< Nehemiæ 7 >

1 Postquam autem aedificatus est murus, et posui valvas, et recensui ianitores, et cantores, et Levitas:
Nowe when the wall was builded, and I had set vp the doores, and the porters, and the singers and the Leuites were appointed,
2 praecepi Hanani fratri meo, et Hananiae principi domus de Ierusalem (ipse enim quasi vir verax et timens Deum plus ceteris videbatur)
Then I commanded my brother Hanani and Hananiah the prince of the palace in Ierusalem (for he was doubtlesse a faithfull man, and feared God aboue many)
3 et dixi eis: Non aperiantur portae Ierusalem usque ad calorem solis. Cumque adhuc assisterent, clausae portae sunt, et oppilatae: et posui custodes de habitatoribus Ierusalem, singulos per vices suas, et unumquemque contra domum suam.
And I saide vnto them, Let not the gates of Ierusalem be opened, vntill the heate of the sunne: and while they stande by, let them shut the doores, and make them fast: and I appointed wardes of the inhabitants of Ierusalem, euery one in his warde, and euery one ouer against his house.
4 Civitas autem erat lata nimis et grandis, et populus parvus in medio eius, et non erant domus aedificatae.
Nowe the citie was large and great, but the people were few therein, and the houses were not buylded.
5 Deus autem dedit in corde meo, et congregavi optimates, et magistratus, et vulgus, ut recenserem eos: et inveni librum census eorum, qui ascenderant primum, et inventum est scriptum in eo.
And my God put into mine heart, and I gathered the princes, and the rulers, and the people, to count their genealogies: and I found a booke of the genealogie of them, which came vp at the first, and found written therein,
6 Isti filii provinciae, qui ascenderunt de captivitate migrantium, quos transtulerat Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis, et reversi sunt in Ierusalem, et in Iudaeam, unusquisque in civitatem suam.
These are the sonnes of the prouince that came vp from the captiuitie that was caried away (whome Nebuchadnezzar King of Babel had caryed away) and they returned to Ierusalem and to Iudah, euery one vnto his citie.
7 Qui venerunt cum Zorobabel, Iosue, Nehemias, Azarias, Raamias, Nahamani, Mardochaeus, Belsam, Mespharath, Begoai, Nahum, Baana. Numerus virorum populi Israel:
They which came with Zerubbabel, Ieshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Biguai, Nehum, Baanah. This is the nomber of the men of the people of Israel.
8 Filii Pharos, duo millia centum septuaginta duo:
The sonnes of Parosh, two thousande an hundreth seuentie and two.
9 Filii Saphatia, trecenti septuaginta duo:
The sonnes of Shephatiah, three hundreth seuentie and two.
10 Filii Area, sexcenti quinquaginta duo:
The sonnes of Arah, sixe hundreth fiftie and two.
11 Filii Phahathmoab filiorum Iosue et Ioab, duo millia octingenti decem et octo:
The sonnes of Pahath Moab of ye sonnes of Ieshua, and Ioab, two thousand, eight hundreth and eighteene.
12 Filii Aelam, mille octigenti quinquagintaquattuor:
The sonnes of Elam, a thousand, two hundreth fiftie and foure.
13 Filii Zethua, octingenti quadragintaquinque:
The sonnes of Zattu, eight hundreth and fiue and fourtie.
14 Filii Zachai, septingenti sexaginta:
The sonnes of Zacchai, seuen hundreth and three score.
15 Filii Bannui, sexcenti quadragintaocto:
The sonnes of Binnui, sixe hundreth and eight and fourtie.
16 Filii Bebai, sexcenti vigintiocto:
The sonnes of Bebai, sixe hundreth and eight and twentie.
17 Filii Azgad, duo millia trecenti vigintiduo:
The sonnes of Azgad, two thousand, three hundreth and two and twentie.
18 Filii Adonicam, sexcenti sexagintaseptem:
The sonnes of Adonikam, sixe hundreth three score and seuen.
19 Filii Beguai, duo millia sexagintaseptem:
The sonnes of Biguai, two thousand three score and seuen.
20 Filii Adin, sexcenti quinquagintaquinque:
The sonnes of Adin, sixe hundreth, and fiue and fiftie.
21 Filii Ater, filii Hezeciae, nonagintaocto:
The sonnes of Ater of Hizkiah, ninetie and eight.
22 Filii Hasem, trecenti vigintiocto:
The sonnes of Hashum, three hundreth and eight and twentie.
23 Filii Besai, trecenti vigintiquattuor:
The sonnes of Bezai, three hundreth and foure and twentie.
24 Filii Hareph, centum duodecim:
The sonnes of Hariph, an hundreth and twelue.
25 Filii Gabaon, nonagintaquinque:
The sonnes of Gibeon, ninetie and fiue.
26 Filii Bethlehem, et Netupha, centum octogintaocto.
The men of Beth-lehem and Netophah, an hundreth foure score and eight.
27 Viri Anathoth, centum vigintiocto.
The men of Anathoth, an hundreth and eight and twentie.
28 Viri Bethazmoth, quadragintaduo.
The me of Beth-azmaueth, two and fourty.
29 Viri Cariathiarim, Cephira, et Beroth, septingenti quadragintatres.
The men of Kiriath-iearim, Chephirah and Beeroth, seuen hundreth, and three and fourtie.
30 Viri Rama et Geba, sexcenti vigintiunus.
The men of Ramah and Gaba, sixe hundreth and one and twentie.
31 Viri Machmas, centum vigintiduo.
The men of Michmas, an hundreth and two and twentie.
32 Viri Bethel et Hai, centum vigintitres.
The men of Beth-el and Ai, an hundreth and three and twentie.
33 Viri Nebo alterius, quinquagintaduo.
The men of the other Nebo, two and fifty.
34 Viri Aelam alterius, mille ducenti quinquagintaquattuor.
The sonnes of the other Elam, a thousand, two hundreth and foure and fiftie.
35 Filii Harem, trecenti viginti.
The sonnes of Harim, three hundreth and twentie.
36 Filii Iericho, trecenti quadragintaquinque.
The sonnes of Iericho, three hundreth and fiue and fourtie.
37 Filii Lod Hadid et Ono, septingenti vigintiunus.
The sonnes of Lod-hadid and Ono, seuen hundreth and one and twentie.
38 Filii Senaa, tria millia nongenti triginta.
The sonnes of Senaah, three thousand, nine hundreth and thirtie.
39 Sacerdotes: Filii Idaia in domo Iosue, nongenti septuagintatres.
The Priestes: the sonnes of Iedaiah of the house of Ieshua, nine hundreth seuentie and three.
40 Filii Emmer, mille quinquagintaduo.
The sonnes of Immer, a thousand and two and fiftie.
41 Filii Phashur, mille ducenti quadragintaseptem.
The sonnes of Pashur, a thousande, two hundreth and seuen and fourtie.
42 Filii Arem, mille decem et septem. Levitae:
The sonnes of Harim, a thousande and seuenteene.
43 Filii Iosue et Cedmihel filiorum
The Leuites: the sonnes of Ieshua of Kadmiel, and of the sonnes of Hodiuah, seuentie and foure.
44 Oduiae, septuagintaquattuor. Cantores:
The singers: the children of Asaph, an hundreth, and eight and fourtie.
45 Filii Asaph, centum quadragintaocto.
The porters: the sonnes of Shallum, the sonnes of Ater, the sonnes of Talmon, the sonnes of Akkub, the sonnes of Hatita, the sonnes of Shobai, an hundreth and eight and thirtie.
46 Ianitores: filii Sellum, filii Ater, filii Telmon, filii Accub, filii Hatita, filii Sobai: centum trigintaocto.
The Nethinims: the sonnes of Ziha, the sonnes of Hashupha, the sonnes of Tabaoth,
47 Nathinaei: filii Soha, filii Hasupha, filii Tebbaoth,
The sonnes of Keros, the sonnes of Sia, the sonnes of Padon,
48 filii Ceros, filii Siaa, filii Phadon, filii Lebana, filii Hagaba, filii Selmai,
The sonnes of Lebana, the sonnes of Hagaba, the sonnes of Shalmai,
49 filii Hanan, filii Geddel, filii Gaher,
The sonnes of Hanan, the sonnes of Giddel, the sonnes of Gahar,
50 filii Raaia, filii Rasin, filii Necoda,
The sonnes of Reaiah, the sonnes of Rezin, the sonnes of Nekoda,
51 filii Gezem, filii Aza, filii Phasea,
The sonnes of Gazzam, ye sonnes of Vzza, the sonnes of Paseah,
52 filii Besai, filii Munim, filii Nephussim,
The sonnes of Besai, the sonnes of Meunim, the sonnes of Nephishesim,
53 filii Bacbuc, filii Hacupha, filii Harhur,
The sonnes of Bakbuk, the sonnes of Hakupha, the sonnes of Harhur,
54 filii Besloth, filii Mahida, filii Harsa,
The sonnes of Bazlith, the sonnes of Mehida, the sonnes of Harsha,
55 filii Bercos, filii Sisara, filii Thema,
The sonnes of Barkos, the sonnes of Sissera, the sonnes of Tamah,
56 filii Nasia, filii Hatipha,
The sonnes of Neziah, the sonnes of Hatipha,
57 filii servorum Salomonis, filii Sothai, filii Sophereth, filii Pharida,
The sonnes of Salomons seruantes, the sonnes of Sotai, the sonnes of Sophereth, ye sonnes of Perida,
58 filii Iahala, filii Darcon, filii Ieddel,
The sonnes of Iaala, the sonnes of Darkon, the sonnes of Giddel,
59 filii Saphatia, filii Hatil, filii Phochereth, qui erat ortus ex Sabaim, filio Amon.
The sonnes of Shephatiah, the sonnes of Hattil, the sonnes of Pochereth of Zebaim, the sonnes of Amon.
60 Omnes Nathinaei, et filii servorum Salomonis, trecenti nonagintaduo.
All the Nethinims, and the sonnes of Salomons seruantes were three hundreth, ninetie and two.
61 Hi sunt autem, qui ascenderunt de Thelmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, Addon, et Emmer: et non potuerunt indicare domum patrum suorum, et semen suum, utrum ex Israel essent.
And these came vp from Tel-melah, Tel-haresha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer: but they could not shewe their fathers house, nor their seede, or if they were of Israel.
62 Filii Dalaia, filii Tobia, filii Necoda, sexcenti quadragintaduo.
The sonnes of Delaiah: the sonnes of Tobiah, the sonnes of Nekoda, six hundreth and two and fourtie.
63 Et de Sacerdotibus, filii Habia, filii Accos, filii Berzellai, qui accepit de filiabus Berzellai Galaaditis uxorem: et vocatus est nomine eorum.
And of the Priestes: the sonnes of Habaiah, the sonnes of Hakkoz, the sonnes of Barzillai, which tooke one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife, and was named after their name.
64 Hi quaesierunt scripturam suam in censu, et non invenerunt: et eiecti sunt de sacerdotio.
These sought their writing of the genealogies, but it was not founde: therefore they were put from the Priesthood.
65 Dixitque Athersatha eis ut non manducarent de Sanctis sanctorum, donec staret Sacerdos doctus et eruditus.
And the Tirshatha sayd vnto them, that they should not eate of the most holy, till there rose vp a Priest with Vrim and Thummim.
66 Omnis multitudo quasi vir unus quadragintaduo millia sexcenti sexaginta,
All the Congregation together was two and fourtie thousand, three hundreth and threescore,
67 absque servis et ancillis eorum, qui erant septem millia trecenti trigintaseptem, et inter eos cantores, et cantatrices, ducenti quadragintaquinque.
Besides their seruantes and their maydes, which were seuen thousand, three hundreth and seuen and thirtie: and they had two hundreth and fiue and fourtie singing men and singing women.
68 Equi eorum, septingenti trigintasex: muli eorum, ducenti quadragintaquinque:
Their horses were seuen hundreth and sixe and thirtie, and their mules two hundreth and fiue and fourtie.
69 cameli eorum, quadringenti trigintaquinque: asini, sex millia septingenti viginti.
The camels foure hundreth and fiue and thirtie, and sixe thousande, seuen hundreth and twentie asses.
70 Nonnulli autem de principibus familiarum dederunt in opus. Athersatha dedit in thesaurum auri drachmas mille, phialas quinquaginta, tunicas sacerdotales quingentas triginta.
And certaine of the chiefe fathers gaue vnto the worke. The Tirshatha gaue to the treasure, a thousand drammes of golde, fiftie basins, fiue hundreth and thirtie Priests garments.
71 Et de principibus familiarum dederunt in thesaurum operis auri drachmas viginti millia, et argenti mnas duo millia ducentas.
And some of the chiefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke, twentie thousand drams of golde, and two thousande and two hundreth pieces of siluer.
72 Et quod dedit reliquus populus, auri drachmas viginti millia, et argenti mnas duo millia, et tunicas sacerdotales sexagintaseptem.
And the rest of the people gaue twentie thousand drammes of golde, and two thousande pieces of siluer, and three score and seuen Priestes garments.
73 Habitaverunt autem Sacerdotes, et Levitae, et ianitores, et cantores, et reliquum vulgus, et Nathinaei, et omnis Israel in civitatibus suis.
And the Priestes, and Leuites, and the porters and the singers and the rest of the people and the Nethinims, and all Israel dwelt in their cities: and when the seuenth moneth came, the children of Israel were in their cities.

< Nehemiæ 7 >