< Liber Numeri 16 >
1 Ecce autem Core filius Isaar, filii Caath, filii Levi, et Dathan atque Abiron filii Eliab, Hon quoque filius Pheleth de filiis Ruben,
Korah, son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi tried to take over leadership, along with Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth, who were from the tribe of Reuben.
2 surrexerunt contra Moysen, aliique filiorum Israel ducenti quinquaginta viri proceres synagogae, et qui tempore concilii per nomina vocabantur.
They rebelled against Moses, and were joined by 250 well-respected Israelite leaders and members of the assembly.
3 Cumque stetissent adversum Moysen et Aaron, dixerunt: Sufficiat vobis, quia omnis multitudo sanctorum est, et in ipsis est Dominus: Cur elevamini super populum Domini?
They joined together in opposition to Moses and Aaron, telling them, “You've taken too much power for yourselves! Every one of the Israelites is holy, and the Lord is among them. So why do you set yourselves above the Lord's assembly?”
4 Quod cum audisset Moyses, cecidit pronus in faciem:
When Moses heard what they were saying, he fell facedown on the ground.
5 locutusque ad Core et ad omnem multitudinem: Mane, inquit, notum faciet Dominus qui ad se pertineant, et sanctos applicabit sibi: et quos elegerit, appropinquabunt ei.
Then he told Korah and all those with him, “In the morning the Lord is going to make it clear who is his and who is holy, and allow that person to approach him. He will only allow whoever he chooses to approach him.
6 Hoc igitur facite: Tollat unusquisque thuribula sua, tu Core, et omne concilium tuum:
This is what you, Korah, and everyone with you are going to do. Take some incense burners,
7 et hausto cras igne, ponite desuper thymiama coram Domino: et quemcumque elegerit, ipse erit sanctus: multum erigimini filii Levi.
and tomorrow put incense in them and set it on fire in the presence of the Lord. Then the man the Lord chooses is the one who is holy. It is you Levites who are taking too much power for yourselves!”
8 Dixitque rursum ad Core: Audite filii Levi:
Moses also told Korah, “Listen, you Levites!
9 Num parum vobis est quod separavit vos Deus Israel ab omni populo, et iunxit sibi, ut serviretis ei in cultu tabernaculi, et staretis coram frequentia populi, et ministraretis ei?
Do you think it's something insignificant that the God of Israel chose you from all the other Israelites and allowed you to approach him and carry out the work in the Lord's Tabernacle, to stand before the Israelites and serve them?
10 idcirco ad se fecit accedere te et omnes fratres tuos filios Levi, ut vobis etiam sacerdotium vindicetis,
He has allowed you the privilege of approaching him, Korah, you and all the other Levites, but now you want to have the priesthood as well!
11 et omnis globus tuus stet contra Dominum? quis est enim Aaron ut murmuretis contra eum?
So in reality you and those who have joined you are fighting against the Lord—because who is Aaron that you should complain about him?”
12 Misit ergo Moyses ut vocaret Dathan et Abiron filios Eliab. Qui responderunt: Non venimus.
Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, but they replied, “We're not going to appear before you!
13 numquid parum est tibi quod eduxisti nos de terra, quae lacte et melle manabat, ut occideres in deserto, nisi et dominatus fueris nostri?
Haven't you done enough by taking us away from a land flowing with milk and honey in order to kill us out here in the desert? Do you have to make yourself a dictator as well, someone to rule us?
14 Revera induxisti nos in terram, quae fluit rivis lactis et mellis, et dedisti nobis possessiones agrorum et vinearum. an et oculos nostros vis eruere? non venimus.
On top of that you haven't taken us to a land flowing with milk and honey or given us fields and vineyards to own. Do you really think you can fool everyone? No, we will not attend!”
15 Iratusque Moyses valde, ait ad Dominum: Ne respicias sacrificia eorum: tu scis quod nec asellum quidem umquam acceperim ab eis, nec afflixerim quempiam eorum.
Moses got really angry and said to the Lord, “Don't accept their offerings. I have never taken even a donkey from them or treated any of them badly.”
16 Dixitque ad Core: Tu, et omnis congregatio tua, state seorsum coram Domino, et Aaron die crastino separatim.
Moses told Korah, “You and all those who have joined you must appear before the Lord tomorrow—all of you and Aaron too.
17 Tollite singuli thuribula vestra, et ponite super ea incensum, offerentes Domino ducenta quinquaginta thuribula: Aaron quoque teneat thuribulum suum.
Each one will take his incense burner, put incense in it, and offer it before the Lord. All 250 of you will use your incense burners and Aaron will as well.”
18 Quod cum fecissent, stantibus Moyses et Aaron,
So each one took his incense burner, put incense in it, set it on fire, and stood together with Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
19 et coacervassent adversum eos omnem multitudinem ad ostium tabernaculi, apparuit cunctis gloria Domini.
When Korah had gathered all his rebellious group at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the Lord's glory appeared before the whole congregation.
20 Locutusque Dominus ad Moysen et Aaron, ait:
The Lord told Moses and Aaron,
21 Separamini de medio congregationis huius, ut eos repente disperdam.
“Step away from these Israelites and I will destroy them right away.”
22 Qui ceciderunt proni in faciem, atque dixerunt: Fortissime Deus spirituum universae carnis, num uno peccante, contra omnes ira tua desaeviet?
But Moses and Aaron fell facedown on the ground said, “God—God of everything that lives—when it's just one man who sins, do you have to be angry with the everybody?”
23 Et ait Dominus ad Moysen:
Then the Lord told Moses,
24 Praecipe universo populo ut separetur a tabernaculis Core, et Dathan et Abiron.
“Tell the people to move away from the homes of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”
25 Surrexitque Moyses, et abiit ad Dathan et Abiron: et sequentibus eum senioribus Israel,
So Moses went over to Dathan and Abiram, and the Israelite elders of Israel followed him.
26 dixit ad turbam: Recedite a tabernaculis hominum impiorum, et nolite tangere quae ad eos pertinent, ne involvamini in peccatis eorum.
He ordered the people, “Move away from the tents of these wicked men and don't touch anything that belongs to them, otherwise you will be destroyed along with them in all their sins.”
27 Cumque recessissent a tentoriis eorum per circuitum, Dathan et Abiron egressi stabant in introitu papilionum suorum cum uxoribus et liberis, omnique frequentia.
The people moved away from the homes of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram came out and stood at the entrances to their tents along with their wives, children and little ones.
28 Et ait Moyses: In hoc scietis, quod Dominus miserit me ut facerem universa quae cernitis, et non ex proprio ea corde protulerim:
Moses said, “This is how you will know that the Lord did send me to carry out everything I've done, for it wasn't anything I thought up.
29 Si consueta hominum morte interierint, et visitaverit eos plaga, qua et ceteri visitari solent, non misit me Dominus:
If these men die a natural death, experiencing the destiny of every human being, then the Lord didn't sent me.
30 sin autem novam rem fecerit Dominus, ut aperiens terra os suum deglutiat eos et omnia quae ad illos pertinent, descenderintque viventes in infernum, scietis quod blasphemaverint Dominum. (Sheol )
But if the Lord does something totally different, and the earth opens up and swallows them down along with everything that belongs to them so that they go down alive into Sheol, then you will know that these men have acted with contempt to the Lord.” (Sheol )
31 Confestim igitur ut cessavit loqui, dirupta est terra sub pedibus eorum:
Immediately Moses finished saying all this the ground under the rebels split apart,
32 et aperiens os suum, devoravit illos cum tabernaculis suis et universa substantia eorum.
and the earth opened up and swallowed them and their households down, as well as everyone who was there with Korah and everything that belonged to them.
33 descenderuntque vivi in infernum operti humo, et perierunt de medio multitudinis. (Sheol )
They went down alive into Sheol with all that they had. The earth closed over them, and they were no more. (Sheol )
34 At vero omnis Israel, qui stabat per gyrum, fugit a clamore pereuntium, dicens: Ne forte et nos terra deglutiat.
When they heard their cries, all the Israelites nearby ran away, shouting, “Watch out! The earth could swallow us too!”
35 Sed et ignis egressus a Domino, interfecit ducentos quinquaginta viros, qui offerebant incensum.
Fire burst out from the Lord and burned up the 250 men who were offering incense.
36 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Then the Lord said to Moses,
37 Praecipe Eleazaro filio Aaron sacerdotis ut tollat thuribula quae iacent in incendio, et ignem huc illucque dispergat: quoniam sanctificata sunt
“Tell Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, to collect the holy incense burners from among those who have been burned up, and scatter the coals used for the incense well away from the camp.
38 in mortibus peccatorum: producatque ea in laminas, et affigat altari, eo quod oblatum sit in eis incensum Domino, et sanctificata sint, ut cernant ea pro signo et monimento filii Israel.
Have the incense burners of those who sinned at the expense of their own lives hammered into metal sheets as a covering for the altar, because they were offered before the Lord, and so have become holy. They will be a reminder to Israelites of what happened.”
39 Tulit ergo Eleazar sacerdos thuribula aenea, in quibus obtulerant hi quos incendium devoravit, et produxit ea in laminas, affigens altari:
So Eleazar the priest collected the bronze incense burners used by those who had been burned up, and had them hammered out as a covering for the altar,
40 ut haberent postea filii Israel, quibus commonerentur ne quis accedat alienigena, et qui non est de semine Aaron ad offerendum incensum Domino, ne patiatur sicut passus est Core, et omnis congregatio eius, loquente Domino ad Moysen.
following the instructions given to him from the Lord through Moses. This was to remind the Israelites that no one who is not a descendant of Aaron should come and offer incense before the Lord, otherwise they could end up like Korah and those with him.
41 Murmuravit autem omnis multitudo filiorum Israel sequenti die contra Moysen et Aaron, dicens: Vos interfecistis populum Domini.
The next day all the Israelites complained to Moses and Aaron, saying, “You have killed the Lord's people!”
42 Cumque oriretur seditio, et tumultus incresceret,
But as the people gathered to confront them, Moses and Aaron went over to the Tent of Meeting, and suddenly the cloud covered it and the Lord's glory appeared.
43 Moyses et Aaron fugerunt ad tabernaculum foederis. Quod, postquam ingressi sunt, operuit nubes, et apparuit gloria Domini.
Moses and Aaron went and stood at the front of the Tent of Meeting,
44 Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen:
and the Lord said to Moses,
45 Recedite de medio huius multitudinis, etiam nunc delebo eos. Cumque iacerent in terra,
“Get away from these people and I will finish them off immediately.” Moses and Aaron fell facedown on the ground.
46 dixit Moyses ad Aaron: Tolle thuribulum, et hausto igne de altari, mitte incensum desuper, pergens cito ad populum ut roges pro eis: iam enim egressa est ira a Domino, et plaga desaevit.
Moses told Aaron, “Put some coals from the altar and some incense in your incense burner. Then run to the people and make them right before the Lord, for the Lord is angry with them and a plague has started.”
47 Quod cum fecisset Aaron, et cucurrisset ad mediam multitudinem, quam iam vastabat incendium, obtulit thymiama:
Aaron took the incense burner just as Moses had told him and ran into the middle of the assembly. He saw that the plague had started to affect the people so he offered the incense and made the people right with the Lord.
48 et stans inter mortuos ac viventes, pro populo deprecatus est, et plaga cessavit.
He stood between those who had died and those who were still alive, and the plague was stopped.
49 Fuerunt autem qui percussi sunt, quattuordecim millia hominum, et septingenti, absque his qui perierant in seditione Core.
However, 14,700 died from the plague in addition to those who'd died because of Korah.
50 Reversusque est Aaron ad Moysen ad ostium tabernaculi foederis postquam quievit interitus.
Then Aaron went back to Moses at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting because the plague had been stopped.