< Nehemiæ 8 >

1 Et venerat mensis septimus: filii autem Israel erant in civitatibus suis. Congregatusque est omnis populus quasi vir unus ad plateam, quae est ante portam aquarum: et dixerunt Esdrae scribae ut afferret Librum legis Moysi, quam praeceperat Dominus Israeli.
And all the people assembled themselues together, in the streete that was before the watergate, and they spake vnto Ezra the Scribe, that hee would bring the booke of ye Law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel.
2 Attulit ergo Esdras sacerdos legem coram multitudine virorum et mulierum, cunctisque qui poterant intelligere, in die prima mensis septimi.
And Ezra the Priest brought the Lawe before the Congregation both of men and women, and of all that coulde heare and vnderstand it, in the first day of the seuenth moneth,
3 Et legit in eo aperte in platea quae erat ante portam aquarum, de mane usque ad mediam diem, in conspectu virorum et mulierum, et sapientium: et aures omnis populi erant erectae ad Librum.
And he read therein in the streete that was before the watergate (from the morning vntill the midday) before men and women, and them that vnderstoode it, and the eares of all the people hearkened vnto the booke of the Lawe.
4 Stetit autem Esdras scriba super gradum ligneum, quem fecerat ad loquendum: et steterunt iuxta eum Mathathias, et Semeia, et Ania, et Uria, et Helcia, et Maasia, ad dexteram eius: et ad sinistram, Phadaia, Misael, et Melchia, et Hasum, et Hasbadana, Zacharia, et Mosollam.
And Ezra the Scribe stoode vpon a pulpit of wood which he had made for the preaching, and beside him stood Mattithiah, and Shema, and Ananiah, and Vriiah, and Hilkiah, and Maaseiah on his right hande, and on his left hand Pedaiah, and Mishael, and Malchiah, and Hashum, and Hashbadana, Zechariah, and Meshullam.
5 Et aperuit Esdras Librum coram omni populo: super universum quippe populum eminebat: et cum aperuisset eum, stetit omnis populus.
And Ezra opened the booke before all the people: for hee was aboue all the people: and when he opened it, all the people stoode vp.
6 Et benedixit Esdras Domino Deo voce magna: et respondit omnis populus: Amen, Amen: elevans manus suas. et incurvati sunt, et adoraverunt Deum proni in terram.
And Ezra praysed the Lord the great God, and all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting vp their handes: and they bowed themselues, and worshipped the Lord with their faces toward the grounde.
7 Porro Iosue, et Bani, et Serebia, Iamin, Accub, Septhai, Odia, Maasia, Celita, Azarias, Iozabed, Hanan, Phalaia, Levitae, silentium faciebant in populo ad audiendam legem: populus autem stabat in gradu suo.
Also Ieshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Iamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Iozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Leuites caused the people to vnderstand the lawe, and the people stood in their place.
8 Et legerunt in Libro legis Dei distincte, et aperte ad intelligendum: et intellexerunt cum legeretur.
And they read in the booke of the Lawe of God distinctly, and gaue the sense, and caused them to vnderstand the reading.
9 Dixit autem Nehemias (ipse est Athersatha) et Esdras sacerdos et scriba, et Levitae interpretantes universo populo: Dies sanctificatus est Domino Deo nostro, nolite lugere, et nolite flere. Flebat enim omnis populus cum audiret verba legis.
Then Nehemiah (which is Tirshatha) and Ezra the Priest and scribe, and the Leuites that instructed the people, saide vnto all the people, This day is holie vnto ye Lord your God: mourne not, neither weepe: for all the people wept, whe they heard the words of the Lawe.
10 Et dixit eis: Ite, comedite pinguia, et bibite mulsum, et mittite partes his, qui non praeparaverunt sibi: quia sanctus dies Domini est, et nolite contristari: gaudium etenim Domini est fortitudo nostra.
He saide also vnto the, Go, and eate of the fat, and drinke the sweete, and send part vnto them, for whome none is prepared: for this day is holie vnto our Lord: be ye not sorie therefore: for the ioy of the Lord is your strength.
11 Levitae autem silentium faciebant in omni populo, dicentes: Tacete, quia dies sanctus est, et nolite dolere.
And the Leuites made silence throughout all the people, saying, Holde your peace: for the day is holy, be not sad therefore.
12 Abiit itaque omnis populus ut comederet et biberet, et mitteret partes, et faceret laetitiam magnam: quia intellexerant verba, quae docuerat eos.
Then all the people went to eate and to drinke, and to send away part, and to make great ioy, because they had vnderstand the wordes that they had taught them.
13 Et in die secundo congregati sunt principes familiarum universi populi, Sacerdotes et Levitae ad Esdram scribam, ut interpretaretur eis verba Legis.
And on the second day the chiefe fathers of all the people, the Priests and the Leuites were gathered vnto Ezra the scribe, that he also might instruct them in the wordes of the Lawe.
14 Et invenerunt scriptum in Lege praecepisse Dominum in manu Moysi ut habitent filii Israel in tabernaculis, in die sollemni, mense septimo:
And they found written in the Law, (that the Lord had commanded by Moses) that the children of Israel should dwel in boothes in the feast of the seuenth moneth,
15 et ut praedicent, et divulgent vocem in universis urbibus suis, et in Ierusalem, dicentes: Egredimini in montem, et afferte frondes olivae, et frondes ligni pulcherrimi, frondes myrti, et ramos palmarum, et frondes ligni nemorosi ut fiant tabernacula, sicut scriptum est.
And that they shoulde cause it to bee declared and proclaimed in all their cities, and in Ierusalem, saying, Go forth vnto the mount, and bring oliue branches, and pine branches, and branches of myrtus, and palme branches, and branches of thicke trees, to make boothes, as it is written.
16 Et egressus est populus, et attulerunt. Feceruntque sibi tabernacula unusquisque in domate suo, et in atriis suis, et in atriis domus Dei, et in platea portae aquarum, et in platea portae Ephraim.
So the people went foorth and brought them, and made them boothes, euerie one vpon the roofe of his house, and in their courtes, and in the courtes of the house of God, and in the streete by the watergate, and in the streete of the gate of Ephraim.
17 Fecit ergo universa ecclesia eorum, qui redierant de captivitate, tabernacula, et habitaverunt in tabernaculis: non enim fecerant a diebus Iosue filii Nun taliter filii Israel usque ad diem illum. Et fuit laetitia magna nimis.
And all the Congregation of them that were come againe out of the captiuitie made boothes, and sate vnder the boothes: for since the time of Ieshua the sonne of Nun vnto this day, had not the children of Israel done so, and there was very great ioy.
18 Legit autem in Libro legis Dei per dies singulos, a die primo usque ad diem novissimum. et fecerunt sollemnitatem septem diebus, et in die octavo collectam iuxta ritum.
And he read in the booke of the Lawe of God euery day, from the first day vnto the last day. and they kept the feast seuen dayes, and on the eight day a solemne assemblie, according vnto the maner.

< Nehemiæ 8 >