< Job 9 >
1 Et respondens Iob, ait:
and to answer Job and to say
2 Vere scio quod ita sit, et quod non iustificetur homo compositus Deo.
truly to know for so and what? to justify human with God
3 Si voluerit contendere cum eo, non poterit ei respondere unum pro mille.
if to delight in to/for to contend with him not to answer him one from thousand
4 Sapiens corde est, et fortis robore: quis restitit ei, et pacem habuit?
wise heart and strong strength who? to harden to(wards) him and to complete
5 Qui transtulit montes, et nescierunt hi quos subvertit in furore suo.
[the] to proceed mountain: mount and not to know which to overturn them in/on/with face: anger his
6 Qui commovet terram de loco suo, et columnae eius concutiuntur.
[the] to tremble land: country/planet from place her and pillar her to shudder [emph?]
7 Qui praecipit Soli, et non oritur: et stellas claudit quasi sub signaculo:
[the] to say to/for sun and not to rise and about/through/for star to seal
8 Qui extendit caelos solus, et graditur super fluctus maris.
to stretch heaven to/for alone him and to tread upon high place sea
9 Qui facit Arcturum, et Oriona, et Hyadas, et interiora austri.
to make Bear Orion and Pleiades and chamber south
10 Qui facit magna, et incomprehensibilia, et mirabilia, quorum non est numerus.
to make: do great: large till nothing search and to wonder till nothing number
11 Si venerit ad me, non videbo eum: si abierit, non intelligam.
look! to pass upon me and not to see: see and to pass and not to understand to/for him
12 Si repente interroget, quis respondebit ei? vel quis dicere potest: Cur ita facis?
look! to seize who? to return: return him who? to say to(wards) him what? to make: do
13 Deus, cuius irae nemo resistere potest, et sub quo curvantur qui portant orbem.
god not to return: turn back face: anger his (underneath: under him *Q(k)*) to bow to help Rahab monster
14 Quantus ergo sum ego, ut respondeam ei, et loquar verbis meis cum eo?
also for I to answer him to choose word my with him
15 Qui etiam si habuero quippiam iustum, non respondebo, sed meum iudicem deprecabor.
which if to justify not to answer to/for to judge me be gracious
16 Et cum invocantem exaudierit me, non credo quod audierit vocem meam.
if to call: call to and to answer me not be faithful for to listen voice my
17 In turbine enim conteret me, et multiplicabit vulnera mea etiam sine causa.
which in/on/with storm to bruise me and to multiply wound my for nothing
18 Non concedit requiescere spiritum meum, et implet me amaritudinibus.
not to give: allow me to return: return spirit: breath my for to satisfy me bitterness
19 Si fortitudo quaeritur, robustissimus est: si aequitas iudicii, nemo audet pro me testimonium dicere.
if to/for strength strong behold and if to/for justice who? to appoint me
20 Si iustificare me voluero, os meum condemnabit me: si innocentem ostendero, pravum me comprobabit.
if to justify lip my be wicked me complete I and to twist me
21 Etiam si simplex fuero, hoc ipsum ignorabit anima mea, et taedebit me vitae meae.
complete I not to know soul my to reject life my
22 Unum est quod locutus sum, et innocentem et impium ipse consumit.
one he/she/it upon so to say complete and wicked he/she/it to end: destroy
23 Si flagellat, occidat semel, et non de poenis innocentum rideat.
if whip to die suddenly to/for despair innocent to mock
24 Terra data est in manus impii, vultum iudicum eius operit: quod si non ille est, quis ergo est?
land: country/planet to give: give in/on/with hand: power wicked face to judge her to cover if not then who? he/she/it
25 Dies mei velociores fuerunt cursore: fugerunt, et non viderunt bonum.
and day my to lighten from to run: run to flee not to see: see welfare
26 Pertransierunt quasi naves poma portantes, sicut aquila volans ad escam.
to pass with fleet papyrus like/as eagle to dart upon food
27 Cum dixero: Nequaquam ita loquar: commuto faciem meam, et dolore torqueor.
if to say I to forget complaint my to leave: release face my and be cheerful
28 Verebar omnia opera mea, sciens quod non parceres delinquenti.
to fear all injury my to know for not to clear me
29 Si autem et sic impius sum, quare frustra laboravi?
I be wicked to/for what? this vanity be weary/toil
30 Si lotus fuero quasi aquis nivis, et fulserint velut mundissimae manus meae:
if to wash: wash (in/on/with water *Q(K)*) snow and be clean in/on/with lye palm my
31 Tamen sordibus intinges me, et abominabuntur me vestimenta mea.
then in/on/with pit: grave to dip me and to abhor me garment my
32 Neque enim viro qui similis mei est, respondebo: nec qui mecum in iudicio ex aequo possit audiri.
for not man like me to answer him to come (in): come together in/on/with justice: judgement
33 Non est qui utrumque valeat arguere, et ponere manum suam in ambobus.
not there between us to rebuke to set: put hand his upon two our
34 Auferat a me virgam suam, et pavor eius non me terreat.
to turn aside: remove from upon me tribe: staff his and terror his not to terrify me
35 Loquar, et non timebo eum: neque enim possum metuens respondere.
to speak: speak and not to fear him for not so I with me me