< Marcum 8 >

1 In diebus illis iterum cum turba multa esset cum Iesu, nec haberent quod manducarent: convocatis discipulis, ait illis:
in/on/among that the/this/who day (again *NO*) (much *N(k)O*) crowd to be and not to have/be which? to eat to call to/summon (the/this/who Jesus *k*) the/this/who disciple (it/s/he *k*) to say it/s/he
2 Misereor super turbam: quia ecce iam triduo sustinent me, nec habent quod manducent:
to pity upon/to/against the/this/who crowd that/since: since already (day *N(k)O*) Three to remain/persist me and no to have/be which? to eat
3 et si dimisero eos ieiunos in domum suam, deficient in via: quidam enim ex eis de longe venerunt.
and if to release: release it/s/he fasting toward house: home it/s/he to faint in/on/among the/this/who road (and *N(K)O*) one it/s/he (away from *no*) from afar (to come/be present *NK(o)*)
4 Et responderunt ei discipuli sui: unde illos quis poterit saturare panibus in solitudine?
and to answer it/s/he the/this/who disciple it/s/he (that/since: that *no*) whence this/he/she/it be able one here to feed bread upon/to/against desert
5 Et interrogavit eos: Quot panes habetis? Qui dixerunt: Septem.
and (to ask *N(k)O*) it/s/he how much/many? to have/be bread the/this/who then to say seven
6 Et praecepit turbae discumbere super terram. Et accipiens septem panes, gratias agens fregit, et dabat discipulis suis ut apponerent, et apposuerunt turbae.
and (to order *N(k)O*) the/this/who crowd to recline upon/to/against the/this/who earth: soil and to take the/this/who seven bread to thank to break and to give the/this/who disciple it/s/he in order that/to (to set before *N(k)O*) and to set before the/this/who crowd
7 Et habebant pisciculos paucos: et ipsos benedixit, et iussit apponi.
and to have/be little fish little/few and to praise/bless (it/s/he *no*) to say and (this/he/she/it to set before *N(k)O*)
8 Et manducaverunt, et saturati sunt, et sustulerunt quod superaverat de fragmentis, septem sportas.
(and *no*) to eat (then *k*) and to feed and to take up overflow fragment seven basket
9 Erant autem qui manducaverunt, quasi quattuor millia: et dimisit eos.
to be then (the/this/who to eat *KO*) as/when four thousand and to release: release it/s/he
10 Et statim ascendens navim cum discipulis suis, venit in partes Dalmanutha.
and immediately to climb toward the/this/who boat with/after the/this/who disciple it/s/he to come/go toward the/this/who part Dalmanutha
11 Et exierunt Pharisaei, et coeperunt conquirere cum eo, quaerentes ab illo signum de caelo, tentantes eum.
and to go out the/this/who Pharisee and be first to debate it/s/he to seek from/with/beside it/s/he sign away from the/this/who heaven to test/tempt: test it/s/he
12 Et ingemiscens spiritu, ait: Quid generatio ista signum quaerit? Amen dico vobis, si dabitur generationi isti signum.
and to sigh deeply the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit it/s/he to say which? the/this/who generation this/he/she/it (to seek *N(k)O*) sign amen to say you if: not to give the/this/who generation this/he/she/it sign
13 Et dimittens eos, ascendit iterum navim, et abiit trans fretum.
and to release: leave it/s/he again to climb (toward the/this/who *ko*) (boat *KO*) to go away toward the/this/who other side
14 Et obliti sunt panes sumere: et nisi unum panem non habebant secum in navi.
and to forget to take bread and if: not not one bread no to have/be with/after themself in/on/among the/this/who boat
15 Et praecipiebat eis, dicens: Videte, et cavete a fermento Pharisaeorum, et fermento Herodis.
and to give orders it/s/he to say to see: see to see away from the/this/who leaven the/this/who Pharisee and the/this/who leaven Herod
16 Et cogitabant ad alterutrum, dicentes: Quia panes non habemus.
and to discuss to/with one another (to say *k*) that/since: since bread no (to have/be *N(K)O*)
17 Quo cognito, ait illis Iesus: Quid cogitatis, quia panes non habetis? nondum cognoscetis nec intelligitis? adhuc caecatum habetis cor vestrum?
and to know (the/this/who *ko*) (Jesus *KO*) to say it/s/he which? to discuss that/since: that bread no to have/be not yet to understand nor to understand (still *K*) to harden to have/be the/this/who heart you
18 oculos habentes non videtis? et aures habentes non auditis? Nec recordamini,
eye to have/be no to see and ear to have/be no to hear and no to remember
19 quando quinque panes fregi in quinque millia: quot cophinos fragmentorum plenos sustulistis? Dicunt ei: Duodecim.
when the/this/who five bread to break toward the/this/who five thousand how much/many? basket fragment full to take up to say it/s/he twelve
20 Quando et septem panes in quattuor millia: quot sportas fragmentorum tulistis? Et dicunt ei: Septem.
when (then *k(o)*) the/this/who seven toward the/this/who four thousand how much/many? basket fulfillment fragment to take up (the/this/who *ko*) (and to say *N(k)O*) (it/s/he *no*) seven
21 Et dicebat eis: Quomodo nondum intelligitis?
and to say it/s/he (not yet *N(K)O*) (how! *KO*) to understand
22 Et veniunt Bethsaidam, et adducunt ei caecum, et rogabant eum ut illum tangeret.
and (to come/go *N(K)O*) toward Bethsaida and to bear/lead it/s/he blind and to plead/comfort it/s/he in order that/to it/s/he to touch
23 Et apprehensa manu caeci, eduxit eum extra vicum: et expuens in oculos eius impositis manibus suis, interrogavit eum si quid videret.
and to catch the/this/who hand the/this/who blind (to bring/carry out *N(k)O*) it/s/he out/outside(r) the/this/who village and to spit toward the/this/who eye it/s/he to put/lay on the/this/who hand it/s/he to question it/s/he if: is(QUESTION) one (to see *N(K)O*)
24 Et aspiciens, ait: Video homines velut arbores ambulantes.
and to look up/again to say to see the/this/who a human that/since: that as/when tree to see: see to walk
25 Deinde iterum imposuit manus super oculos eius: et coepit videre. et restitutus est ita ut clare videret omnia.
then again (to put/lay on *NK(o)*) the/this/who hand upon/to/against the/this/who eye it/s/he and (to do/make: do it/s/he *K*) (to see clearly *N(K)O*) and (to restore *N(k)O*) and (to look into/upon *N(k)O*) clearly (all *N(k)O*)
26 Et misit illum in domum suam, dicens: Vade in domum tuam: et si in vicum introieris, nemini dixeris.
and to send it/s/he toward (the/this/who *k*) house: home it/s/he to say nor toward the/this/who village to enter (nor to say one in/on/among the/this/who village *KO*)
27 Et egressus est Iesus, et discipuli eius in castella Caesareae Philippi: et in via interrogabat discipulos suos, dicens eis: Quem me dicunt esse homines?
and to go out the/this/who Jesus and the/this/who disciple it/s/he toward the/this/who village Caesarea the/this/who Philippi and in/on/among the/this/who road to question the/this/who disciple it/s/he to say it/s/he which? me to say the/this/who a human to exist
28 Qui responderunt illi, dicentes: Alii Ioannem Baptistam, alii Eliam, alii vero quasi unum de prophetis.
the/this/who then (to say *N(k)O*) (it/s/he to say that/since: that *no*) John the/this/who one who baptizes and another Elijah another then (that/since: that *no*) (one *N(k)O*) the/this/who prophet
29 Tunc dicit illis: Vos vero quem me esse dicitis? Respondens Petrus, ait ei: Tu es Christus.
and it/s/he (to question it/s/he *N(k)O*) you then which? me to say to exist to answer (then *k*) the/this/who Peter to say it/s/he you to be the/this/who Christ
30 Et comminatus est eis, ne cui dicerent de illo.
and to rebuke it/s/he in order that/to nothing to say about it/s/he
31 Et coepit docere eos quoniam oportet filium hominis pati multa, et reprobari a senioribus, et a summis sacerdotibus, et Scribis, et occidi: et post tres dies resurgere.
and be first to teach it/s/he that/since: that be necessary the/this/who son the/this/who a human much to suffer and to reject (by/under: by *N(k)O*) the/this/who elder: Elder and the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who scribe and to kill and with/after Three day to arise
32 Et palam verbum loquebatur. Et apprehendens eum Petrus, coepit increpare eum.
and boldness the/this/who word to speak and to take the/this/who Peter it/s/he be first to rebuke it/s/he
33 Qui conversus, et videns discipulos suos, comminatus est Petro, dicens: Vade retro me satana, quoniam non sapis quae Dei sunt, sed quae sunt hominum.
the/this/who then to turn and to perceive: see the/this/who disciple it/s/he to rebuke (the/this/who *k*) Peter (and *no*) (to say *N(k)O*) to go after me Satan that/since: since no to reason the/this/who the/this/who God but the/this/who the/this/who a human
34 Et convocata turba cum discipulis suis, dixit eis: Si quis vult me sequi, deneget semetipsum: et tollat crucem suam, et sequatur me.
and to call to/summon the/this/who crowd with the/this/who disciple it/s/he to say it/s/he (if *NO*) (one *N(k)O*) to will/desire after me (to follow *N(K)O*) to deny themself and to take up the/this/who cross it/s/he and to follow me
35 Qui enim voluerit animam suam salvam facere, perdet eam: qui autem perdiderit animam suam propter me, et Evangelium, salvam faciet eam.
which for (if *N(k)O*) to will/desire the/this/who soul: life (it/s/he *NK(o)*) to save to destroy it/s/he which then if (to destroy *N(k)O*) the/this/who soul: life it/s/he because of I/we and the/this/who gospel (this/he/she/it *k*) to save it/s/he
36 Quid enim proderit homini, si lucretur mundum totum: et detrimentum animae suae faciat?
which? for (to help *N(k)O*) (the/this/who *o*) a human (if *ko*) (to gain *N(k)O*) the/this/who world all and (to lose *N(k)O*) the/this/who soul it/s/he
37 Aut quid dabit homo commutationis pro anima sua?
(or *k*) which? (for *no*) (to give *N(k)O*) a human in exchange the/this/who soul it/s/he
38 Qui enim me confessus fuerit, et verba mea in generatione ista adultera et peccatrice: et filius hominis confitebitur eum, cum venerit in gloria patris sui cum angelis sanctis.
which for (if *N(k)O*) be ashamed of me and the/this/who I/we word in/on/among the/this/who generation this/he/she/it the/this/who adulterous and sinful and the/this/who son the/this/who a human be ashamed of it/s/he when(-ever) to come/go in/on/among the/this/who glory the/this/who father it/s/he with/after the/this/who angel the/this/who holy

< Marcum 8 >