< Job 40 >

1 Et adiecit Dominus, et locutus est ad Iob:
Moreouer ye Lord spake vnto Iob, and said,
2 Numquid qui contendit cum Deo, tam facile conquiescit? utique qui arguit Deum, debet respondere ei.
Is this to learne to striue with the Almightie? he that reprooueth God, let him answere to it.
3 Respondens autem Iob Domino, dixit:
Then Iob answered the Lord, saying,
4 Qui leviter locutus sum, respondere quid possum? manum meam ponam super os meum.
Beholde, I am vile: what shall I answere thee? I will lay mine hand vpon my mouth.
5 Unum locutus sum, quod utinam non dixissem: et alterum, quibus ultra non addam.
Once haue I spoken, but I will answere no more, yea twise, but I will proceede no further.
6 Respondens autem Dominus Iob de turbine, dixit:
Againe the Lord answered Iob out of the whirle winde, and said,
7 Accinge sicut vir lumbos tuos: interrogabo te: et indica mihi.
Girde vp now thy loynes like a man: I will demaunde of thee, and declare thou vnto me.
8 Numquid irritum facies iudicium meum: et condemnabis me, ut tu iustificeris?
Wilt thou disanul my iudgement? or wilt thou condemne me, that thou mayst be iustified?
9 Et si habes brachium sicut Deus, et si voce simili tonas?
Or hast thou an arme like God? or doest thou thunder with a voyce like him?
10 Circumda tibi decorem, et in sublime erigere, et esto gloriosus, et speciosis induere vestibus.
Decke thy selfe now with maiestie and excellencie, and aray thy selfe with beautie and glory.
11 Disperge superbos in furore tuo, et respiciens omnem arrogantem humilia.
Cast abroad the indignation of thy wrath, and beholde euery one that is proude, and abase him.
12 Respice cunctos superbos, et confunde eos, et contere impios in loco suo.
Looke on euery one that is arrogant, and bring him lowe: and destroy the wicked in their place.
13 Absconde eos in pulvere simul, et facies eorum demerge in foveam:
Hide them in the dust together, and binde their faces in a secret place.
14 Et ego confitebor quod salvare te possit dextera tua.
Then will I confesse vnto thee also, that thy right hand can saue thee.
15 Ecce, Behemoth, quem feci tecum, foenum quasi bos comedet:
Behold now Behemoth (whom I made with thee) which eateth grasse as an oxe.
16 Fortitudo eius in lumbis eius, et virtus illius in umbilico ventris eius.
Behold now, his strength is in his loynes, and his force is in the nauil of his belly.
17 Stringit caudam suam quasi cedrum, nervi testiculorum eius perplexi sunt.
When hee taketh pleasure, his taile is like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapt together.
18 Ossa eius velut fistulae aeris, cartilago illius quasi laminae ferreae.
His bones are like staues of brasse, and his small bones like staues of yron.
19 Ipse est principium viarum Dei, qui fecit eum, applicabit gladium eius.
He is the chiefe of the wayes of God: he that made him, will make his sworde to approch vnto him.
20 Huic montes herbas ferunt: omnes bestiae agri ludent ibi.
Surely the mountaines bring him foorth grasse, where all the beastes of the fielde play.
21 Sub umbra dormit in secreto calami, et in locis humentibus.
Lyeth hee vnder the trees in the couert of the reede and fennes?
22 Protegunt umbrae umbram eius, circumdabunt eum salices torrentis.
Can the trees couer him with their shadow? or can the willowes of the riuer compasse him about?
23 Ecce, absorbebit fluvium, et non mirabitur: et habet fiduciam quod influat Iordanis in os eius.
Behold, he spoyleth the riuer, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw vp Iorden into his mouth.
24 In oculis eius quasi hamo capiet eum, et in sudibus perforabit nares eius.
Hee taketh it with his eyes, and thrusteth his nose through whatsoeuer meeteth him.

< Job 40 >