< Iosue 17 >

1 Cecidit autem sors tribui Manasse: (ipse enim est primogenitus Ioseph) Machir primogenito Manasse patri Galaad, qui fuit vir pugnator, habuitque possessionem Galaad et Basan:
This was also the lot of the tribe of Manasseh: for he was the first borne of Ioseph, to wit, of Machir the first borne of Manasseh, and the father of Gilead: nowe because he was a man of warre, he had Gilead and Bashan.
2 et reliquis filiorum Manasse iuxta familias suas, filiis Abiezer, et filiis Helec, et filiis Esriel, et filiis Sechem, et filiis Hepher, et filiis Semida. isti sunt filii Manasse filii Ioseph, mares, per cognationes suas.
And also of the rest of the sonnes of Manasseh by their families, euen of the sonnes of Abiezer, and of the sonnes of Helek, and of ye sonnes of Azriel, and of the sonnes of Shechem, and of the sonnes of Hepher, and of the sonnes of Shemida: these were the males of Manasseh, the sonne of Ioseph according to their families.
3 Salphaad vero filio Hepher filii Galaad filii Machir filii Manasse non erant filii, sed solae filiae: quarum ista sunt nomina, Maala et Noa et Hegla et Melcha et Thersa.
But Zelophehad the sonne of Hephir, the sonne of Gilead, the sonne of Machir, ye sonne of Manasseh, had no sonnes, but daughters: and these are the names of his daughters, Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah:
4 Veneruntque in conspectu Eleazari sacerdotis, et Iosue filii Nun, et principum dicentes: Dominus praecepit per manum Moysi, ut daretur nobis possessio in medio fratrum nostrorum. Deditque eis iuxta imperium Domini possessionem in medio fratrum patris earum.
Which came before Eleazar the Priest, and before Ioshua the sonne of Nun, and before the princes, saying, The Lord commanded Moses to giue vs an inheritance among our brethren: therefore according to the commandement of the Lord he gaue them an inheritance among the brethren of their father.
5 Et ceciderunt funiculi Manasse, decem, absque Terra Galaad et Basan trans Iordanem.
And there fell ten portions to Manasseh, beside the land of Gilead and Bashan, which is on the other side Iorden,
6 Filiae enim Manasse possederunt hereditatem in medio filiorum eius. Terra autem Galaad cecidit in sortem filiorum Manasse qui reliqui erant.
Because the daughters of Manasseh did inherite among his sonnes: and Manassehs other sonnes had the land of Gilead.
7 Fuitque terminus Manasse ab Aser, Machmathath quae respicit Sichem: et egreditur ad dexteram iuxta habitatores Fontis Taphuae.
So the borders of Manasseh were from Asher to Michmethah that lieth before Shechem, and this border goeth on the right hand, euen vnto the inhabitants of En-tappuah.
8 Etenim in sorte Manasse ceciderat Terra Taphuae, quae est iuxta terminos Manasse filiorum Ephraim.
The land of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, but Tappuah beside the border of Manasseh belongeth to the sonnes of Ephraim.
9 Descenditque terminus Vallis arundineti in meridiem torrentis civitatum Ephraim, quae in medio sunt urbium Manasse: terminus Manasse ab Aquilone torrentis, et exitus eius pergit ad mare:
Also this border goeth downe vnto the riuer Kanah Southward to the riuer: these cities of Ephraim are among the cities of Manasseh: and the border of Manasseh is on the Northside of the riuer, and the endes of it are at the Sea,
10 ita ut possessio Ephraim sit ab Austro, et ab Aquilone Manasse, et utramque claudat mare, et coniungantur sibi in tribu Aser ab Aquilone, et in tribu Issachar ab Oriente.
The South perteyneth to Ephraim, and the North to Manasseh, and the Sea is his border: and they met together in Asher Northwarde, and in Issachar Eastward.
11 Fuitque hereditas Manasse in Issachar et in Aser, Bethsan et viculi eius, et Ieblaam cum viculis suis, et habitatores Dor cum oppidis suis, habitatores quoque Endor cum viculis suis: similiterque habitatores Thenac cum viculis suis, et habitatores Mageddo cum viculis suis, et tertia pars urbis Nopheth.
And Manasseh had in Issachar and in Asher, Beth-shean, and her townes, and Ibleam, and her townes, and the inhabitants of Dor with ye townes thereof, and the inhabitants of En-dor with the townes thereof, and the inhabitants of Thaanach with her townes, and the inhabitants of Megiddo with the townes of the same, euen three countreis.
12 Nec potuerunt filii Manasse has civitates subvertere, sed coepit Chananaeus habitare in terra ipsa.
Yet the children of Manasseh coulde not destroy those cities, but the Canaanites dwelled still in that land.
13 Postquam autem convaluerunt filii Israel, subiecerunt Chananaeos, et fecerunt sibi tributarios, nec interfecerunt eos.
Neuerthelesse, when the children of Israel were strong, they put the Canaanites vnder tribute, but cast them not out wholy.
14 Locutique sunt filii Ioseph ad Iosue, et dixerunt: Quare dedisti mihi possessionem sortis et funiculi unius, cum sim tantae multitudinis, et benedixerit mihi Dominus?
Then the children of Ioseph spake vnto Ioshua, saying, Why hast thou giuen me but one lot, and one portion to inherite, seeing I am a great people, for as much as the Lord hath blessed me hitherto?
15 Ad quos Iosue ait: Si populus multus es, ascende in silvam, et succide tibi spatia in Terra Pherezaei et Raphaim: quia angusta est tibi possessio montis Ephraim.
Ioshua then answered them, If thou be much people, get thee vp to the wood, and cut trees for thy selfe there in the lande of the Perizzites, and of the gyants, if mount Ephraim be too narowe for thee.
16 Cui responderunt filii Ioseph: Non poterimus ad montana conscendere, cum ferreis curribus utantur Chananaei, qui habitant in terra campestri, in qua sitae sunt Bethsan cum viculis suis, et Iezrael mediam possidens vallem.
Then the children of Ioseph saide, The mountaine will not be ynough for vs: and all the Canaanites that dwell in the lowe countrey haue charets of yron, aswell they in Beth-shean, and in the townes of the same, as they in the valley of Izreel.
17 Dixitque Iosue ad domum Ioseph, Ephraim et Manasse: Populus multus es, et magnae fortitudinis, non habebis sortem unam,
And Ioshua spake vnto the house of Ioseph, to Ephraim, and to Manasseh, saying, Thou art a great people, and hast great power, and shalt not haue one lot.
18 sed transibis ad montem, et succides tibi, atque purgabis ad habitandum spatia: et poteris ultra procedere cum subverteris Chananaeum, quem dicis ferreos habere currus, et esse fortissimum.
Therefore the mountaine shall be thine: for it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it downe: and the endes of it shall be thine, and thou shalt cast out the Canaanites, though they haue yron charets, and though they be strong.

< Iosue 17 >