< Mattheum 11 >

1 Et factum est, cum consummasset Iesus, praecipiens duodecim discipulis suis, transiit inde ut doceret, et praedicaret in civitatibus eorum.
And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid, he comaundide to hise twelue disciplis, and passide fro thennus to teche and preche in the citees of hem.
2 Ioannes autem cum audisset in vinculis opera Christi, mittens duos de discipulis suis,
But whanne Joon in boondis hadde herd the werkis of Crist, he sente tweyne of hise disciplis,
3 ait illi: Tu es, qui venturus es, an alium expectamus?
and seide to him, `Art thou he that schal come, or we abiden another?
4 Et respondens Iesus ait illis: Euntes renunciate Ioanni quae audistis, et vidistis.
And Jhesus answeride, and seide `to hem, Go ye, and telle ayen to Joon tho thingis that ye han herd and seyn.
5 Caeci vident, claudi ambulant, leprosi mundantur, surdi audiunt, mortui resurgunt, pauperes evangelizantur:
Blynde men seen, crokid men goon, meselis ben maad clene, deefe men heren, deed men rysen ayen, pore men ben takun to `prechyng of the gospel.
6 et beatus est, qui non fuerit scandalizatus in me.
And he is blessid, that shal not be sclaundrid in me.
7 Illis autem abeuntibus, coepit Iesus dicere ad turbas de Ioanne: Quid existis in desertum videre? arundinem vento agitatam?
And whanne thei weren goon awei, Jhesus bigan to seie of Joon to the puple, What thing wenten ye out in to desert to se? a reed wawed with the wynd?
8 Sed quid existis videre? hominem mollibus vestitum? Ecce qui mollibus vestiuntur, in domibus regum sunt.
Or what thing wenten ye out to see? a man clothid with softe clothis? Lo! thei that ben clothid with softe clothis ben in the housis of kyngis.
9 Sed quid existis videre? prophetam? Etiam dico vobis, et plus quam prophetam.
But what thing wenten ye out to se? a prophete? Yhe, Y seie to you, and more than a prophete.
10 Hic est enim, de quo scriptum est: Ecce ego mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam, qui praeparabit viam tuam ante te.
For this is he, of whom it is writun, Lo! Y sende myn aungel bifor thi face, that shal make redi thi weye bifor thee.
11 Amen dico vobis, non surrexit inter natos mulierum maior Ioanne Baptista: qui autem minor est in regno caelorum, maior est illo.
Treuli Y seie to you, ther roos noon more than Joon Baptist among the children of wymmen; but he that is lesse in the kyngdom of heuenes, is more than he.
12 A diebus autem Ioannis Baptistae usque nunc, regnum caelorum vim patitur, et violenti rapiunt illud.
And fro the daies of Joon Baptist til now the kyngdom of heuenes suffrith violence, and violent men rauyschen it.
13 Omnes enim prophetae, et lex usque ad Ioannem prophetaverunt:
For alle prophetis and the lawe `til to Joon prophecieden; and if ye wolen resseyue,
14 et si vultis recipere, ipse est Elias, qui venturus est.
he is Elie that is to come.
15 Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat.
He that hath eris of heryng, here he.
16 Cui autem similem aestimabo generationem istam? Similis est pueris sedentibus in foro: qui clamantes coaequalibus
But to whom schal Y gesse this generacioun lijk? It is lijk to children sittynge in chepyng, that crien to her peeris,
17 dicunt: Cecinimus vobis, et non saltastis: lamentavimus, et non planxistis.
and seien, We han songun to you, and ye han not daunsid; we han morned to you, and ye han not weilid.
18 Venit enim Ioannes neque manducans, neque bibens, et dicunt: Daemonium habet.
For Joon cam nether etynge ne drynkynge, and thei seien, He hath a deuel.
19 Venit filius hominis manducans, et bibens, et dicunt: Ecce homo vorax, et potator vini, publicanorum, et peccatorum amicus. Et iustificata est sapientia a filiis suis.
The sone of man cam etynge and drynkynge, and thei seien, Lo! a man a glotoun, and a drinkere of wijne, and a freend of pupplicans and of synful men. And wisdom is iustified of her sones.
20 Tunc coepit exprobrare civitatibus, in quibus factae sunt plurimae virtutes eius, quia non egissent poenitentiam.
Thanne Jhesus bigan to seye repreef to citees, in whiche ful manye vertues of him weren doon, for thei diden not penaunce.
21 Vae tibi Corozain, vae tibi Bethsaida: quia, si in Tyro, et Sidone factae essent virtutes quae factae sunt in vobis, olim in cilicio, et cinere poenitentiam egissent.
Wo to thee! Corosaym, woo to thee! Bethsaida; for if the vertues that ben doon in you hadden be doon in Tyre and Sidon, sumtyme thei hadden don penaunce in heyre and aische.
22 Verumtamen dico vobis: Tyro, et Sidoni remissius erit in die iudicii, quam vobis.
Netheles Y seie to you, it schal be lesse peyne to Tire and Sidon in the dai of doom, than to you.
23 Et tu Capharnaum, numquid usque in caelum exaltaberis? usque in infernum descendes. quia, si in Sodomis factae fuissent virtutes, quae factae sunt in te, forte mansissent usque in hanc diem. (Hadēs g86)
And thou, Cafarnaum, whethir thou schalt be arerid vp in to heuene? Thou shalt go doun in to helle. For if the vertues that ben don in thee, hadden be don in Sodom, perauenture thei schulden haue dwellid `in to this dai. (Hadēs g86)
24 Verumtamen dico vobis, quia terrae Sodomorum remissius erit in die iudicii, quam tibi.
Netheles Y seie to you, that to the lond of Sodom it schal be `lesse peyne in the dai of doom, than to thee.
25 In illo tempore respondens Iesus dixit: Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine caeli et terrae, quia abscondisti haec a sapientibus, et prudentibus, et revelasti ea parvulis.
In thilke tyme Jhesus answeride, and seide, Y knowleche to thee, fadir, lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wijse men, and redi, and hast schewid hem to litle children;
26 Ita Pater: quoniam sic fuit placitum ante te.
so, fadir, for so it was plesynge tofore thee.
27 Omnia mihi tradita sunt a Patre meo. Et nemo novit Filium, nisi Pater: neque Patrem quis novit, nisi Filius, et cui voluerit Filius revelare.
Alle thingis ben youune to me of my fadir; and no man knewe the sone, but the fadir, nethir ony man knewe the fadir, but the sone, and to whom the sone wolde schewe.
28 Venite ad me omnes, qui laboratis, et onerati estis, et ego reficiam vos.
Alle ye that traueilen, and ben chargid, come to me, and Y schal fulfille you.
29 Tollite iugum meum super vos, et discite a me, quia mitis sum, et humilis corde: et invenietis requiem animabus vestris.
Take ye my yok on you, and lerne ye of me, for Y am mylde and meke in herte; and ye schulen fynde reste to youre soulis.
30 Iugum enim meum suave est, et onus meum leve.
`For my yok is softe, and my charge liyt.

< Mattheum 11 >