< Liber Numeri 9 >

1 Locutus est Dominus ad Moysen in deserto Sinai anno secundo, postquam egressi sunt de Terra Aegypti, mense primo dicens:
In the first month of the second year after Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, the LORD spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai:
2 Faciant filii Israel Phase in tempore suo,
“The Israelites are to observe the Passover at its appointed time.
3 quartadecima die mensis huius ad vesperam, iuxta omnes ceremonias et iustificationes eius.
You are to observe it at the appointed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of this month, in accordance with its statutes and ordinances.”
4 Praecepitque Moyses filiis Israel ut facerent Phase.
So Moses told the Israelites to observe the Passover,
5 Qui fecerunt tempore suo: quartadecima die mensis ad vesperam in monte Sinai. Iuxta omnia quae mandaverat Dominus Moysi, fecerunt filii Israel.
and they did so in the Wilderness of Sinai, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. The Israelites did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
6 Ecce autem quidam immundi super anima hominis, qui non poterant facere Phase in die illo, accedentes ad Moysen et Aaron,
But there were some men who were unclean due to a dead body, so they could not observe the Passover on that day. And they came before Moses and Aaron that same day
7 dixerunt eis: Immundi sumus super anima hominis. quare fraudamur ut non valeamus oblationem offerre Domino in tempore suo inter filios Israel?
and said to Moses, “We are unclean because of a dead body, but why should we be excluded from presenting the LORD’s offering with the other Israelites at the appointed time?”
8 Quibus respondit Moyses: State ut consulam quid praecipiat Dominus de vobis.
“Wait here until I find out what the LORD commands concerning you,” Moses replied.
9 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Then the LORD said to Moses,
10 Loquere filiis Israel: Homo qui fuerit immundus super anima, sive in via procul in gente vestra, faciat Phase Domino
“Tell the Israelites: ‘When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a dead body, or is away on a journey, he may still observe the Passover to the LORD.
11 in mense secundo, quartadecima die mensis ad vesperam: cum azymis et lactucis agrestibus comedent illud:
Such people are to observe it at twilight on the fourteenth day of the second month. They are to eat the lamb, together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs;
12 non relinquent ex eo quippiam usque mane, et os eius non confringent, omnem ritum Phase observabunt.
they may not leave any of it until morning or break any of its bones. They must observe the Passover according to all its statutes.
13 Si quis autem et mundus est, et in itinere non fuit, et tamen non fecit Phase, exterminabitur anima illa de populis suis, quia sacrificium Domino non obtulit tempore suo: peccatum suum ipse portabit.
But if a man who is ceremonially clean and is not on a journey still fails to observe the Passover, he must be cut off from his people, because he did not present the LORD’s offering at its appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.
14 Peregrinus quoque et advena si fuerint apud vos, facient Phase Domino iuxta ceremonias et iustificationes eius. Praeceptum idem erit apud vos tam advenae quam indigenae.
If a foreigner dwelling among you wants to observe the Passover to the LORD, he is to do so according to the Passover statute and its ordinances. You are to apply the same statute to both the foreigner and the native of the land.’”
15 Igitur die qua erectum est tabernaculum, operuit illud nubes. A vespere autem super tentorium erat quasi species ignis usque mane.
On the day that the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony, was set up, the cloud covered it and appeared like fire above the tabernacle from evening until morning.
16 sic fiebat iugiter: per diem operiebat illud nubes, et per noctem quasi species ignis.
It remained that way continually; the cloud would cover the tabernacle by day, and at night it would appear like fire.
17 Cumque ablata fuisset nubes, quae tabernaculum protegebat, tunc proficiscebantur filii Israel: et in loco ubi stetisset nubes, ibi castrametabantur.
Whenever the cloud was lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites would set out, and wherever the cloud settled, there the Israelites would camp.
18 Ad imperium Domini proficiscebantur, et ad imperium illius figebant tabernaculum. Cunctis diebus quibus stabat nubes super tabernaculum, manebant in eodem loco:
At the LORD’s command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD’s command they camped. As long as the cloud remained over the tabernacle, they remained encamped.
19 et si evenisset ut multo tempore maneret super illud, erant filii Israel in excubiis Domini, et non proficiscebantur
Even when the cloud lingered over the tabernacle for many days, the Israelites kept the LORD’s charge and did not set out.
20 quot diebus fuisset nubes super tabernaculum. Ad imperium Domini erigebant tentoria, et ad imperium illius deponebant.
Sometimes the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days, and they would camp at the LORD’s command and set out at the LORD’s command.
21 Si fuisset nubes a vespere usque mane, et statim diluculo tabernaculum reliquisset, proficiscebantur: et, si post diem et noctem recessisset, dissipabant tentoria.
Sometimes the cloud remained only from evening until morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they would set out. Whether it was by day or by night, when the cloud was taken up, they would set out.
22 Si vero biduo aut uno mense vel longiori tempore fuisset super tabernaculum, manebant filii Israel in eodem loco, et non proficiscebantur: statim autem ut recessisset, movebant castra.
Whether the cloud lingered for two days, a month, or longer, the Israelites camped and did not set out as long as the cloud remained over the tabernacle; but when it was lifted, they would set out.
23 Per verbum Domini figebant tentoria, et per verbum illius proficiscebantur: erantque in excubiis Domini iuxta imperium eius per manum Moysi.
They camped at the LORD’s command, and they set out at the LORD’s command; they carried out the LORD’s charge according to His command through Moses.

< Liber Numeri 9 >