< Job 5 >

1 Voca ergo, si est qui tibi respondeat, et ad aliquem sanctorum convertere.
But call, if any one will listen to you, or if you shall see any of the holy angels.
2 Vere stultum interficit iracundia, et parvulum occidit invidia.
For wrath destroys the foolish one, and envy slays him that has gone astray.
3 Ego vidi stultum firma radice, et maledixi pulchritudini eius statim.
And I have seen foolish ones taking root: but suddenly their habitation was devoured.
4 Longe fient filii eius a salute, et conterentur in porta, et non erit qui eruat.
Let their children be far from safety, and let them be crushed at the doors of vile men, and let there be no deliverer.
5 Cuius messem famelicus comedet, et ipsum rapiet armatus, et bibent sitientes divitias eius.
For what they have collected, the just shall eat; but they shall not be delivered out of calamities: let their strength be utterly exhausted.
6 Nihil in terra sine causa fit, et de humo non oritur dolor.
For labor can’t by any means come out of the earth, nor shall trouble spring out of the mountains:
7 Homo nascitur ad laborem, et avis ad volatum.
yet man is born to labor, and [even so] the vulture's young seek the high places.
8 Quam ob rem ego deprecabor Dominum, et ad Deum ponam eloquium meum:
Nevertheless I will beseech the Lord, and will call upon the Lord, the sovereign of all;
9 Qui facit magna et inscrutabilia et mirabilia absque numero:
who does great things and untraceable, glorious things also, and marvelous, of which there is no number:
10 Qui dat pluviam super faciem terrae, et irrigat aquis universa:
who gives rain upon the earth, sending water on the earth:
11 Qui ponit humiles in sublime, et moerentes erigit sospitate:
who exalts the lowly, and raises up them that are lost:
12 Qui dissipat cogitationes malignorum, ne possint implere manus eorum quod coeperant:
frustrating the counsels of the crafty, and their hands shall not perform the truth:
13 Qui apprehendit sapientes in astutia eorum, et consilium pravorum dissipat:
who takes the wise in their wisdom, and subverts the counsel of the crafty
14 Per diem incurrent tenebras, et quasi in nocte sic palpabunt in meridie.
In the day darkness shall come upon them, and let them grope in the noon-day even as in the night:
15 Porro salvum faciet egenum a gladio oris eorum, et de manu violenti pauperem.
and let them perish in war, and let the weak escape from the hand of the mighty.
16 Et erit egeno spes, iniquitas autem contrahet os suum.
And let the weak have hope, but the mouth of the unjust be stopped.
17 Beatus homo qui corripitur a Deo: increpationem ergo Domini ne reprobes:
But blessed [is] the man whom the Lord has reproved; and reject not you the chastening of the Almighty.
18 Quia ipse vulnerat, et medetur: percutit, et manus eius sanabunt.
for he causes [a man] to be in pain, and restores [him] again: he smites, and his hands heal.
19 In sex tribulationibus liberabit te, et in septima non tangent te malum.
Six time he shall deliver you out of distresses: and in the seventh harm shall not touch you.
20 In fame eruet te de morte, et in bello de manu gladii.
In famine he shall deliver you from death: and in war he shall free you from the power of the sword.
21 A flagello linguae absconderis, et non timebis calamitatem cum venerit.
He shall hide you from the scourge of the tongue: and you shall not be afraid of coming evils.
22 In vastitate, et fame ridebis, et bestias terrae non formidabis.
You shall laugh at the unrighteous and the lawless: and you shall not be afraid of wild beasts.
23 Sed cum lapidibus regionum pactum tuum, et bestiae terrae pacificae erunt tibi.
For the wild beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.
24 Et scies quod pacem habeat tabernaculum tuum, et visitans speciem tuam, non peccabis.
Then shall you know that your house shall be at peace, and the provision for your tabernacle shall not fail.
25 Scies quoque quoniam multiplex erit semen tuum, et progenies tua quasi herba terrae.
And you shall know that your seed [shall be] abundant; and your children shall be like the herbage of the field.
26 Ingredieris in abundantia sepulchrum, sicut infertur acervus tritici in tempore suo.
And you shall come to the grave like ripe corn reaped in its season, or as a heap of the corn-flour collected in proper time.
27 Ecce, hoc, ut investigavimus, ita est: quod auditum, mente pertracta.
Behold, we have thus sought out these matters; these are what we have heard: but do you reflect with yourself, if you have done anything [wrong].

< Job 5 >