< Nahum Propheta 3 >

1 Vae civitas sanguinum, universa mendacii dilaceratione plena: non recedet a te rapina.
O city of blood, wholly false, full of unrighteousness; the prey shall not be handled.
2 Vox flagelli, et vox impetus rotae, et equi frementis, et quadrigae ferventis, et equitis ascendentis:
The noise of whips, and the noise of the rumbling of wheels, and of the pursuing horse, and of the bounding chariot,
3 et micantis gladii, et fulgurantis hastae, et multitudinis interfectae, et gravis ruinae: nec est finis cadaverum, et corruent in corporibus suis.
and of the mounting rider, and of the glittering sword, and of the gleaming arms, and of a multitude of slain, and of heavy falling: and there was no end to her nations, but they shall be weak in their bodies
4 Propter multitudinem fornicationum meretricis speciosae, et gratae, et habentis maleficia, quae vendidit gentes in fornicationibus suis, et familias in maleficiis suis:
because of the abundance of fornication: [she is] a fair harlot, and well-favoured, skilled in sorcery, that sells the nations by her fornication, and peoples by her sorceries.
5 Ecce ego ad te, dicit Dominus exercituum, et revelabo pudenda tua in facie tua, et ostendam Gentibus nuditatem tuam, et regnis ignominiam tuam.
Behold, I am against you, says the Lord God Almighty, and I will uncover your skirts in your presence, and I will show the nations your shame, and the kingdoms your disgrace.
6 Et proiiciam super te abominationes, et contumeliis te afficiam, et ponam te in exemplum.
And I will cast abominable filth upon you according to your unclean ways, and will make you a public example.
7 Et erit: omnis, qui viderit te, resiliet a te, et dicet: Vastata est Ninive: quis commovebit super te caput? unde quaeram consolatorem tibi?
And it shall be [that] every one that sees you shall go down from you, and shall say, Wretched Nineve! who shall lament for her? whence shall I seek comfort for her?
8 Numquid melior es Alexandria populorum, quae habitat in fluminibus? aquae in circuitu eius: cuius divitiae, mare: aquae muri eius.
Prepare you a portion, tune the chord, prepare a portion for Ammon: she that dwells among the rivers, water is round about her, whose dominion is the sea, and whose walls are water.
9 Aethiopia fortitudo eius, et Aegyptus, et non est finis: Aphrica, et Libyes fuerunt in auxilio tuo.
And Ethiopia is her strength, and Egypt; and there was no limit of the flight [of her enemies]; and the Libyans became her helpers.
10 Sed et ipsa in transmigrationem ducta est in captivitatem: parvuli eius elisi sunt in capite omnium viarum, et super inclytos eius miserunt sortem, et omnes optimates eius confixi sunt in compedibus.
Yet she shall go as a prisoner into captivity, and they shall dash her infants against the ground at the top of all her ways: and they shall cast lots upon all her glorious [possessions], and all her nobles shall be bound in chains.
11 Et tu ergo inebriaberis, et eris despecta: et tu quaeres auxilium ab inimico.
And you shall be drunken, and shall be overlooked; and you shall seek for yourself strength because of [your] enemies.
12 Omnes munitiones tuae sicut ficus cum grossis suis: si concussae fuerint, cadent in os comedentis.
All your strongholds are as fig-trees having watchers: if they be shaken, they shall fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 Ecce populus tuus mulieres in medio tui: inimicis tuis adapertione pandentur portae terrae tuae, devorabit ignis vectes tuos.
Behold, your people within you are as women: the gates of your land shall surely be opened to your enemies: the fire shall devour your bars.
14 Aquam propter obsidionem hauri tibi, extrue munitiones tuas: intra in lutum, et calca, subigens tene laterem.
Draw you water for a siege, and well secure your strongholds: enter into the clay, and be you trodden in the chaff, make [the fortifications] stronger than brick.
15 Ibi comedet te ignis: peribis gladio, devorabit te ut bruchus: congregare ergo ut bruchus: multiplicare ut locusta.
There the fire shall devour you; the sword shall utterly destroy you, it shall devour you as the locust, and you shall be pressed down as a palmerworm.
16 Plures fecisti negotiationes tuas quam stellae sint caeli: bruchus expansus est, et avolavit.
You have multiplied your merchandise beyond the stars of heaven: the palmerworm has attacked [it], and has flown away.
17 Custodes tui quasi locustae: et parvuli tui quasi locustae locustarum, quae considunt in sepibus in die frigoris: sol ortus est, et avolaverunt, et non est cognitus locus earum ubi fuerint.
Your mixed [multitude] has suddenly departed as the grasshopper, as the locust perched on a hedge in a frosty day; the sun arises, and it flies off, and knows not its place: woe to them!
18 Dormitaverunt pastores tui, rex Assur: sepelientur principes tui: latitavit populus tuus in montibus, et non est qui congreget.
Your shepherds have slumbered, the Assyrian king has laid low your mighty men: your people departed to the mountains, and there was none to receive [them].
19 Non est obscura contritio tua, pessima est plaga tua: omnes qui audierunt auditionem tuam, compresserunt manum super te: quia super quem non transiit malitia tua semper?
There is no healing for your bruise; your wound has rankled: all that hear the report of you shall clap their hands against you; for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?

< Nahum Propheta 3 >