< Jonas Propheta 3 >
1 Et factum est verbum Domini ad Ionam secundo, dicens:
Then Yahweh said to Jonah again,
2 Surge, et vade in Niniven civitatem magnam: et praedica in ea praedicationem, quam ego loquor ad te.
“Go to that great city of Nineveh, and tell them the message that I gave you [previously].”
3 Et surrexit Ionas, et abiit in Niniven iuxta verbum Domini: et Ninive erat civitas magna itinere trium dierum.
So [this time] Jonah obeyed Yahweh, and he went to Nineveh. That city was so big that a person [had to walk] for three days to completely [go through] it.
4 Et coepit Ionas introire in civitatem itinere diei unius: et clamavit, et dixit: Adhuc quadraginta dies, et Ninive subvertetur.
On the first day [after] Jonah [arrived], he [began walking] through the city. He was proclaiming (OR, At the end of that day he started proclaiming) to the people, “Forty days from now, Nineveh will be destroyed {[God] will destroy Nineveh}!”
5 Et crediderunt viri Ninivitae in Deum: et praedicaverunt ieiunium, et vestiti sunt saccis a maiore usque ad minorem.
The people of Nineveh believed God’s [message]. They [all] decided that everyone should begin (fasting/abstaining from food). So [everyone], including important people and unimportant people, [did that]. They [also] put on coarse cloth, [to show that they were sorry for having sinned].
6 Et pervenit verbum ad regem Ninive: et surrexit de solio suo, et abiecit vestimentum suum a se, et indutus est sacco, et sedit in cinere.
The King of Nineveh heard [what the people were doing]. [So] he took off his royal robes, and [he also] put on coarse cloth. He left his palace, and sat down where there were [cold] ashes, [to show that he also was sorry for having sinned].
7 Et clamavit, et dixit in Ninive ex ore regis et principum eius, dicens: Homines, et iumenta, et boves, et pecora non gustent quidquam: nec pascantur, et aquam non bibant.
Then he sent messengers to proclaim to [the people in] Nineveh: “My advisors and I have decreed that no one may eat or drink anything. Do not even allow your animals to eat or drink.
8 Et operiantur saccis homines, et iumenta, et clament ad Dominum in fortitudine, et convertatur vir a via sua mala, et ab iniquitate, quae est in manibus eorum.
Instead, every person must put on coarse cloth. [Put coarse cloth on] your animals, [too]. Then everyone must pray fervently to God. And everyone must stop doing evil actions/things, and stop acting violently [toward others].
9 Quis scit si convertatur, et ignoscat Deus: et revertatur a furore irae suae, et non peribimus?
Perhaps, [if everyone does that], God may change his mind and be merciful [to us], and stop being very angry with us, with the result that we will not die.”
10 Et vidit Deus opera eorum, quia conversi sunt de via sua mala: et misertus est Deus super malitiam, quam locutus fuerat ut faceret eis, et non fecit.
When they [all did that], God saw what they were doing, and he saw that they had stopped doing evil things. So [he pitied them, and] he did not get rid of them as he had threatened to do.