< Iosue 18 >

1 Congregatique sunt omnes filii Israel in Silo, ibique fixerunt tabernaculum testimonii, et fuit eis Terra subiecta.
The Israeli people captured all the land [that they were able to], but there were still seven tribes that had not been allotted any land. The Israeli people all gathered at Shiloh, and they set up the Sacred Tent there.
2 Remanserunt autem filiorum Israel septem tribus, quae necdum acceperant possessiones suas.
3 Ad quos Iosue ait: Usquequo marcetis ignavia, et non intratis ad possidendam Terram, quam Dominus Deus patrum vestrorum dedit vobis?
Joshua said to them, “Why are you waiting a long time to take control of [the rest of] the land that Yahweh, the God whom your ancestors [worshiped], has promised to give to you [RHQ]?
4 Eligite de singulis tribubus ternos viros, ut mittam eos, et pergant atque circumeant Terram, et describant eam iuxta numerum uniuscuiusque multitudinis: referantque ad me quod descripserint.
Choose three men from each of your seven tribes. Then I will send them to explore [the parts of] the land [which you have not occupied yet. When they finish exploring it], they must write a report, in which they will (make a map/show the boundaries) of the land that each tribe wants to receive.
5 Dividite vobis Terram in septem partes: Iudas sit in terminis suis ab australi plaga, et domus Ioseph ab Aquilone.
They will divide the remaining land into seven parts. The tribe of Judah will keep its land in the south, and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh will keep their land in the north.
6 mediam inter hos Terram in septem partes describite: et huc venietis ad me, ut coram Domino Deo vestro mittam vobis hic sortem:
But in their report, the men from the seven tribes should describe the seven parts of the remaining land [that they wish to receive], and bring the report to me. While Yahweh is watching, I will (cast lots/throw marked stones) [to decide which land should be allotted to each tribe].
7 quia non est inter vos pars Levitarum, sed sacerdotium Domini est eorum hereditas. Gad autem et Ruben, et dimidia tribus Manasse iam acceperant possessiones suas trans Iordanem ad Orientalem plagam: quas dedit eis Moyses famulus Domini.
But the tribe of Levi will not be allotted any land, because their [reward is that they will be] Yahweh’s priests. The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half the tribe of Manasseh have already been allotted their land on the east side of the Jordan [River], just as Moses, the man who served God [well], decided, [so they will not get any more land].”
8 Cumque surrexissent viri, ut pergerent ad describendam terram, praecepit eis Iosue, dicens: Circuite Terram, et describite eam, ac revertimini ad me: ut hic coram Domino, in Silo, mittam vobis sortem.
When the men who were chosen [got ready to] leave, Joshua told them, “Go and explore the land. Then write a report of what you have seen, and bring it back to me. Then while Yahweh is watching, I will (cast lots/throw marked stones) here at Shiloh, [to determine what area each tribe will receive].”
9 Itaque perrexerunt: et lustrantes eam, in septem partes diviserunt, scribentes in volumine. Reversique sunt ad Iosue in castra Silo.
So the men left and walked through the area. Then they described in a scroll each town that was in the seven parts [into which they had divided] the land. Then they returned to Joshua, who was still at Shiloh.
10 Qui misit sortes coram Domino in Silo, divisitque Terram filiis Israel in septem partes.
[After Joshua read their report], while Yahweh was watching, he (cast lots/threw marked stones) to choose which land would be allotted to each of the seven Israeli tribes.
11 Et ascendit sors prima filiorum Beniamin per familias suas, ut possiderent Terram inter filios Iuda et filios Ioseph.
The first tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Benjamin. Each clan in that tribe was allotted some of the land that was between the area that was allotted to the tribe of Judah and the area that was allotted to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.
12 Fuitque terminus eorum contra Aquilonem a Iordane: pergens iuxta latus Iericho septentrionalis plagae, et inde contra Occidentem ad montana conscendens, et perveniens ad solitudinem Bethaven,
The northern border started at the Jordan [River] and extended west along the northern side of Jericho, into the hilly area. From there the border extended west to the desert near Beth-Aven [town].
13 atque pertransiens iuxta Luzam ad Meridiem, ipsa est Bethel: descenditque in Ataroth addar in montem, qui est ad Meridiem Beth horon inferioris:
From there it extended southwest to Luz (which is [now named] Bethel). From there it extended southwest to Ataroth-Addar [town], which is on the hill south of Lower Beth-Horon [city].
14 Et inclinatur circuiens contra mare ad Meridiem montis qui respicit Beth horon contra Africum: suntque exitus eius in Cariath baal, quae vocatur et Cariathiarim, urbem filiorum Iuda. haec est plaga contra mare, ad Occidentem.
At the hill south of Beth-Horon, the border turned and extended south to Kiriath-Baal [town], which is [also named] Kiriath-Jearim. That is a town where people of the tribe of Judah live. That was the western border of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin.
15 A Meridie autem ex parte Cariathiarim egreditur terminus contra mare, et pervenit usque ad fontem aquarum Nephtoa.
The southern border of their land started near Kiriath-Jearim and extended west to Nephtoah Springs.
16 Descenditque in partem montis, qui respicit Vallem filiorum Ennom: et est contra septentrionalem plagam in extrema parte Vallis Raphaim. Descenditque in Geennom (id est, Vallem Ennom) iuxta latus Iebusaei ad Austrum: et pervenit ad Fontem rogel,
From there it extended south to the bottom of the hill, near Ben-Hinnom Valley, on the north side of Repha Valley. The border extended south along the Hinnom Valley, south of the city where the Jebus people-group lived, to En-Rogel.
17 transiens ad Aquilonem, et egrediens ad Ensemes, id est fontem solis:
From there the border extended west to En-Shemesh, and continued to Geliloth near Adummim Pass. Then it extended to the great stone of Reuben’s son Bohan.
18 et pertransit usque ad tumulos, qui sunt e regione Ascensus Adommim: descenditque ad Abenboen, id est, lapidem Boen filii Ruben: et pertransit ex latere Aquilonis ad campestria: descenditque in planitiem,
From there the border extended to the northern edge of Beth-Arabah [town] and down into the Jordan [River] Valley.
19 et praetergreditur contra Aquilonem Beth hagla: suntque exitus eius contra linguam maris salsissimi ab Aquilone in fine Iordanis ad australem plagam:
From there it extended east to the northern edge of Beth-Hoglah [town] and ended at the north end of the Dead Sea, where the Jordan [River flows into the Dead Sea]. That was the southern boundary [of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin].
20 qui est terminus illius ab Oriente. haec est possessio filiorum Beniamin per terminos suos in circuitu, et familias suas.
The Jordan [River] was the eastern boundary of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. Those were the boundaries of the land allotted to them.
21 Fueruntque civitates eius, Iericho et Beth hagla et Vallis Casis,
The cities in the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin were Jericho, Beth-Hoglah, Emek-Keziz,
22 Beth Araba et Samaraim et Bethel
Beth-Arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel,
23 et Avim et Aphara et Ophera,
Avvim, Parah, Ophrah,
24 villa Emona et Ophni et Gabee: civitates duodecim, et villae earum.
Kephar-Ammoni, Ophni, and Geba. Altogether there were fourteen towns and the surrounding villages.
25 Gabaon et Rama et Beroth,
The tribe of Benjamin also had the towns of Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth,
26 et Mesphe et Caphara, et Amosa
Mizpah, Kephirah, Mozah,
27 et Recem, Iarephel et Tharela,
Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah,
28 et Sela, Eleph, et Iebus, quae est Ierusalem, Gabaath et Cariath: civitates quattuordecim, et villae earum. Haec est possessio filiorum Beniamin iuxta familias suas.
Zelah, Haeleph, the city where the Jebus people-group lived (which is [now named] Jerusalem), Gibeah, and Kiriath. Altogether there were 14 towns and the surrounding villages. All that area was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Benjamin.

< Iosue 18 >