< Liber Numeri 25 >

1 Morabatur autem eo tempore Israel in Setim, et fornicatus est populus cum filiabus Moab,
And Israel sojourned in Sattin, and the people profaned itself by going a-whoring after the daughters of Moab.
2 quae vocaverunt eos ad sacrificia sua. At ille comederunt et adoraverunt deos earum.
And they called them to the sacrifices of their idols; and the people ate of their sacrifices, and worshipped their idols.
3 Initiatusque est Israel Beelphegor: et iratus Dominus,
And Israel consecrated themselves to Beel-phegor; and the Lord was very angry with Israel.
4 ait ad Moysen: Tolle cunctos principes populi, et suspende eos contra solem in patibulis: ut avertatur furor meus ab Israel.
And the Lord said to Moses, Take all the princes of the people, and make them examples [of judgement] for the Lord in the face of the sun, and the anger of the Lord shall be turned away from Israel.
5 Dixitque Moyses ad Iudices Israel: Occidat unusquisque proximos suos, qui initiati sunt Beelphegor.
And Moses said to the tribes of Israel, Slay you every one his friend that is consecrated to Beel-phegor.
6 Et ecce unus de filiis Israel intravit coram fratribus suis ad scortum Madianitidem, vidente Moyse, et omni turba filiorum Israel, qui flebant ante fores tabernaculi.
And, behold, a man of the children of Israel came and brought his brother to a Madianitish woman before Moses, and before all the congregation of the children of Israel; and they were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of witness.
7 Quod cum vidisset Phinees filius Eleazari filii Aaron sacerdotis, surrexit de medio multitudinis, et arrepto pugione,
And Phinees the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, and rose out of the midst of the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand,
8 ingressus est post virum Israelitem in lupanar, et perfodit ambos simul, virum scilicet et mulierem in locis genitalibus. Cessavitque plaga a filiis Israel:
and went in after the Israelitish man into the chamber, and pierced them both through, both the Israelitish man, and the woman through her womb; and the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.
9 et occisi sunt vigintiquattuor millia hominum.
And those that died in the plague were four and twenty thousand.
10 Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
11 Phinees filius Eleazari filii Aaron sacerdotis avertit iram meam a filiis Israel: quia zelo meo commotus est contra eos, ut non ipse delerem filios Israel in zelo meo.
Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest has caused my wrath to cease from the children of Israel, when I was exceedingly jealous amongst them, and I did not consume the children of Israel in my jealousy.
12 idcirco loquere ad eum: Ecce do ei pacem foederis mei,
Thus do you say [to him], Behold, I give him a covenant of peace:
13 et erit tam ipsi quam semini eius pactum sacerdotii sempiternum, quia zelatus est pro Deo suo, et expiavit scelus filiorum Israel.
and he and his seed after him shall have a perpetual covenant of priesthood, because he was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel.
14 Erat autem nomen viri Israelitae, qui occisus est cum Madianitide, Zambri filius Salu, dux de cognatione et tribu Simeonis.
Now the name of the struck Israelitish man, who was struck with the Madianitish woman, [was] Zambri son of Salmon, prince of a house of the tribe of Symeon.
15 Porro mulier Madianitis, quae pariter interfecta est, vocabatur Cozbi filia Sur principis nobilissimi Madianitarum.
And the name of the Madianitish woman who was struck, [was] Chasbi, daughter of Sur, a prince of the nation of Ommoth: it is a chief house amongst the people of Madiam.
16 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
17 Hostes vos sentiant Madianitae, et percutite eos:
Plague the Madianites as enemies, and strike them,
18 quia et ipsi hostiliter egerunt contra vos, et decepere insidiis per idolum Phogor, et Cozbi filiam ducis Madian sororem suam, quae percussa est in die plagae pro sacrilegio Phogor.
for they are enemies to you by the treachery wherein they ensnare you through Phogor, and through Chasbi their sister, daughter of a prince of Madiam, who was struck in the day of the plague because of Phogor.

< Liber Numeri 25 >