< Job 35 >

1 Igitur Eliu haec rursum locutus est:
and to answer Elihu and to say
2 Numquid aequa tibi videtur tua cogitatio, ut diceres: Iustior sum Deo?
this to devise: think to/for justice to say righteousness my from God
3 Dixisti enim: Non tibi placet quod rectum est: vel quid tibi proderit, si ego peccavero?
for to say what? be useful to/for you what? to gain from sin my
4 Itaque ego respondebo sermonibus tuis, et amicis tuis tecum.
I to return: return you speech and [obj] neighbor your with you
5 Suspice caelum et intuere, et contemplare aethera quod altior te sit.
to look heaven and to see: see and to see cloud to exult from you
6 Si peccaveris, quid ei nocebis? et si multiplicatae fuerint iniquitates tuae, quid facies contra eum?
if to sin what? to work in/on/with him and to multiply transgression your what? to make: do to/for him
7 Porro si iuste egeris, quid donabis ei, aut quid de manu tua accipiet?
if to justify what? to give: give to/for him or what? from hand your to take: recieve
8 Homini, qui similis tui est, nocebit impietas tua: et filium hominis adiuvabit iustitia tua.
to/for man like you wickedness your and to/for son: child man righteousness your
9 Propter multitudinem calumniatorum clamabunt: et eiulabunt propter vim brachii tyrannorum.
from abundance oppression to cry out to cry from arm many
10 Et non dixit: Ubi est Deus, qui fecit me, qui dedit carmina in nocte,
and not to say where? god to make me to give: give song in/on/with night
11 Qui docet nos super iumenta terrae, et super volucres caeli erudit nos.
to teach/learn us from animal land: soil and from bird [the] heaven be wise us
12 Ibi clamabunt, et non exaudiet, propter superbiam malorum.
there to cry and not to answer from face: because pride bad: evil
13 Non ergo frustra audiet Deus, et Omnipotens causas singulorum intuebitur.
surely vanity: vain not to hear: hear God and Almighty not to see her
14 Etiam cum dixeris: Non considerat: iudicare coram illo, et expecta eum.
also for to say not to see him judgment to/for face: before his and to twist: anticipate to/for him
15 Nunc enim non infert furorem suum, nec ulciscitur scelus valde.
and now for nothing to reckon: punish face: anger his and not to know in/on/with folly much
16 Ergo Iob frustra aperit os suum, et absque scientia verba multiplicat.
and Job vanity to open lip his in/on/with without knowledge speech to multiply

< Job 35 >