplantur bonos et malos.
Yahweh sees [MTY] [what is happening] everywhere; he observes what bad [people do] as well as what good [people do].
4 Lingua placabilis, lignum vitae: quae autem immoderata est, conteret spiritum.
Those who speak [MTY] kindly to people are [like] [MET] trees [whose fruit gives] life; speaking what is false causes people to (despair/feel very discouraged).
5 Stultus irridet disciplinam patris sui: qui autem custodit increpationes, astutior fiet. In abundanti iustitia virtus maxima est: cogitationes autem impiorum eradicabuntur.
Foolish children despise their parents when their parents correct/discipline them; wise children accept it.
6 Domus iusti plurima fortitudo: et in fructibus impii conturbatio.
There are many valuable things in the houses of righteous [people]; the wealth of wicked [people] causes them to have troubles/difficulties.
7 Labia sapientium disseminabunt scientiam: cor stultorum dissimile erit.
What wise [people] teach [MTY] causes others to know much more, [but] foolish people cannot teach others what is useful.
8 Victimae impiorum abominabiles Domino: vota iustorum placabilia:
Yahweh detests the sacrifices that are offered by wicked [people]; what delights/pleases him very much are the prayers of righteous/good [people].
9 Abominatio est Domino via impii: qui sequitur iustitiam, diligitur ab eo.
Yahweh hates/detests the behavior of wicked [people], but he loves those who always do what is righteous/just/fair.
10 Doctrina mala deserentium viam vitae: qui increpationes odit, morietur.
Those who do what is wrong will be severely punished; those who do not want to be corrected will die.
11 Infernus, et perditio coram Domino: quanto magis corda filiorum hominum? (Sheol )
Yahweh knows [what is happening in] the place where dead people [DOU] are, so he certainly knows [RHQ] what people are thinking. (Sheol )
12 Non amat pestilens eum, qui se corripit: nec ad sapientes graditur.
Some people do not want to be corrected; they never go to wise [people to seek good advice from them].
13 Cor gaudens exhilarat faciem: in moerore animi deiicitur spiritus.
When people are happy, they have smiles on their faces; but when they are sad, [by looking at their faces we can see that] they are sad.
14 Cor sapientis quaerit doctrinam: et os stultorum pascitur imperitia.
Those who have good sense want to learn more; foolish people [MTY] are very satisfied with being foolish/ignorant.
15 Omnes dies pauperis, mali: secura mens quasi iuge convivium.
Those who are oppressed constantly have difficulties, but those who (OR, if they) are happy, [it is as though] [MET] they are having a big feast every day.
16 Melius est parum cum timore Domini, quam thesauri magni et insatiabiles.
Being poor and revering Yahweh is better than being rich and having a lot of troubles.
17 Melius est vocari ad olera cum charitate: quam ad vitulum saginatum cum odio.
Eating meals with [people whom you] love and having only vegetables to eat is better than eating with [people who] hate [each other and] having lots of good meat [to eat].
18 Vir iracundus provocat rixas: qui patiens est, mitigat suscitatas.
Those who quickly become angry cause arguments/quarreling, but those who do not quickly become angry cause people to act peacefully.
19 Iter pigrorum quasi sepes spinarum: via iustorum absque offendiculo.
Lazy people constantly [have difficulties] [MET]; [it is as though they are] walking through thorns; but those who are honest and hard-working [will have few difficulties; it is as though they are walking] on a level highway [MET].
20 Filius sapiens laetificat patrem: et stultus homo despicit matrem suam.
Children who are wise cause their parents to be happy; it is foolish children who despise their parents.
21 Stultitia gaudium stulto: et vir prudens dirigit gressus suos.
Foolish people are happy to [continually] act foolishly; those who have good sense do what is right.
22 Dissipantur cogitationes ubi non est consilium: ubi vero sunt plures consiliarii, confirmantur.
If there is no one to give us good advice, we will not accomplish what we are planning to do; but when we have many [good] advisors, we will succeed.
23 Laetatur homo in sententia oris sui: et sermo opportunus est optimus.
People rejoice when they are able to reply well to what others have asked them; [truly], it is very delightful to be able to say the right thing at the right time.
24 Semita vitae super eruditum, ut declinet de inferno novissimo. (Sheol )
Wise people walk on a road that leads up to a long life; they do not walk on a road that leads down to the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
25 Domum superborum demolietur Dominus: et firmos faciet terminos viduae.
Yahweh tears down the houses of proud [people], but he protects the property of widows.
26 Abominatio Domini cogitationes malae: et purus sermo pulcherrimus firmabitur ab eo.
Yahweh detests what wicked [people] are thinking [about doing]; [but] when people say what is kind, he considers those words to be pure.
27 Conturbat domum suam qui sectatur avaritiam: qui autem odit munera, vivet. Per misericordiam et fidem purgantur peccata: per timorem autem Domini declinat omnis a malo.
Those who try hard to get money by acting dishonestly cause trouble for their family; those who refuse to accept bribes will live [for a long time].
28 Mens iusti meditatur obedientiam: os impiorum redundat malis.
Righteous/Good [people] think carefully before they answer [what others ask them]; wicked [people] very quickly say what is evil.
29 Longe est Dominus ab impiis: et orationes iustorum exaudiet.
Yahweh does not listen [MTY] to what wicked [people request him to do]; he listens to righteous [people] when they pray.
30 Lux oculorum laetificat animam: fama bona impinguat ossa.
If people have a smile on their faces, it makes them/others happy, and [when people hear] good news, it refreshes their spirits [MTY].
31 Auris, quae audit increpationes vitae, in medio sapientium commorabitur.
If people pay attention when [people] correct/warn them, they will become wise.
32 Qui abiicit disciplinam, despicit animam suam: qui autem acquiescit increpationibus, possessor est cordis.
If people refuse to listen [when others try] to correct them, they are despising/hurting themselves; those who (pay attention/heed) when [others] warn them (become wiser/acquire good sense).
33 Timor Domini, disciplina sapientiae: et gloriam praecedit humilitas.
If you revere Yahweh, you will learn how to become wise, but [only] after you become humble will [people] honor you.